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Canterbury Music Hall! North-West corner of Fifth and Chestnut Streets: Admission, 10 and 15 cents Grand and monster company Greatest place of amusement in the city. A monster programme by the Canterbury star troupe! In the production of which they will eclipse all previous efforts. Open every night! Alpha-beat-'em. Attraction being charmed, does even folly good. He intends, joyfully, keenly, laughingly, manfully, nimbly, openly, purely, quaintly, richly, successfully to use vigor, waggery, xenophene, yearnings and zaneys whimsicalities, on this great occasion. ... For further particulars see programmes of the day

@ The Library Company of Philadelphia
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Canterbury Music Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)


Robert Gardiner and Harry Enochs, proprietors.; Playbill for Feb. 9, 1863 advertises: Miss Millie Bertha and Johnny Wild are engaged, due notice will be given of their first appearance.; The 1863 Philadelphia directory lists Henry B. Enochs and Robert Gardiner each with a saloon at Fifth and Chestnut Streets.; Members of the company include: Millie Bertha, Billy Boyd, Carrie Carson, Harry Enochs, Mary Newton, Joseph Nosher, John Wild, and Billy Wright.

Record Contributed By

The Library Company of Philadelphia

Record Harvested From

PA Digital