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Theodore Roosevelt Island, Potomac River, Washington, District of Columbia, DC

@ Library of Congress
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Historic American Landscapes Survey


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Documentation Compiled After 2000
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Library of Congress


  1. African Americans
  2. Agricultural Exhibits
  3. Agricultural Facilities
  4. Agriculture
  5. AlléEs
  6. Archaeology
  7. Architects
  8. Architectural Elements
  9. Architectural Photographs
  10. As Built Drawings (Photocopies)
  11. Ash Trees
  12. Associations
  13. Barracks
  14. Bas Reliefs
  15. Basins
  16. Beds (Site Elements)
  17. Benches
  18. Biennials
  19. Birches
  20. Botany
  21. Boxwood Gardens
  22. Bronze
  23. Bronzework
  24. Buildings Distinguished By Topographical Location
  25. Canopy Trees
  26. Causeways
  27. Cedar
  28. Cedar Trees
  29. Charity
  30. Cherry Trees
  31. Chronologies
  32. Civil War
  33. Civilian Conservation Corps
  34. Clubhouses
  35. Clubs (Associations)
  36. Communal Living
  37. Conjectural Works
  38. Conjectural Works (Photocopies)
  39. Contract Drawings
  40. Country Houses
  41. Curvilinear Paths
  42. Deciduous Trees
  43. Deer
  44. Design Drawings
  45. Discrimination
  46. Displacement
  47. Dogwood
  48. Ecology
  49. Elevations
  50. Emblems
  51. Epidemics
  52. Estates
  53. Evergreens
  54. Explosions
  55. Explosives
  56. Express Highways
  57. Families
  58. Ferns
  59. Figures (Representations)
  60. Floor Plans
  61. Footpaths
  62. Forestry
  63. Forests
  64. Formal Gardens
  65. Fountains
  66. Friends Meeting Houses
  67. Gambling
  68. Gardeners
  69. Gardens
  70. Grandstands
  71. Granite
  72. Grasses (Plants)
  73. Grounds
  74. Hemlock Trees
  75. Herbaceous Plants
  76. Hickory
  77. Historic Buildings
  78. Historic Sites
  79. Horticulture
  80. Hospitals
  81. Landings (Marine Structures)
  82. Landscape Architects
  83. Landscape Architecture Drawings
  84. Landscape Paintings
  85. Landscapes
  86. Landscaping Plans
  87. Landscaping Plans (Photocopies)
  88. Lawns
  89. Leisure
  90. Linden Trees
  91. Livestock
  92. Location Maps (Photocopies)
  93. Locust Trees
  94. Magnolia Trees
  95. Mansions
  96. Maples
  97. Maps
  98. Maps (Photocopies)
  99. Marks (Symbols)
  100. Measured Drawings
  101. Memorial Landscapes
  102. Memorials
  103. Military Depots
  104. Military Facilities
  105. Military Organizations
  106. Military Training
  107. Mulberry Trees
  108. National Forest Service
  109. National Parks & Reserves
  110. Native Plantings
  111. Natural Phenomena
  112. Naturalistic Landscape Architecture
  113. Nature
  114. New Deal
  115. Nonwoody Plants
  116. Oak Trees
  117. Open Spaces & Site Elements
  118. Orchards
  119. Panoramic Views
  120. Paths
  121. Paving Brick
  122. Peach Orchards
  123. Peach Trees
  124. Pedestrian Bridges
  125. Pedestrian Facilities
  126. Persimmon Trees
  127. Photographs
  128. Photographs (Photocopies)
  129. Picnic Grounds
  130. Pines
  131. Plans (Photocopies)
  132. Plant Material Lists
  133. Plantations
  134. Planting Drawings
  135. Plants
  136. Plazas
  137. Poplars
  138. Presidents & The Congress
  139. Prints (Photocopies)
  140. Rabbits
  141. Race Discrimination
  142. Race Relations
  143. Racism
  144. Religious Groups
  145. Relocation Camps
  146. Resorts
  147. Restoration (Process)
  148. Rivers
  149. Schematic Drawings
  150. Schools
  151. Sculpture
  152. Service Roads
  153. Sheep
  154. Shores (Landforms)
  155. Shrubs
  156. Sites
  157. Slave Quarters
  158. Slaver
  159. Slavery
  160. Sports
  161. Stonework (Granite)
  162. Story
  163. Sunday Schools
  164. Symmetry
  165. Temporary Structures
  166. Tenant Farming
  167. Torpedoes
  168. Trails & Paths
  169. Trees
  170. Understory Trees
  171. Vegetable Gardens
  172. Vehicular Bridges
  174. Villages
  175. Vistas
  176. Walnut Trees
  177. War (Civil War)
  178. War (Spanish American War)
  179. Water Features
  180. Watercolors (Photocopies)
  181. Weeping Willows
  182. Wilderness
  183. Woodlands
  184. Woods
  185. Woody Plants
  186. Work Camps