Civic magazine
@ City of Savannah Municipal Archives
Savannah (Ga.). Public Information Office
Hosted by Charlesetta Bisard. Segment one: World Changers youth volunteer project, 0:00-4:44. Civic Magazine reports on a World Changers project in which youth volunteers performed repairs on 28 homes in the Savannah area. Coming from all over the United States, They interview June Tarpley, communications coordinator for World Changers, who says that the organization aims to share the love of Christ and transforming communities by repairing homes and impacting residents. She talks about the work that World Changers do on houses in Savannah and across the county. Project coordinator Clyde Jones talks about the history of World Changers and their partnerships with the city of Savannah, and how youth volunteers are changed by the experience. At a city council meeting, Mayor Floyd Adams, Jr. expresses the city's gratitude to World Changers and proclaims June 29th World Changers Day. Segment two: Grand opening of the Savannah Entrepreneur Center, 4:44-11:47. Civic Magazine covers the grand opening of the Savannah Entrepreneur Center on Waters Avenue, a combined effort between the city of Savannah and Savannah State University's college of business administration. The center will offer courses and technical assistance to new and existing small business owners. Savannah State president Dr. Carlton E. Brown discusses the partnership between the city and the university that made the entrepreneur center possible. Mollie Sparks, Savannah State faculty fellow for the center, speaks about the origins of the center as well as its new proposed facility. Mayor pro tempore Ellis Cook gives his gratitude to everyone who made...
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City of Savannah Municipal Archives
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Digital Library of Georgia