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Newspaper clipping "Address of Rev. Dr. Post at Washington University," circa 1860s

@ Missouri State Library through Missouri Digital Heritage

Harrison Gleim


Describes Dr. Post's address on the question of "National Regeneration."ADDRESS OF REV. DR. POST AT WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY. The address of Dr. Post, on the question of 'National Regeneration," delivered in Washington University a few weeks since, was an effort of great intellectual power. It should be given to the public in some more substantial form than through the newspaper columns. A gifted pen pays the following tribute, to this very able paper: This address was an extraordinary production. It was at once logical and poetic, brilliant and profound. With ornament of classic allusion and learned illustration, with opulence of Miltonic phrase and imagry, with bredth of philosophic thought and justness of historic analysis, the speaker discussed the question of "National Regeneration," traced the essential features of past civilizations, and developed the principles which alone can secure the renovation and perpetuity of our Republic.— The repressive theocracy of the ancient Orient, the superstitious tyranny of a government which combined both spiritual and temporal functions in medieval Italy, and the atheistic insurrection against civil and divine authority in modern France and Germany were treated with exhaustive ability. From this analysis of etheric life were evoked the principles which shape the destinies of nations. Despotism cannot be permanent. An immortal hatred of oppression, implanted in the human soul, will ultimately rise in protest and revolt against it. Anarchy cannot be enduring. It soon destroys its own creators, and forces society into a stable form of government. The union of Church and State is...
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