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Molly O'Rigge ; Sit ye awhile and tipple a bit, The delights of wine, Caledonia! Native land!, The warrior bard, Beadle of the parish


Includes 2 woodcuts.First sentence of Beadle of the parish: "I'm a very knowing prig, With my laced coat and wig, Though they say I am surly and bearish, Sure I look a might man, When I flourish my rattan, To fright the little boys, Who in church-time make a noise, Because I'm beadle of the parish."First sentence of The warrior bard: "The Minstrel Boy to the war is gone, in the ranks of death you'll find him, His father's sword he has girded on, And his wild harp slung behind him."First sentence of Caledonia! Native land!: "Native land!"First sentence of The delights of wine: "Let's be merry with jest and song, Time as he swiftly flies, my boys, Will not a second our bliss prolong, But with his scythe mow down our joys; Then seize him by the forelock, Mirth, Pleasure drown him in the bowl-- We'll toast each laughter-loving soul."First sentence of Sit ye awhile and tipple a bit: "We're gaily yet, and we're gaily yet, And we're no yery fou but we're gaily yet, Then sit ye awhile and tipple a bit, For we're no very fou but we're gaily yet."First sentence of Molly O'Rigge: "At Cork lived Miss Molly O'Rigge, With a nose like the snout of a pig, Long carroty locks, And ten pounds in the stocks, Was the fortune of Molly O'Rigge, What a beautiful Molly O'Rigge."Songs without music.Cover title.
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