Civic magazine
@ City of Savannah Municipal Archives
Savannah (Ga.). Public Information Office
Hosted by Charlesetta Bisard. Segment one: Back to school, 0:00-10:55. Mayor Floyd Adams, Jr. speaks to children at Esther F. Garrison Elementary School during Black History Month. Adams, who is introduced by a student, talks about respecting each other's heritage and the importance of being familiar with one's history. He emphasizes the need to learn about local black historical figures in addition to national ones. Segment two: Springfield Canal Pump, 10:55-22:05. Civic Magazine covers the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Springfield Canal Pump Station, a flood prevention effort from the city. Speakers at the ribbon cutting include Mayor Floyd Adams, Jr., City Manager Michael Brown, Facilities Maintenance Director Billy Jones, Alderman Clifton Jones, Jr., Alderman David Jones, Alderman at Large Pete Liakakis, and Alderman at Large Gary Gebhardt. Segment three: SeaCoast, 22:05-25:52. Civic Magazine covers the grand opening of the SeaCoast Workforce facility, which will offer a variety of programs in job training and job placement skills to help Savannahians secure quality jobs. Mayor Floyd Adams, Jr. speaks at the ribbon cutting and thanks all of the city officials and community members who made the facility possible.
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City of Savannah Municipal Archives
Record Harvested From
Digital Library of Georgia