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Archibald Killian interviewed by Alexander Stephens, 23 July 2014.

@ Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies


Killian discusses his decision to return to Athens after serving in the military and living in California. He talks about opening a restaurant on Broad Street in Athens, Killian's Four Seasons, with his brother, Alfred. He comments on the desegregation of the University of Georgia and explains his decision to bring Hamilton Holmes, one of the first two African American students admitted to UGA, into his home in spite of threats of violence from the Ku Klux Klan. He comments on differences between nonviolence and self defense and talks about the Athens sit-ins movement to force the integration of local businesses. He discusses local African-American business districts, including Hot Corner and Calloway Corner. Killian talks about his decision to become one of the first two African Americans to join the Athens police department. He discusses his time with the police force and the challenges he encountered, as well as his frustrations with the way police work has evolved. He describes how he made the decision to leave the police department and join the postal service. He discusses economic development in Athens and the ways in which neighborhoods have changed over time. Killian comments on his relationship with Reverend Hudson of Ebenezer Baptist Church, West, who helped lead civil rights demonstrations in Athens. He talks about his multiracial ancestry and his determination to challenge white leaders when he believed they were wrong. He discusses the role of white leaders in implementing progressive changes, often out of public view. He explains his...
Stephens, Alexander Maxwell, 1988
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Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies

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Digital Library of Georgia