A man with a feather in his hat and a balancing pole walks across a tightrope strung over a waterfall. He's walking toward a soldier and a representation of the Capitol building flying an American flag. Behind him another man holds an axe over the rope. The figure is labeled ""J.D."" Image caption, ""This modern Blondin leaves but one impression Upon the mind of every calm spectator : How easily we circumvent Secession Must now be clearly seen by this arch-traitor."" Charles Blondin (Jean Francois Gravelet) was a French tight-rope walker and acrobat who was well known in the United States, especially for his multiple tight-rope walks over Niagara Falls. Along the edge of the envelope, ""Copyright secured, by Brown & Ryan, 201, 203 and 205 William-street.""
Patriotic Envelope B&Amp;W Ephemera (Images)
Public domain; please credit Union College Civil War Era Patriotic Envelopes