Includes notes from Three Negro Preachers by Herbert Morrison, an autobiography of Rev. J.D. Davis, and The Attitude of Negro Pastors in Chicago Toward Christian Education by David Rice Hedgley; includes transcripts of newspaper articles from the Inter Ocean and Chicago Daily News.Record Contributed By
Chicago Public LibraryRecord Harvested From
Illinois Digital Heritage HubKeywords
- African American Churches
- African American Clergy
- African American Women Clergy
- African Americans
- African Methodist Episcopal Church
- All Nation's Pentecostal Church (Chicago, Ill.)
- Anecdotes
- Arnold, Adelia
- Arnold, I. R. B
- Augusta
- Augusta (Ga.)
- Biography
- Chicago
- Christian Education
- Clergy
- Congresses
- Davis, J. D., Reverend
- Death And Burial
- Discrimination
- Discrimination In Public Accommodations
- Divorce
- Economic Conditions
- Education
- Evans, Joseph M
- Georgia
- Good Shepherd Congregational Church (Chicago, Ill.)
- Griffin, J. L., Reverend
- Illinois
- Illinois History & Culture
- Interviews
- Kingsley, Harold Merrybright
- Metropolitan Community Church (Chicago, Ill.)
- Migration, Internal
- Moody, Dwight Lyman, 1837 1899
- Newspapers
- Oral History
- Race Relations
- Religion
- Religion And Social Status
- Smith, Amanda, 1837 1915
- Smith, Lucy, 1875 1952
- Social Conditions
- Stimson, R. B
- United States
- Webb, James Morris
- Williams, Lacey Kirk, 1871 1941
- Women