Past/Present/Future Memory, Legislation, and the National Museum of African American History and Culture
@ Smithsonian Archives - History Div
Brooks, LeRonn P African American Museum Project Presidential Commission on the Development of the National Museum of African American History and Culture National African American Museum Project National Museum of African American History and Culture
Smithsonian History BibliographyThe author states that Congressman Dyer is African-America, however, we have found no evidence to support this claim.In this article, LeRonn Brooks discusses the history of legislation behind the establishment of a museum of African American History. Beginning with the first House Resolution in 1916, Brooks outlines the many different ideas for a monument or museum over the years. The movement is re-energized in the 1960's after the Civil Rights movement, but suffers from disagreement among members of the African American community over who should have control of the museum, and whether or not a national museum would be detrimental to the efforts of other black museums and libraries already established in the United States. Finally, Brooks discussed Congressman John Lewis and his incredibly important contributions to the movement to get a museum established, and what the museum stands to represent in the future.Callaloo Vol 38 JournalInstitutional History Division, Smithsonian Institution Archives, 600 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20024-2520,
Number Of Pages : 17; Page Numbers : 711 728
Record Contributed By
Smithsonian Archives - History DivRecord Harvested From
Smithsonian InstitutionKeywords
- African American Museum Project
- African Americans
- Brooks, Le Ronn P
- Civil Rights
- Civil Rights Movements
- Congressional Hearings
- History
- Lewis, John
- Memorials
- National African American Museum Project
- National Museum Of African American History And Culture
- Presidential Commission On The Development Of The National Museum Of African American History And Culture
- Racism
- Slaver
- Slavery