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The Bijou Music Hall, No. 607 Arch Street, next door below the theatre: Harry Enochs, sole lessee P.A. Fitzgerald, stage manager J. Nosher, musical director Three new stars will make their first appearance this evening, and will continue during the week: Miss Victoria Howard, Billy Wright & Sammy Williams Programme for this evening. ... Bijou Minstrels. ... To conclude with the exhilirating negro frace of The black shoemaker. ... Monday eve'g. Nov. 24, re-appearance Mr Tom Vance. Friday evening, Nov. 20, benefit Billy Holmes. A grand matinee every Saturday at 2 o'clock for ladies and children. Admission, Parquet, 15 cents Orchestra chairs, 25 cents Private boxes, $2.00 Single seats, 50 cents Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performance commence quarter-before 8

@ The Library Company of Philadelphia
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Bijou Music Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)


Nov. 20 fell on a Friday in 1863; Nov. 24 in fact fell on a Tuesday; Henry B. Enochs is listed in the Philadelphia directory for 1864 with a music hall at this address.; Other performers include: Billy Boyd, Harry Harrington, Billy Holmes, Lida Levans, Adelaide Miller, and Dave Williams.

Record Contributed By

The Library Company of Philadelphia

Record Harvested From

PA Digital