Civic magazine
@ City of Savannah Municipal Archives
Savannah (Ga.). Public Information Office
Hosted by Carol Bell. Segment one: National Night Out, 0:00-13:32. Civic Magazine covers the annual National Night Out celebration and initiative, a citywide event to help Savannah's citizens engage with their city government and with their police department. Several Savannah neighborhoods hold block parties to bring communities together and there are many activities for children. Speakers and interviewees at the event include Larry Branson of the Savannah Police Department (SPD), Mayor Susan Weiner, Alderman Ellis Cook, Alderman Clifford Hardwick, several Savannah residents, SPD Volunteer Coordinator Virginia Mobley, SPD Maj. Dan Reynolds, and Alderman David Jones. Segment two: The College Fund/ UNCF 1995 Savannah corporate kick-off, 13:31-17:21. Civic Magazine covers the annual kick-off fundraising event for the the United Negro College Fund, also known as The College Fund or UNCF. City officials and businesspeople are recognized for their giving. Speaking at the event is Mayor Susan Weiner. Segment three: Race Across America, 17:21-. Civic Magazine gets highlights from the finish line of the Race Across America, a grueling transcontinental bike race that begins at the Pacific Ocean and for the last 6 years has had its finish line in Savannah. Rob Kish wins the men's division for a record third time, and speaks about his experience during the race. The women's winner, setting a women's transcontinental record of nine days, four hours, and seventeen minutes, is Seana Hogan from San Jose, California.
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City of Savannah Municipal Archives
Record Harvested From
Digital Library of Georgia