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Letter from Warren Johnston to Bobby [Letter 258]

@ C. Elizabeth Boyd '33 Archives at Wilson College


211 Navy #3247 (Mil. Govt) FPO, San Francisco Tuesday 1 May 9 pm Hi Sweetie: You missed a good show tonight. One of the CB outfits brought a band with vocalists, a balancing bicycle act, a Negro dancer who made all the kids laugh with his funny motions (pecking and shuffling) as well as with the breaks to a high pitch in his voice, a magician with a doll-suspended-in-mid-air act, an expert harmonica player, and a trambelline - one of those jumping news that Bud and Bev told us about. The latter came on its own special 16-wheel heavy duty trailer. The crowd was terrific - seemed as though the whole camp must be there, was probably between 8 and 10 thousand. It was the first use to which our new school stage, built specifically for the occasion (but [planned?] for several months) was put-the stage wasn't quite finished, in fact, but everything worked out well. We had been so engrossed in getting the stage ready, in fact, that we completely forgot [pg 2] about procuring a microphone and sound system (whenever we have a movie, those things automatically come with the operator)-and when we woke up to the deficiency at 6:30 I had to hop in a jeep and tear all the way down to the -the CBS 7 or 8 miles away for the equipment. I got back at 7:15 - the show had been scheduled to start at 7; so not much time was lost. The stage,...
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