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Parson Brownlow.

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Portrait of William Gannaway Brownlow in front of the Union flag. The words Knoxville, April 22, 1861. / Gen. Gideon J. Pillow. - I have just received your message, through Mr. Sale, requesting me to serve as chaplain to your brigade in the Southern Army: and in the spirit of kindness in which this request is made, but in all candor, I return for an answer, that when I shall have made up my mind to go to hell, I will cut my throat and go direct, and not travel round by way of the Southern Confederacy. I am, very respectfully andc., W. G. Brownlow.\ appear to the right of the image. The words \Published by Jas. Gates, Cincinnati\ appear to the left of the image. Brownlow was pro-slavery, anti-seccesionist leader in eastern Tennessee. He later became governor of and, later still, senator from Tennessee during the Reconstruction era.\Illustrated Civil War envelopes with patriotic symbols, slogans and cartoons, mostly Northern, including a few Southern ones.
Patriotic Envelopes60771 Bytes Ephemera
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