Bates, Daisy Anderson, Marion Randolph, A. Philip Lewis, John
The Educational Radio Network / ERN's coverage of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Sixth of fifteen hours of broadcast: 1:58:30 P.M. - 3 P.M. A. Philip Randolph introduces the program, "Pass the bill" chant, Daisy Bates, Marion Anderson sings, John Lewis, and message from Farmer read, and the Eva Jessye Choir performs.
Sound Recordings
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Digital CommonwealthKeywords
- African Americans
- Christianity
- Civil Rights
- Civil Rights Movement
- Civil Rights Movements
- Discrimination
- Discrimination In Employment
- Farmer, James 1920
- Government
- History
- Imprisonment
- Labor Leaders
- March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom, Washington, D.C. 1963
- Politics And Government
- Race
- Religious Aspects
- Segregation
- United States