Dimensions of Blackness: Racial Identity and Political Beliefs
@ University of Mississippi Libraries
Sullivan, Jas M. Winburn, Jonathan Cross, William E., Jr.
A multidimensional perspective captures the complexities of African American racial identity. While the dynamics of racial oppression limit the range of attitudes blacks may construct and hold, their basic humanity introduces additional attitudinal variance that is nearly boundless. Rather than claim it is possible to conceptualize and measure every iteration of blackness, modern social theorists such as Robert Sellers and William Cross Jr. contend that one should systematically sample the unmanageable range of different identity frames found among blacks. In Dimensions of Blackness, the authors suggest there is no single, solitary way to express black racial identity. They move away from blackness as binary and instead reveal what happens when black racial identity is conceptualized with difference of opinion. Using a multidimensional perspective this book explores whether black racial identity differences among blacks influence political attitudes and behavior. https://egrove.olemiss.edu/libarts_book/1064/thumbnail.jpg
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