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African American Freemasons
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African American Freemasonry
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A. J. Dickerson
African American; African American Basketball Coaches; African American Coaches; African American Football Coaches; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African American Veterans; African Americans; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Pack Committee; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Troop Committee; Ark's Traveler Award; Basketball Coaches; Birmingham Alabama Area Council Field Scout Executive; Black United Fund; Blue Lodge 676 Oynax; Board Of Realtors; Boy Scout National Award; Boy Scout Talent Award; Boy Scouts Professional Training School For Scout Executives; Boy Scouts Training School For Professional Scouters; Business And Professional Men's Club Board Member; Chairman; Church Council Board Member; Coaches; Deacon Board Special Committee Member; Deacons; Dickerson, A. J., 1911 2004; Disable Veterans; Doric Temple #76 Illustrious Potentates Award; Doric Temple No. 76; Douglas Burrell Lodge, Consistory No. 56; Elementary School Principal; Elk's Lodge Bpio 144; Field Director Of Scouting; Field Scout Executive; Football Coaches; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Frontier's Distinguished Service Award; Frontier's International Board Of Directors; Frontier's International Fifth District Director; Frontier's International President; High School Basketball Coach; High School Football Coach; Houston Citizen's Chamber Of Commerce Board Member; Houston United Fund; Jamboree Pace Award; Juneteenth Luncheon Distinguished Service Award; Junior High School Principal; Meritorious Service Award; Meritorious Services Rendered To Mobile Division Of Scouting Award; Mil Man Director; Military Service; Mimrod Allen District Award; Naacp; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Democratic Convention Delegate; National Jamboree Winner Bsa Leadership Member Award; Nbc, Usa, Inc. Layman's National Board; Negro College Fun; Notary Public; Opelousas Club Certificate Of Appreciation; Precinct No. 193; Precinct No. 193 President; Real Estate Salesman; Sam Houston Area Council District Scout Executive; Sam Houston Area Council Southern Division Field Director; School Choir Director; Silver Beaver Award; Southern Leadership Conference; Statewide Title Company Closer; Statewise Title Company Vice President; Teachers; Texas Southern University Tiger Club; Texas Southern University Unsung Citizen Of The Year Outstanding Contribution To Youth; Troop 222 Scout Master; Tuskegee High School; Tuskegee University; Veterans; Veterans Of World Ward Ii; Vfw No. 401; Vice Chairman; Walker County Training School Industrial Arts Teacher; World War Ii, 1939 1945; Ymca Century Club
Albert Walter Dent
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Amistad Research Center Bunch Club; Central Congregational United Church Of Christ; City Debt Board Of Liquidation; Dent, Albert Walker; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Ochsner Foundation Board; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity; Prince Hall Masons 33rd Degree; Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity; Times Picayune Advisory Board; United Federal Savings And Loan; United Negro College Fund
Allen Ray Strain, Sr.
Innerfaith Publishing
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Allen's Air Care Ceo; Allen's Air Care Owner; Durham College; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Jack Yates High School (Houston, Tex.); Masonic Lodge; Strain, Allen Ray, Sr., 1941 1995
Aloysius M. Wickliff, Sr.
African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Lawyers; African American Teachers; African Americans; American Bar Association; American University; Army; Barbara Jordan Campain Manager; Buisness Owner; Catholic University; Community Chapel Funeral Home And Benefit Association Founding Board Member; Dent, King, Nowling & Wickliff; Eliza Johnson Home For Aged Negroes Board Of Directors; Federal Bar Association; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Harris County Council Of Organizations President; Hester House; House Of Representatives; Houston Area Urban League Board Member; Houston Bar Association; Houston Lawyers Association; Houston Lawyers Association President; Houston Laywers Association Founding Member; Knights Of Peter Claver General Counsel; Lawyers; Lieutenant; Mesbic Board Member; Military Service; National Bar Association; Peter Claver Fourth Degree Knight; Peter Claver Third Degree Knight; Prairie View A & M University; Prairie View A & M University Rotc Captain; Profile Of The Houston Negro Community Editorial Committee; Profile Of The Houston Negro Community Publication Committee; State Bar Of Texas; Teachers; Tejas Finance & Investment Company; Texas Southern Finance Corporation; Texas Southern University; Texas Southern University Law Professor; Thurgood Marshall School Of Law; United States; United States. Army. Reserve Officers' Training Corps; Wickliff, Aloysius M., Sr., 1921 2012; World War Ii, 1939 1945
A sermon preached on the 24th day of June 1789, : being the festival of St. John the Baptist, at the request of the Right Worshipful the Grand Master Prince Hall, and the rest of the brethren of the African Lodge of the Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons in Boston.
