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Various notes on slavery, emancipation, immediate abolition of slavery, etc. by Amos Augustus Phelps, [ca. 1834-1842]

@ Boston Public Library
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Holograph.Author name from legacy card catalog and context.Title devised by cataloger.Date and place of production from legacy card catalog.Partly stiched together.This item contains various notes on slavery, covering topics such as the existing objections to immediate emancipation, some objects and principles of abolitionism, measures to be taken toward emancipation, and the case of District of Columbia, among others. It also contains a draft of a speech on the treatment of slaves in the South delivered at the annual meeting of the New England Anti-Slavery Society in 1834, and notes about “Gen. Ass. Mass in June in 1841 at Westfield” and about an 1842 meeting at “Westboro.”
Manuscripts Speeches
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Boston Public Library

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Digital Commonwealth