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Muhammad Ali, Ellen Roney Hughes, and Carl Scheele in the National Museum of History and Technology

@ Smithsonian Archives - History Div
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Hofmeister, Richard K Scheele, Carl H Hughes, Ellen Roney National Museum of History and Technology (U.S.)


Historic Images of the SmithsonianEllen Roney Hughes began her career at the Smithsonian in 1964 as research assistant in the Main Library at the National Museum of History and Technology (NMNH). Carl Scheele recruited Hughes in 1974 to join the exhibition team for the Nation of Nations exhibit.Carl Scheele began working as a curator at the National Museum of History and Technology (NMHT) in 1959. He was instrumental in creating the Nation of Nations exhibit in 1976.Muhammad Ali and Curators Ellen Roney Hughes and Carl Scheele during Ali's visit to the National Museum of History and Technology, now the National Museum of American History, on March 17, 1976, when he donated a pair of boxing gloves and a robe to the museum for the Nations of Nations exhibition.Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 11-009Institutional History Division, Smithsonian Archives, 600 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20024-2520,
Number Of Images: 1; Color: Black And White; Size: 6w X 4h; Type Of Image: Group Candid; Medium: Negative
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Smithsonian Archives - History Div

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Smithsonian Institution