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Leon Higginbotham and Georgie Woods

@ Temple University
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Mosley, John W


Leon Higginbotham was the first African American District Attorney in the City of Philadelphia, and later the first African American to serve on a federal regulatory commission (1962). A year later he was appointed a federal judge in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. In 1977 he was appointed to the U.S. Court of Apeals and remained in the position until 1993, holding stints as Chief Judge (1989-1991) and Senior Judge. Higginbotham was a graduate of Yale Law School. Georgie Woods (1927-2005) was a famous African-American radio disc jockey at WDAS Philadelphia circa 1955. Woods utilized his radio connections to establish a platform for his political activism.

Record Contributed By

Temple University

Record Harvested From

PA Digital