Mosley, John W
Photograph of Founders Day event at the Pyramid Club. Judge Harry S. McDevitt is the speaker. Featured in the image facing the camera are Father John Logan (seated far left), Handy Beckett (second left), Lewis Tanner Moore, Esq. (seated third from left), Walter F. Jerrick, M.D. (seated third from right ), Oscar J. Cooper, M.D. (second from right), and Alton C. Berry (far right). Jerrick, a physician , co-founded the all Black male Pyramid Club in 1937. Its mission was to foster the "cultural, civic, and social advancement of Negroes in Philadelphia.” In 1941 Dr. Jerrick headed the $20,000 drive for the Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons. From the years 1916-1952 in a time known as the Jerrick Years, Dr. Jerrick served as President of the Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.
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Temple UniversityRecord Harvested From
PA DigitalKeywords
- African American Artists
- African American Intellectuals
- African American Men
- African American Social Reformers
- African American Women
- African Americans
- Art
- Art Exhibitions
- Artists
- Jerrick, Walter Fitzgerald
- Pyramid Club (Organization: Philadelphia, Pa)
- Social Reformers
- Women