Theodore Roosevelt Island, Potomac River, Washington, District of Columbia, DC
@ Library of Congress
Historic American Landscapes Survey
Documentation Compiled After 2000
Record Contributed By
Library of CongressKeywords
- African Americans
- Agricultural Exhibits
- Agricultural Facilities
- Agriculture
- AlléEs
- Archaeology
- Architects
- Architectural Elements
- Architectural Photographs
- As Built Drawings (Photocopies)
- Ash Trees
- Associations
- Barracks
- Bas Reliefs
- Basins
- Beds (Site Elements)
- Benches
- Biennials
- Birches
- Botany
- Boxwood Gardens
- Bronze
- Bronzework
- Buildings Distinguished By Topographical Location
- Canopy Trees
- Causeways
- Cedar
- Cedar Trees
- Charity
- Cherry Trees
- Chronologies
- Civil War
- Civilian Conservation Corps
- Clubhouses
- Clubs (Associations)
- Communal Living
- Conjectural Works
- Conjectural Works (Photocopies)
- Contract Drawings
- Country Houses
- Curvilinear Paths
- Deciduous Trees
- Deer
- Design Drawings
- Discrimination
- Displacement
- Dogwood
- Ecology
- Elevations
- Emblems
- Epidemics
- Estates
- Evergreens
- Explosions
- Explosives
- Express Highways
- Families
- Ferns
- Figures (Representations)
- Floor Plans
- Footpaths
- Forestry
- Forests
- Formal Gardens
- Fountains
- Friends Meeting Houses
- Gambling
- Gardeners
- Gardens
- Grandstands
- Granite
- Grasses (Plants)
- Grounds
- Hemlock Trees
- Herbaceous Plants
- Hickory
- Historic Buildings
- Historic Sites
- Horticulture
- Hospitals
- Landings (Marine Structures)
- Landscape Architects
- Landscape Architecture Drawings
- Landscape Paintings
- Landscapes
- Landscaping Plans
- Landscaping Plans (Photocopies)
- Lawns
- Leisure
- Linden Trees
- Livestock
- Location Maps (Photocopies)
- Locust Trees
- Magnolia Trees
- Mansions
- Maples
- Maps
- Maps (Photocopies)
- Marks (Symbols)
- Measured Drawings
- Memorial Landscapes
- Memorials
- Military Depots
- Military Facilities
- Military Organizations
- Military Training
- Mulberry Trees
- National Forest Service
- National Parks & Reserves
- Native Plantings
- Natural Phenomena
- Naturalistic Landscape Architecture
- Nature
- New Deal
- Nonwoody Plants
- Oak Trees
- Open Spaces & Site Elements
- Orchards
- Panoramic Views
- Paths
- Paving Brick
- Peach Orchards
- Peach Trees
- Pedestrian Bridges
- Pedestrian Facilities
- Persimmon Trees
- Photographs
- Photographs (Photocopies)
- Picnic Grounds
- Pines
- Plans (Photocopies)
- Plant Material Lists
- Plantations
- Planting Drawings
- Plants
- Plazas
- Poplars
- Presidents & The Congress
- Prints (Photocopies)
- Rabbits
- Race Discrimination
- Race Relations
- Racism
- Religious Groups
- Relocation Camps
- Resorts
- Restoration (Process)
- Rivers
- Schematic Drawings
- Schools
- Sculpture
- Service Roads
- Sheep
- Shores (Landforms)
- Shrubs
- Sites
- Slave Quarters
- Slaver
- Slavery
- Sports
- Stonework (Granite)
- Story
- Sunday Schools
- Symmetry
- Temporary Structures
- Tenant Farming
- Torpedoes
- Trails & Paths
- Trees
- Understory Trees
- Vegetable Gardens
- Vehicular Bridges
- Views
- Villages
- Vistas
- Walnut Trees
- War (Civil War)
- War (Spanish American War)
- Water Features
- Watercolors (Photocopies)
- Weeping Willows
- Wilderness
- Woodlands
- Woods
- Woody Plants
- Work Camps