Souvenir, one hundredth anniversary of the Providence Baptist Church, Monrovia, Liberia : Rev. C.C. Boone, B.D., M.D., pastor
Address of welcome / delivered by Col. Jas. S. Dennis, District Commissioner -- Centenary sermon / preached by C.C. Boone, M.D., at Providence Baptist Church, Monrovia, Dec. 17, 1922, on the occasion of its one hundredth anniversary -- Address / delivered by Miss Martha Robinson at the one hundredth anniversary of Providence Baptist Church, Monrovia, upon the subject "The young people and the church" -- Address / delivered by Mrs. Rachel A. Boone, wife of Dr. Boone, upon the subject "Woman's work in the religious world" -- Address / delivered by A. Ben Stubblefield, Jr., on the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary of Providence Baptist Church, Monrovia, Monday, Dec. 18, 1922, "The Liberia Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention, its organization, achievements, and future possibilities" -- Address / delivered by Mrs. Rachel Cassell on behalf of noble veterans.digitized20150406pdaGEU-Spublic domainManuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library copy from the collection of Charles Simpson Butcher.The online edition of this book in the public domain, i.e., not protected by copyright, has been produced by the Emory University Digital Library Publications Program
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Butcher, Charles Simpson, collector. GEU
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