Melodeon 421 Callowhill Street: W. Butler, sole proprietor Mons. La Thorne, stage manager Will open for the season, on Wednesday evening, April 30, 1862. With the largest and most versatile company ever combined within the walls of any theatre in the world. Four companies combined in one: ballet, pantomime, opera and burlesque Look at the array of talent! A.M. Hernandez, the wonderful gymnast and pantomimist. Kathleen O'Neel, the celebrated serio-comic Irish vocalist. Sallie J. Bishop, the accomplished danseuse and actress. Charley Gardner, the original "Hop-Light-Loo." Millie Flora, the talented young danseuse and burlesque actress. Harry Leslie, burlesque dancer, pantomimist and versatile performer. J.C. Clark, the accomplished banjoist. Denny Gallagher, the favorite Ethiopian comedian. Paul Berger, Ethiopian delineator and pantomimist. Billy Drew, negro dancer and burlesque performer. Mons Paul Brillant the most accomplished ballet master in the world, and his great ballet troupe: Kate Francis, Ellen Collene, Mary Wesner, Kate Harrison, M'lle Theodore, Maria Wells, Maggie Marshall, Sallie Wesner and a host of others too numerous to mention, comprising a troupe of nearly 100 performers!
@ The Library Company of Philadelphia