African American Authors; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Early Works To 1800; Freemasons; Massachusetts; Sermons; Sermons, American
Bernice Blackshire
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Blackshire, Bernice, 1937 2015; Eastern Star; Fidelity Manor High School; Fidelity Manor High School Majorette; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Sake Fifth Avenue Top Producer; Saks Fifth Avenue
Caesar Arthur Walter Clark, Sr.
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; African Redemption Liberian Humane Order Knight Great Band; B. N. And E. Convention Outstanding Leadership; Baptist Ministers Union Of Dallas; Baptist Ministers' Union Award; Baptist Missionary & Education State Convention Of Texas President; Baptist Missionary And Education Convention Of Texas President; Bishop College; Bishop College Alumni Association; Bishop College Distinguished Service Award; Bishop College Five Plus I Award; Bishop College Hall Of Fame; Bishop College School Of Theology Award; Boy Scouts Of America Award Of Merit; Boy Scouts Of America Service Award; C. A. W. Clark Community Center; C. A. W. Clark Legal Clinic; C. A. W. Clark Ministries Founder; Calvary Baptist Church; Circle Ten Boy Scouts Of America Advisory Committee; City Planning Commission Of Dallas; City Planning Commission Of Dallas Certificate Of Appreciation; City Wide Nurses Alliance Service Award; Clark, Caesar Arthur Walter, Sr., 1914 2008; Clergy; Community Child Care Center; Dale Consistory No. 31; Dallas Black Chamber Of Commerce; Dallas Independent School District Outstanding Service Award; Dallas Morning News Chapel Of Goodwill Award; Ebony Magazine 15 Most Outstanding Black Preachers; Elite News Religious Hall Of Fame; Excellence In Religious And Civic Affairs Award; Flower Hill Baptist Church; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Girl Scouts Of America Award Of Merit; Good Hope Baptist Church; Good Street Baptist Church; Good Street Charitable Foundation; Good Street Charitable Foundation President; Good Street Church Ambassador Young Peoples' Department; Good Street Church C.A. W. Clark Celestial Singers; Good Street Church Christian Education For Mental Retardation; Good Street Church Department Of Christian Education; Good Street Church Library Board Of Directors; Good Street Church Lucy E. Campbell; Good Street Church Male Chorus Choirs; Good Street Church Nurses Guild; Good Street Church Zodiac Club; Good Street Order Of The Eastern Star 486; Greater Dallas Council Of Churches Board Of Directors; Greenville Baptist Church; Honorary Certificate Of Outstanding Service To The City Of Dallas; Interdenominational Ministers Alliance Award For Minister Of The Year; Interdenominational Ministers' Alliance Of Dallas; Israelite Baptist Church; Jerusalem Baptist Church Meritorious Award; John F. Kennedy Memorial Committee; Leland College Service Award; Little Union Baptist Church; Louisiana Baptist State Convention Living Legend Award; Magnolia Baptist Church; Midwestern Baptist Fellowship Layman Award; Ministers Advisory Committee, 30th Congressional District Of Texas United States House Of Representatives; Ministers Conference Cypress Baptist Association Outstanding Service Award; Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Right Worshipful Grand Chaplain; Multicultural Studies Program; Natchitoches Parish School Board Resolution Of Recognition; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Baptist Convention Board Of Directors; National Baptist Convention Delegate To Ussr; National Baptist Convention U.S.A., Inc; National Baptist Pulpit Sermon Of The Year Award; Northwestern District Association Most Valuable Preacher Award; O.I.C. Dallas Chapter; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Theta Alpha Chapter; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Theta Alpha Chapter Outstanding Community Service Award; Outstanding Preacher Of The Year Award; Outstanding Preacher Steeple Award; Paradise Baptist Church; Paul Drayton Lodge No. 9; Pleasant Grove Baptist Church; Religious Emphasis Week Award; Representative Of Black Clergy To The White House; Silver Anniversary Alumni Service; Silver Beaver Award; Smithsonian Institute; Special Advisory Committee Of Dallas Award; Special Advisory Committee Of Top Leaders; Spruce Street Baptist Church; State Of Texas State Chaplain; State Of West Virginia Certificate Of Friendship; Tabernacle Baptist Church Evangelist Of The Century; Texas Legislative Black Caucus Outstanding Texan Award; Texas State House Representative Yvonne Davis Outstanding Leadership Citation; The Living Legend Award; Union Vine Baptist Church; United States; Waterloo I Baptist Church; Waterloo Ii Baptist Church; Ymca. Moorland Branch Board Of Directors; Ymca. Moorland Branch Fundraising Chair; Zakrat Temple No. 164
Carl Walker, Jr.
