Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind: Analyzing Inhumane Practices In Mississippis Correctional Institutions Due To Overcrowding, Understaffing, And Diminished Funding
@ University of Mississippi Libraries
Williams, Ariel A
The purpose of this research is to examine the political, social, and economic factors which have led to inhumane conditions in Mississippis correctional facilities. Several methods were employed, including a comparison of the historical and current methods of funding, staffing, and rehabilitating prisoners based on literature reviews. State-sponsored reports from various departments and the legislature were analyzed to provide insight into budgetary restrictions and political will to allocate funds. Statistical surveys and data were reviewed to determine how overcrowding and understaffing negatively affect administrative capacity and prisoners mental and physical well-being. Ultimately, it may be concluded that Mississippi has high inmate populations which are disproportionate to that of staff. This conflicting reality is a result of improper funding by the Mississippi legislature, failure of legislators to prioritize the issue of correctional reform on the agenda, and general disinterest from the public. Several recommendations are made in the final chapter to address why the legislature should increase funding and how the funds should be used when obtained to improve the incarcerated populations quality of life and prepare them for, if eligible, a smooth transition back into society.
2021 05 02 T07:00:00 Z
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University of Mississippi LibrariesKeywords
- Administrative Law
- African American Studies
- African Americans
- Agriculture Law
- Civil Procedure
- Civil Rights
- Civil Rights And Discrimination
- Constitutional Law
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- Criminal Law
- Criminal Procedure
- Discrimination
- Food And Drug Law
- Fourteenth Amendment
- Funding
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- Incarceration
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- Mississippi
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