Civic magazine
@ City of Savannah Municipal Archives
Savannah (Ga.). Public Information Office
Hosted by Charlesetta Bisard. Segment one: Sophia's Restaurant, 0:00-3:00. Civic Magazine covers the ribbon cutting ceremony for Sophia's Restaurant, a new business that received financial assistance from the Martin Luther King Jr. Revolving Loan Fund, the city of Savannah, and the Small Business Assistance Center. Speaking at the ribbon cutting is Martin Luther King Jr. Revolving Loan Fund Program Manager Charles Blackmon, who presents business owner Sophia Lopez with a certificate on behalf of the mayor. Alderman David Jones is interviewed and talks about the importance of establishing new businesses and his well-wishes to the new restaurant. Segment two: DeRenne Avenue Pump Station open house, 3:00-4:56. Civic Magazine covers an open house for the new Pump Station on DeRenne Avenue to prevent flooding; flood control has been a primary goal of the sitting city council. At the open house, interested and concerned citizens were invited to come and tour the new pump station. A flood control official shows off the station's generators, which allow the pump station to function even in the result of a power outage. Segment three: Georgia flood funds, 4:56-10:54. Civic Magazine covers a press conference at city hall announcing that with the support of U.S. Senator Max Cleland, Savannah is applying to receive excess funds from the 1994 Southwest Georgia Flood Fund to aid in ongoing flood control projects, which had recently been permitted under new regulations from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Speakers at the press conference include Mayor Floyd Adams, Jr., Senator Cleland, and...
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City of Savannah Municipal Archives
Record Harvested From
Digital Library of Georgia