Civic magazine
@ City of Savannah Municipal Archives
Savannah (Ga.). Public Information Office
Hosted by Charlesetta Bisard. Segment one: Political emergence, 0:00-8:08A special edition segment of Civic Magazine for Black History Month opens with a clip of Dr. Martin Luther King's speech "I Have a Dream." Mayor Floyd Adams, Jr., Savannah's first African-American mayor, is interviewed and speaks about how he aims to treat all of Savannah's citizens equally, regardless of how black Savannahians may have been treated in the past, and how racial unity and equality in Savannah has come a long way. Retired Vice President of WTOC News Doug Weathers talks about Bowles Ford's ascension to the city council in 1970 as the city's first black alderman, who was selected by prospective mayoral candidate John Rousakis to run on his mayoral ticket. Savannah State University Professor Dr. Charles Elmore talks about black leaders in Savannah and local black heroes of the city. Segment two: Education, 8:08-16:39. The segment looks back on the Brown v. Board decision of 1954 and the progress that has been made in the following decades in securing equal educational opportunities for black Savannahians. Interviewees for this segment include Chatham Board of Education Deputy Superintendent Dr. Gerri Smith, Retired Vice President of WTOC News Doug Weathers who talks about forced busing campaigns to integrate schools, and Savannah State University Professor Dr. Charles Elmore who speaks about his experience going through school integration as a student. Segment three: Revitalizing Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, 16:39-21:47. The segment focuses on the revitalization projects on Martin Luther King Boulevard, or as...
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City of Savannah Municipal Archives
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Digital Library of Georgia