Robinson--Freedom School materials (Jo Ann Ooiman Robinson papers, 1960-1966; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 191, Box 1, Folder 6)
@ Wisconsin Historical Society
115-page document entitled "Brief History of the American Negro from the Colonial Era to the Present" by Gordon B. Dodds; "Case Study on the Civil Rights Bill"; "Brief Memorandum on Federal Civil Rights Authority" (SNCC)
Periodicals Reports And Surveys Statistics Press Releases
Copyright to these documents belongs to the individuals who created them or the organizations for which they worked. The principal organizations have been defunct for many years and copyright to their unpublished records is uncertain. We share them here strictly for non-profit educational purposes. We have attempted to contact individuals who created personal papers of significant length or importance. Nearly all have generously permitted us to include their work. If you believe that you possess copyright to material included here, please contact us at Under the fair use provisions of the U.S. copyright law, teachers and students are free to reproduce any document for nonprofit classroom use. Commercial use of copyright-protected material is generally prohibited.
Record Contributed By
Wisconsin Historical SocietyRecord Harvested From
Recollection WisconsinKeywords
- Adams, John Quincy
- Africa
- African Americans
- Agriculture
- Allen, Richard, 1760 1831
- Anderson, Elijah
- Anderson, Marian
- Armstrong, Louis, 1901 1971
- Armstrong, S. C. (Samuel Chapman), 1839 1893
- Arson
- Assault And Battery
- Attucks, Crispus, 1770
- Baldwin, James W. (James Wesley), 1907 1988
- Banneker, Benjamin, 1731 1806
- Bannister, Edward Mitchell, 1828 1901
- Barnett, Etta Moten
- Bearden, Romare, 1911 1988
- Belafonte, Harry, 1927
- Bell, James Madison, 1826 1902
- Benezet, Anthony, 1713 1784
- Bethune, Mary Mc Leod
- Birney, James Gillespie, 1792 1857
- Black Muslims
- Blair, Henry W. (Henry William), 1834 1920
- Bolin, Jane Matilda
- Brawley, Benjamin Griffith, 1882 1939
- Brooks, Gwendolyn
- Brown, James
- Brown, Jim, 1936
- Brown, Sterling
- Brown, William Wells, 1814? 1884
- Bruce, Blanche K
- Buchanan, James, 1791 1868
- Bunche, Ralph J. (Ralph Johnson), 1904 1971
- Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 1782 1850
- Carroll, Charles, 1737 1832
- Carver, George Washington
- Chamberlain, Wilt, 1936 1999
- Chestnutt, Charles W
- Civil Rights
- Civil Rights Demonstrations
- Clay, Henry, 1777 1852
- Clergy
- Communism
- Congress Of Racial Equality
- Coolidge, Calvin, 1872 1933
- Cornish, Samuel E. (Samuel Eli), 1795? 1858
- Cortor, Eldzier, 1916
- Cox, W. Harold (William Harold), 1901
- Crichlow, Ernest, 1914 2005
- Cromwell, Oliver, 1599 1658
- Cuba
- Cullen, Countee, 1903 1946
- Davis, Benjamin O., 1880 1970
- Davis, Frank
- Davis, Ossie
- Dawson, William L. (William Levi), 1899 1990
- De Priest, Oscar, 1871 1951
- Dixon, Dean, 1915 1976
- Dodds, Gordon B
- Dodson, Owen, 1914 1983
- Douglass, Frederick, 1818 1895
- Drew, Charles, 1904 1950
- Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868 1963
- Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872 1906
- Dunbar, Rudolph
- Dyer, Leonidas Carstarphen, 1871 1957
- Education
- Elections
- Elijah Muhammad, 1897 1975
- Ellington, Duke, 1899 1974
- Ellison, Ralph
- Fauset, Crystal Bird
- Fauset, Jessie Redmon
- Finney, Charles Grandison
- Franklin, John Hope
- Frazier, Franklin
- Freedom Rides
- Gale, George Washington, 1789 1861
- Gannett, Deborah Sampson, 1760 1827
- Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805 1879
- Garvey, Marcus, 1887 1940
- Gibson, Althea, 1927 2003
- Giddings, Joshua R. (Joshua Reed), 1795 1864
- Greeley, Horace, 1811 1872
- Guam
- Hamer, Fannie Lou
- Hammon, Jupiter, 1711 Approximately 1800
- Hampton, Wade, 1818 1902
- Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865 1923
- Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825 1911
- Hastie, William, 1904 1976
- Hayden, Robert
- Hayes, Roland, 1887 1977
- Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, 1822 1893
- Higgs, William
- History
- Hoover, Herbert
- Horne, Lena
- Horton, George Moses, 1798? Approximately 1880
- Housing
- Hughes, Langston, 1902 1967
- Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978
- Indians Of North America
- Intimidation
- Jackson, Andrew, 1767 1845
- Jefferson, Thomas, 1743 1826
- Johnson, Andrew, 1808 1875
- Johnson, James Weldon
- Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973
- Johnson, Sargent, 1888 1967
- Jones, Lois Mailou
