Rhetoric of Fannie Lou Hamer: Maegan Parker Brooks, May 2010
@ University of Minnesota Libraries
Institute for Advanced Study
Part 4/8 of The Modern Rhetoric Project: Graduate Symposium in Interdisciplinary Rhetorical Studies. The centerpiece of the Graduate Symposium in Interdisciplinary Rhetorical Studies will be the participation of four distinguished visiting scholars. These scholars will be noted for their interdisciplinary work in rhetoric and chosen by graduate students in Writing Studies, Communication Studies and UMD English. These visiting scholars will engage in productive dialogue with rhetoric faculty from Minnesota and with graduate students interested in rhetoric from the three participating graduate programs.Guests include:Carol Berkenkotter (Writing Studies, University of Minnesota) received her Ph.D. in English from the University of Iowa. She studies writing in the biosciences and in medicine, specifically psychiatry. She has written two books, one, Genre Knowledge in Disciplinary Communication : Cognition - Culture - Power (1994), on scientific rhetoric as practiced by academic scientists publishing journal articles. The second book, Patient Tales : Case Histories and the Uses of Narrative in Psychiatry (2008), is on the history of psychiatry as seen through psychiatric texts, specifically institutional case records and psychiatric case histories appearing in medical journals from 1750-2002. Maegan Parker Brooks (Department of Communication Studies, University of Puget Sound), who specializes in the rhetoric of social change, with particular emphases on the roles gender, race, class, and sexuality play in amplifying/silencing voices in the public sphere. Her work has appeared in a variety of journals, including the Quarterly Journal of Speech and Women's Studies in Communication, as well as the Encyclopedia of African American Public Culture. Joshua Gunn...
Educational Events | Http://Vocab.Getty.Edu/Aat/300069086
Brooks, Maegan Parker; Hodgson, Jes
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