Quayle, Don
Don Quayle was one of the prime movers behind the Educational Radio Networks broadcast of the March, and says it was a grand success, but also a traumatic experience for him, personally. In 1963, Mr. Quayle was Manager of WGBH-FM in Boston, and one of the founders of the Educational Radio Network. He was interviewed in Bethesda, Maryland on March 8, 2011.
Sound Recordings
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Record Contributed By
WGBHRecord Harvested From
Digital CommonwealthKeywords
- Civil Rights
- Civil Rights Movement
- Demonstrations
- Government
- History
- Law And Legislation
- March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom, Washington, D.C. 1963
- Politics And Government
- Public Radio
- Reminiscing
- Segregation
- United Sates
- United States
- Wgbh (Radio Station : Boston, Mass.)