Civic magazine
@ City of Savannah Municipal Archives
Savannah (Ga.). Public Information Office
Hosted by Margaret Hart-Jackson. Segment one: Drinking Water State Revolving Loan, 0:00-9:50. Civic Magazine covers the acceptance ceremony at Savannah city hall for a grant as part of the Drinking Water Revolving Loan program from the state of Georgia. The money will help finance the expansion of drinking water sources and water purification programs. Speakers at the ceremony include Mayor Floyd Adams, Jr., United States Environmental Protection Agency Regional Administrator John Hankinson, Director of the Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority Paul Burks, Assistant Director of the Georgia Protection Division David Word, Water and Sewer Director Harry Jue, and Finance Director Dick Evans. Segment two: MLK, Jr. Boulevard Facade Improvement Loan, 9:50-17:25. Civic Magazine covers a press conference announcing Savannah's implementation of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard Facade Improvement Loan Program through loans that the city will provide to the Savannah Development and Renewal Authority (SDRA) to improve building facades on Martin Luther King Boulevard. Speakers at the press conference include SDRA Chairman Don Kole, Alderman at Large Pete Liakakis, Rev. Thurmond Tillman of First African Baptist Church, and SDRA Program Director Olivia Garner. Segment three: National Night Out, 17:25-24:44. Civic Magazine covers National Night Out 1997, a citywide event to help Savannah's citizens engage with their city government and with their police department. Several Savannah neighborhoods hold block parties to bring communities together and there are many activities for children. Interviewees at National Night Out include Savannah Police Department (SPD) Sgt. Todd Rhodes, Alderman Courtney Flexon, Alderman Gary Gebhardt, Alderman...
Record Contributed By
City of Savannah Municipal Archives
Record Harvested From
Digital Library of Georgia