In the summer of 1961, the Freedom Riders, a group of mostly young people, both black and white, including Helen O'Neal McCray, risked their lives to challenge the system of segregation in interstate travel in the South.The University of Mississippi's Freedom riders oral history project includes interviews recorded in conjunction with the 40th anniversary of that summer.Record Contributed By
University of MississippiRecord Harvested From
Digital Library of GeorgiaKeywords
- African American Catholics
- African American Civil Rights Workers
- African American Teachers
- African Americans
- Arrest
- Boynton, Bruce
- Bus Travel
- Catholics
- Civil Rights
- Civil Rights Demonstrations
- Civil Rights Movements
- Civil Rights Workers
- College Students
- Congress Of Racial Equality
- Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.)
- Freedom Rides, 1961
- History
- Imprisonment
- Interviews
- Intimidation
- Jackson
- Jackson State College
- Mississippi
- Mississippi Freedom Project
- Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission
- O'neal, Helen Jean, 1941
- Political Activity
- Prisoners
- Race Relations
- Reunions
- Southern Governors' Conference
- Southern States
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.)
- Students
- Teachers
- Threats
- Trials, Litigation, Etc
- United States
- Universities
- University Of Mississippi
- Violence
- Virginia
- Women
- Women Prisoners
- Youth