- Joseph, Ronald
- Julian, George Washington, 1817 1899
- Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968
- Ku Klux Klan
- Labor Unions
- Lamar, L. Q. C
- Lane, Lunsford, 1803 Approximately 1863
- Larsen, Nella
- Lawson, Warner, 1903 1971
- Leadership
- Lee, Ulysses
- Lewis, Edmonia
- Lewis, John L. (John Llewellyn), 1880 1969
- Lewis, Norman, 1909 1979
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809 1865
- Literacy Tests (Election Law)
- Locke, Alaine
- Logan, Rayford Whittingham, 1897 1982
- Lundy, Benjamin, 1789 1839
- Lynching
- Lynd, Theron C
- Marshall, Thurgood, 1908 1993
- Mason, John
- Mass Media
- Mays, Willie, 1931
- Mc Kay, Claude, 1890 1948
- Mc Wright, Bruce
- Mexico
- Migration, Internal
- Mississippi Freedom Schools
- Mitchell, Arthur, 1934
- Mize, Sidney C. (Sidney Carr), 1888 1965
- Motley, Willard, 1909 1965
- National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People
- National Urban League
- Nell, William C. (William Cooper), 1816 1874
- Nonviolence
- Oglethorpe, James, 1696 1785
- Otis, James, 1725 1783
- Ovington, Mary White, 1865 1951
- Parker, John Johnston, 1885 1958
- Parks, Rosa, 1913 2005
- Peabody, George, 1795 1869
- Penn, William, 1644 1718
- Pennington, James W. C
- Peterson, Louis, 1922
- Petry, Ann, 1908 1997
- Pierce, Franklin, 1804 1869
- Pinkney, William, 1764 1822
- Police Brutality
- Poll Tax
- Ponder, Annell
- Porter, James A. (James Amos), 1905 1970
- Poston, Ted
- Powell, Adam Clayton, 1908 1972
- Prosser, Gabriel, Approximately 1775 1800
- Puerto Rico
- Quarles, Benjamin
- Race Riots
- Randolph, A. Philip (Asa Philip), 1889 1979
- Religion
- Revels, Hiram
- Rice, David, 1733 1816
- Robeson, Paul, 1898 1976
- Robinson, Bill
- Robinson, Jackie
- Rockefeller, John D. (John Davison), 1839 1937
- Rolfe, John, 1585 1622
- Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884 1962
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882 1945
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858 1919
- Rowan, Carl T. (Carl Thomas), 1925 2000
- Rudolph, Wilma, 1940
- Rush, Christopher, 1777 1873
- Russwurm, John Brown, 1799 1851
- Salem, Peter, 1750 1816
- Sandiford, Ralph, 1693 1733
- Say, Benjamin, 1755 1813
- Scott, Dred, 1809 1858
- Scott, Hazel
- Scott, Nathan
- Seebree, Charles
- Segregation
- Sharecroppers
- Simpson, Euvester
- Slater, John Fox, 1815 1884
- Slaver
- Slavery
- Smith, Alfred Emanuel, 1873 1944
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference
- Stevens, Thaddeus, 1792 1868
- Still, William Grant, 1895 1978
- Story, Moorfield
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811 1896
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.)
- Sumner, Charles, 1811 1874
- Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857 1930
- Tanner, Henry Ossawa, 1859 1937
- Tappan, Arthur, 1786 1865
- Tappan, Lewis, 1788 1873
- Tolson, Melvin Beaunorus
- Toomer, Jean, 1894 1967
- Trotter, Monroe
- Truman, Harry S., 1884 1972
- Truth, Sojourner, 1883
- Tubman, Harriet, 1820? 1913
- Turner, Nat, 1800? 1831
- Tyler, John, 1790 1862
- Unemployment
- United Nations
- United States
- United States Commission On Civil Rights
- United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1957
- United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1960
- United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964
- United States. Department Of Justice
- United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation
- Van Warrick, Meta
- Varick, James, Approximately 1750 1827
- Vesey, Denmark, Approximately 1767 1822
- Veterans
- Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1872 1949
- Voter Registration
- Wages
- Walker, David
- Walker, Margaret L
- Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998
- Walling, William English, 1877 1936
- Warren, Earl, 1891 1974
- Washington, Booker T., 1856 1915
- Washington, Bushrod, 1762 1829
- Washington, George, 1732 1799
- Watson, Tom
- Wayne, Anthony, 1745 1796
- Weaver, Robert C. (Robert Clifton), 1907 1997
- Webster, Daniel, 1782 1852
- Weld, Theodore Dwight, 1803 1895
- Wharton, Vernon Lane, 1907
- Wheatley, Phillis, 1753 1784
- Whipple, Prince
- White, Walter
- Whitman, Albery Allson, 1851 1901
- Whitney, Eli, 1765 1825
- Williams, George Wharton
- Williams, Peter, 1749 1823
- Wilmot, David,1814 1868
- Wilson, Woodrow, 1856 1924
- Woolman, John, 1720 1772
- Work, John W. (John Wesley), 1901 1967
- Wright, Richard, 1908 1960
- Wright, Theodore S. (Theodore Sedgwick), 1797 1847
- Yerby, Frank,1916 1991
- Young, Whitney