Travers, Mary Stookey, Noel Paul Horne, Lena Robinson, Jack Roosevelt Rustin, Bayard Dylan, Bob Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald) Yarrow, Peter
The Educational Radio Network / ERN's coverage of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom Third of fifteen hours of broadcast: 11 A.M. - 12 AM. Performers include: Bob Dylan, Bayard Rustin, Lena Horne, and Peter Paul & Mary. Segment also includes President Kennedy and Jackie Robinson. Includes President Kennedy Press Conference clips, and the marchers setting off.
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Digital CommonwealthKeywords
- African American Baseball Players
- African American Celebrities
- African Americans
- Alabama
- Birmingham
- Civil Rights
- Civil Rights Demonstrations
- Civil Rights Movement
- Civil Rights Movements
- Demonstrations
- Government
- High School Teachers
- History
- Law And Legislation
- March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom, Washington, D.C. 1963
- Political Activity
- Politics And Government
- Presidents
- Press Conferences
- Roller Skating
- Segregation
- United States