Fine Print Designers
African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Judges; African American Lawyers; African Americans; Air Force; American Red Cross Board Of Directors; Assistant U. S. Attorney; Booker T. Washington Alumni/Marlin, Texas National President; Booker T. Washington High School; Eldorado Social Club President; Eleventh Circuit Court Of Appeals; Executive Assistant U. S. Attorney; Federal Bar Association; Fifth Circuit Court Of Appeals; Fifth Circuit Of Appeals; Fifth Ward Missionary Baptist Church Trustee Board Chairman; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Goodwill Industries Of Houston Board Of Trustees; Government; Harris County Council Of Organizations Outstanding Citizenship Award For Outstanding Service As President; Harris County Council Of Organizations President; Houston Bar Association; Houston Bar Association Award; Houston Bar Foundation; Houston Business And Professional Men's Club Service Award; Houston Job Fair Program Community Service Award; Houston Lawyers Association; Imperial Grand Council Nobel Of The Mystic Shrine, Outstanding Service Award; Imperial Grand Potentate, Ancient Arabic, Order Noble Of Mystic; Judges; Judicial Section National Bar Association; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Elder Watson Diggs Award; Lawyer Title Award For Excellence In The Law Of Real Property; Lawyers; Longshoreman; Martin Luther King Center Board Of Directors; Military Service; National Association Of Former U. S. Attorneys; Pleasantville Civic League Outstanding Service Award; Pleasantville Civic League Social Club President; Riverside General Hospital Black History Maker; Sam Houston Area Council Boy Scouts Of America Board Of Directors; Sam Houston Area Council Boy Scouts Of America Executive Committee; Selective Service System Certificate Of Appreciation; Selective Service System Meritorious Service Award; Senior State District Judge; Sergeant; Shrine Of North And South America, Inc. John G. Jones Affiliation; South Central Branch Ymca Century Club Membership Award; South Central Ymca Board Of Managers President; South Central Ymca Man Of The Year Award; Southern District Of Texas U. S. Attorney; State Bar Of Texas; State Bar Of Texas Grievance Committee 4 B Chairman; Texas Bar Foundation; Texas Judicial Association; Texas Southern University; Texas Southern University Alumni Association Board; Texas Southern University Alumni Association President; Texas Southern University Ex Students Association Board; Texas Southern University Ex Students Association President; Texas Trial Lawyers Association; The Attorney General Award; Thurgood Marshall School Of Law; U.S.O. Houston Chapter President; United States; United States Department Of Justice Outstanding Performance Rating; United States Postal Service; United States Supreme Court; United States Tax Court; United Way Of Houston And Harris County Government Relation Committee; Walker, Carl, Jr; Ymca David Allen Award; Ymca Of The Greater Houston Area & Neccl Board Of Directors; Ymca Silver Beaver Award; Ymca Whitney M. Young Service Award
33° certificate issued by the United Supreme Council to Richard Theodore Greener, 1896 September 8
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Greener, Richard Theodore, 1844 1922; Illinois; Membership; Membership Certificates; Scottish Rite (Masonic Order)
Charity department death benefits certificate issued to Willie Douglass, 1918 June 3
Freemasons. Mount Olive Grand Lodge, Free & Accepted Ancient York Masons of Virginia
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Fraternal Insurance; Fraternal Organizations; Freemasons; Life Insurance; Virginia; Williamsville
Charles Harper
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African Americans; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Deacon; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Men's Bible Class; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Sunday School Teacher; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Trustee Board Chairman; Business Agent; Chrispus Attucks Masonic Lodge, F. & A.M., #317; Deacons; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Harper, Charles, 1891 1981; Houston Colored Air Craft Trade School; Houston Independent School District (Tex.); Longshoreman; Teachers; Ymca South Central Branch Century Club
Charles Lamar Jingles
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Hempstead School; Jingles, Charles Lamar; Magnolia Lodge #3 P.H.A; Metropolitan Senior Citizen Club; Prairie View A & M University; Principal; Retired Teachers Association President; Texas Southern University
Copy of a letter from Jephtha Lodge, No. 11, to Brother Stedman, 1923 April 13
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Charitable Contributions; Charities; Connecticut; New London
David Bethany
