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Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third: Friday evening, December 23d, 1864. Card to the public. Mr. Sanford begs leave to acquaint the unknowing, who are daily asking the question, whether ladies attend his entertainments? at the above place, that he claims to be the first who ever established a place for family resort in this city, viz: at his Twelfth Street Opera House, (which was destroyed by fire, December 21st, 1853;) also at his Eleventh Street Opera House, which, for respectability, did command as many ladies! as any family resort in the world. Now, that he has invested a few thousand dollars in converting the old Olympic (late Varieties) into a respectable place of amusement! he distinctly wishes to impress upon the public that he has a first-class opera house, ... Programme. ... Strange scenes from the stranger ... Handy Andy ... Our ancestors! ... To conclude with a new plantation walkaround ... The holiday pantomime Harlequin, prince and Cinderella! Saturday evening, Dec. 24. Cards of admission, 25 cents Orchestra seats, 50 cts Private boxes, dress circle, $5 Private boxes, family circle, $4 & $3 Office will be open from 9 to 2 o'clock, for the sale of secured seats and boxes, without extra charge. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock. To commence quarter before 8

@ The Library Company of Philadelphia
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Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)


The company includes: F. Basquin, T.R. Deverill, Fulton Myers, H.J. Raynor, J.P. Reese, Eddie Rivers (a.k.a. El Nino Eddie), S.S. Sanford, W. Schaffer, Jake Wallace, and J. Williams.

Record Contributed By

The Library Company of Philadelphia

Record Harvested From

PA Digital