Oral history interview with Mel Swann by William Link
@ University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Swann, Melvin
In this transcript of a September 21, 1988, oral history interview conducted by William Link with Mel Swan, Swann discusses his early education abroad and at St. Emma Military Academy, and his career as a teacher, coach, and principal at J. C. Price Junior High School. The interview's primary topic is Swann's efforts in relation to the 1971 integration of Greensboro schools and his role as director of student affairs. Other topics include a comparison of race relations and education locally, as well as the progress of school integration since 1971.
Link, William
Martha Blakeney Hodges Special Collections and University Archives, UNCG University LibrariesIN COPYRIGHT. This item is subject to copyright. Contact the contributing institution for permission to reuse.