African American Coaches; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African American Track And Field Coaches; African Americans; Bethany, David, 1941 2000; Bowling Green State University; Coaches; Findley Athletic Hall Of Fame; Findley College; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Kappa Alpha Psi; Masonic Lodge Grand Master; National Association Of Intercollegiate Athletics; National Association Of Intercollegiate Athletics Men Championship Team; National Association Of Intercollegiate Athletics Women Championship Team; National Naia Coach Of The Year; National Youth Sports Program; National Youth Sports Program Director; Scott High School; Swac Track Coach Of The Year; Teachers; Texas Southern University; Track And Field Coaches; U.S. Olympic Festival Coordinator; U.S.A. Head Junior Pan American Coach; Usa Sports Festival Head South Coach; Usa Track And Field Gulf Association President; Women; World Champsionships Junior Team Head Coach
David Davenport
African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Veterans; African Americans; Avenue L Baptist Church Brotherhood President; Avenue L Baptist Church Bus Driver; Avenue L Baptist Church Deacon Board; Avenue L Baptist Church Sunday School Teacher; Avenue L Baptist Church Women's Mission Supporter; Boy Scouts Troop Leader; Business Owner; Davenport, David, 1896 1994; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Galveston Negro Chamber Of Commerce Credit Union Founding Member; Master Electrical Engineer; Military Service; Representative Ron Wilson Re Election Campaign Committee Member; Veterans; Women; World War I, 1914 1918
Demit issued to Perry Francis Adams Vanderzee, 1940 January 18
Freemasons. Castle William Lodge (Boston, Mass.)
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Boston; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Massachusetts; Membership; United States
Diane Lynn Coruthers
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Coruthers, Diane Lynn, 1951 1995; Eastern Stars Maple Leaf Lodge #203; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Houston Independent School District (Tex.); Phillis Wheatley High School
1897 directory of F.A.A.M. of the District of Columbia : containing the names and addresses of all the officers and members, together with the meeting night of every Lodge of F.A.A.M. in D.C. : also the officers, etc., of the Grand Lodge
African American Author; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Pamphlet; African American Publisher; African Americans; Freemasons. Prince Hall Grand Lodge Of The District Of Columbia; Washington (D.C.)
Earl Lee Coleman, Jr.
African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Male Singers; African American Singers; African American Teachers; African Americans; Amity #4 F & Am; Army; Booker T. Washington Elementary School; Central High School; Coleman, Earl Lee, Jr., 1927 2003; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Galveston Chamber Of Commerce; Galveston Independent School District (Tex); Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Life Member; Male Singers; Military Service; Prairie View A & M University; Prince Hall Grand Lodge Of Texas; Singers; Teachers; Texas Annual Conference Finance Committee; Texas Annual Conference Lay Member; Texas Southern University; The Gideons; United States; Videographer; Wesley Tabernacle United Methodist Church Chancel Choir; Wesley Tabernacle United Methodist Church Finance Committee; Wesley Tabernacle United Methodist Church Lay Leader; Wesley Tabernacle United Methodist Church Men's Chorus; Wesley Tabernacle United Methodist Church Men's Group; Wesley Tabernacle United Methodist Church School Teacher; Wesley Tabernacle United Methodist Church Steward; Wesley Tabernacle United Methodist Church Trustee Chairperson; Wesley Tabernacle United Methodist Church Usher
Emelda Lemond
Visual Connection Multi-Media, LLC
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Clinton Park Area Civic Club; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Jolly Ladies Sewing Club; Knights Of Peter Claver Ladies Of Auxiliary; Lemond, Emelda, 1920 2011; Out Lady Star Of The Sea Catholic Church Founding Member; St. Elizabeth Guild
Emerson W. McGowan
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African Americans; Community Chapel Funeral Home Funeral Director; Community Chapel Funeral Home Owner; E. J. Campbell Alumni; Freemasonry; Freemasons; George Washington Carver High School; Knights Of Columbus Third Degree Member; Mc Gowan, Emerson W., 1925 2002; Nacogdoches Independent School District (Tex.); National Prairie View Alumni Association. Houston Alumni Chapter; Our Lady Star Of The Sea Catholic Church Eucharistic Minister; Our Lady Star Of The Sea Catholic Church Lector; Pleasantville Civic League President; Pleasantville Voters League President; Prairie View A & M University; Ross Sterling High School; Science Fair Judge; St. Peter Claver Fourth Degree Knight; St. Vincent De Paul Food Bank Volunteer; Teachers; Texas Southern University
Esther Graves Huff-Padgitt
Programs Plus by Renee
