Cultural Influences on Body Size Ideals Among African American Women in the Mississippi Delta
@ University of Mississippi Libraries
Coleman, Lois Marie
Results: One-on-one interviews yielded 25 cognitive maps. The maps contained a total of 169 concepts with 294 connections among them. The lowest number of variables identified on a participants map was 4 and the highest was 11. The lowest number of connections made on a participants map was 4 and the highest was 39. Through qualitative condensing and matrix addition, the 169 concepts were used to create 27 variables with 134 connections. Feedback from focus group participants resulted in the addition of 3 variables and 9 connections.
2019 01 01 T08:00:00 Z
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University of Mississippi LibrariesKeywords
- African American
- African Americans
- Body Image
- Cognitive Mapping
- Exercise Science
- Obesity
- Weight Perception
- Women