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Daniel W. Hollis oral history interview (1)

@ University of South Carolina. Department of Oral History, University Libraries
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Hollis, Daniel W. (interviewee)


This oral history interview with Daniel W. Hollis on February 05, 1987 includes discussion of USC history overview including the university during and after The American Civil War, African-Americans in the university, The Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, USC graduates attending Ivy League schools, university curricula, faculty housing on campus, Forensic Societies, buildings and restoration on campus, integration, USC presidents including: Thornwell, Cooper, Lieber, Smith, Russell, Jones, and Holderman, Governor Benjamin Tillman, university faculty and professors, comments on the evolution of athletics at USC, observations regarding people who have had influence on the finances and progress of USC.
William Savage (Interviewer)
Copyright: University of South Carolina. The transcript and audio are provided for individual research purposes only; for all other uses, including publication, reproduction, and quotation beyond fair use, permission must be obtained in writing from: Department of Oral History, University Libraries, University of South Carolina.
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University of South Carolina. Department of Oral History, University Libraries

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South Carolina Digital Library