Cady, Charles
The Charles Cady letters were written during his service in the Civil War. Included are the letters he wrote to his parents, brother, and sister living at home in Danville, Des Moines County, Iowa. He discussed army life, talked of casualties and illnesses in the regiment, and deplored Copperhead politics. Partial transcripts. Contact the Special Collections Dept. at The University of Iowa Libraries:
University of Iowa. Libraries. Special Collections Dept. (host institution)
Material in the public domain. No restrictions on use.
- Berries
- Blacksmiths
- Blockades
- Cady, Charles Cady, Ebenezer Sanders, Meredith Dolittle, Albert Columbus Hall, Bill Davis, Ben Brown, Alexander Pierce, J. W. Bonner, Frank Davis, John Crocker, Marcellus Monroe, 1830 1865 Hunter, Dave Foster, Recllus
- Campaigns & Battles
- Carts & Wagons
- Civil War
- Civil War, 1861 1865
- Copperhead Movement
- Corinth, Battle Of, Corinth, Miss., 1862
- Digging
- Farmers
- Farming
- Farms
- Forts & Fortifications
- Guards
- Harvesting
- History
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- Patriotism
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- Political Elections
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- Prisoners Of War
- Recruiting & Enlistment
- Religious Services
- Revenge
- Rivers
- Sawmills
- Shooting
- Sick Persons
- Siege, 1863
- Slaver
- Slaves
- Soldiers
- Stables
- Tents
- United States
- United States. Army. Iowa Infantry Regiment, 15th (1861 1865). Company E United States. Army. Crocker's Brigade Burlington Hawk Eye
- Vicksburg (Miss.)
- Voting
- War Casualties