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Nan Orrock, 15 December 2010.

@ Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies

Orrock, Nan


Senator Nan Orrock was elected by Atlanta voters to the Georgia Senate in 2006, after serving ten terms in the House of Representatives, where she was the first woman elected as House majority Whip. She also served as the Governor's Floor Leader, a committee chair, and a member of the Speaker's Policy Committee. Her Senate District 36 encompasses downtown Atlanta, stretching north to Lenox Square, south to the city limits and west to the MARTA north-south line. Orrock's Senate committee appointments include Higher Education, Urban Affairs, Health and Human Services, Science and Technology, and Agriculture and Consumer Affairs. Her legislative expertise encompasses health policy, women's issues, civil rights and civil liberties, workforce issues, and the environment. She is a founder of both the Georgia Legislative Women's Caucus and the Working Families Caucus, and former chair of the Labor Workforce Standing Committee of the National Caucus of State Legislatures. Her leadership has been recognized by a wide array of organizations. Orrock's engagement on public policy issues dates back to her participation in the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, an experience that has led to a lifetime of activism and shaped her strong commitment to bringing the voices of women and other disenfranchised groups into the public arena. Orrock is the president of Women Legislators' Lobby, a national women legislator network that advocates for federal policies to reduce wasteful military spending and to improve the underfunded services to families, children, the disabled and the elderly. In recognition of her...
Short, Bob, 1932
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Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies

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Digital Library of Georgia