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Main stages in the populating of the world

@ University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee
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The Geographical Review, vol. XI, no. 1, 1921, plate 1. A. Folk in the Günz Ice Age (about 800,000 B.C.) -- B. Early migrations-Negro races in the Mindel Ice Age (about 600,000 B.C.) -- C. Early migrations of the Mousterians in the Mindel-Riss Interglacial Stage (about 500,000 B.C.) -- D. Early migrations of Iberians and Aurignacians in the Riss-Würm Interglacial Stage (about 250,000 B.C.) -- E. The birth of the Aryans just before the Last Ice (Würm) Age (about 100,000 B.C.) -- F. The rise of the Alpine and early Mongolian folk in the late Azilian Age (about 40,000 B.C.) -- G. Migrations at the dawn of history -- H. Environmental control of the chief civilizations -- I. Classification of the world's chief languages.Color;
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University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee

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Recollection Wisconsin