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Campus high school urban renewal plan, Amendments

@ Boston Public Library

Boston Redevelopment Authority

Description urban renewal plan for a section of Boston's Roxbury neighborhood; includes the following: boundary description, goals and objectives, proposed renewal actions, property acquired or to be acquired, relocation of families, individuals and businesses, land use and building requirements, developer's obligations, rehabilitation (health and safety objectives, rehabilitation standards, urban design, etc.), zoning changes, relation of plan to local objectives, anti-discrimination provisions and modification and termination; the 1970 edition includes a chronology of actions taken re the plan, a speech by Msgr. Francis J. Lally, Chairman of the BRA, given at a public hearing explaining the early land taking program and setting forth the rules for citizen participation during the hearing, a fact sheet that includes land area measurement in acres, a list of the 8 reuse proposals (Campus High School, affordable housing, an elementary school, parks and open space, private institutions, rehabilitation, streets and Inner Belt and Southwest Expressway and public transportation), cost data, a 12p. summary of the plan and two maps; the 1972 revised edition does not contain the above mentioned material; also kept on this number are 1971 through 1986 amendments to this plan to which a 1989 amendment has been added; copies of these items were in the BRA collection..
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