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Singers; African American Women Singers; African Americans; Aldine Independent School District (Tex.); Eastern Star; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Galena Park Independent School District (Tex.); Harambee Arts Social And Charity Club; Houston Harris County Retired Teachers Association; Houston Independent School District (Tex.); Huff Padgitt, Esther Graves, 1932 2001; I. M. Terrell High School; La Candor's Organization; Mount Moriah Baptist Church Defunct Gospel Chorus; Mount Moriah Baptist Church Mission No. I; Mount Moriah Baptist Church Sanctuary Choir; Mount Moriah Baptist Church Tutorial Teacher; Paul Quinn College; Prairie View A & M University; Retired Educational Diagnostician; Singers; Texas Retired Teachers Association; Texas Southern University; Universities; University Of Houston; Women; Women Singers
Estrella V. Hill
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; American Woodmen; Community Chest Drives; Court Of Calanthe; Ethel Ransom Club; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Golden Age Club; Hester House Board Member; Hill, Estrella V; Houston Independent School District (Tex.); Married Ladies Charity And Social Art Club; Phillis Wheatley High School Parent Teacher Association; Wiley College (Marshall, Tex.); Ywca; Zeta Amicae; Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Woman Of The Year
Eula Joan Shelton
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Dallas Independent School District (Tex.); Freemasonry; Freemasons; Heroines Of Jericho Senior Attendant; Idle Hour Art Club; Mount Gilead Baptist Church Women's Missionary Circle; Shelton, Eula Joan; Snowball Court No. 141; Women
Everine Cynthia Gerard
African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Calanthe Court. Clinton Park 460 Chapter; Clinton Park Elementary School; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Gerard, Everine Cynthia, 1932 1997; Girl Scout Leader; National Alliance Of Postal Employees; National Association Of Retired Federal Employees Chapter 1349; Phillis Wheatley Alumni Association; Phillis Wheatley High School; Samuel Huston College; United States; United States Postal Service
Friendly Rudolph Rice
Administrator; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Austin Independent School District (Tex.); Blackshear Elementary School Principal; Columbia University; Deacons; Ebenezer Baptist Church Child Development Center Board Chair; Ebenezer Baptist Church Deacon; Ebenezer Baptist Church Trustee; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Lane College; Merry High School; Mt. Bonnell Lodge No. 2; Naacp; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Education Association State Representative; National Elementary Principal Association; Nea; Omega Psi Fraternity; Prairie View A & M University; Rice, Friendly Rudolph, 1907 1990; Rosewood School Principal; St. Johns Elementary School Principal; State Principals Conference President; T.A.S.T. Board Of Trustees Chairman; Teacher's State Association Of Texas President; Travis County Voters League; Universities; University Of Texas; Webb Smith Consistory No. 269
Gertrude Lilian McCann
Programs Plus by Renee
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Singers; African American Women Singers; African Americans; Eagle Lake High School; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Grand Court Order Of Calanthe Emily Harris #102; Mc Cann, Gertrude Lilian, 1905 2005; Nurses' Aides; Retired Senior Volunteer Program; Richmond State School; Saint James United Methodist Church Senior Choir; Sanctuary Pride Of Alleyton 157; Singers; Sloan United Methodist Church Senior Choir President; Sloan United Methodist Church Usher Board President; Women; Women Singers
Guy Robert Rankin, III
Adjutant Generals Individual Award; African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Air Force; Armed Forces Reserve Medal; Army National Guard; Commanding General's Individual Award; Concerned Citizens For Children Founding Member; District Of Columbia National Guard; Durham Technical Institute; Federal Labor Relations Authority Director Of Administration; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Honorary Constable Fort Bend Precinct Two; Lieutenant Colonel; Military Service; National Defense Service Medal; North Carolina Central University; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity; Rankin, Guy Robert, Iii, 1940 1996; Shaw University; Sickle Cell Board; Southeastern University; Sublime Degree Of Master Mason; Texas Medal Of Merit; Texas Outstanding Service Medal; Texas State Guard; Texas State Service Medal; United States; World Trade Center Assistant Manager
Handwritten petition from Joseph Wilson, Jr., to Arkansas Valley Lodge, No. 21, 1907 May 18
Wilson, Joseph, Jr
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Fraternal Organizations; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Kansas; Membership; United States; Wichita
Harold Meldon Drake
African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Judges; African American Male Singers; African American Singers; African Americans; Drake, Harold Meldon, 1918 2003; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Gaff Toppers Hunting And Fishing Club Of Galveston Founding Member; Hess; Jack Yates High School (Houston, Tex.); Judges; Male Singers; Prairie View A & M University; Precinct Judge; Sheffield Steel; Singers; The Miss Bennett; Thomas Barrow Estates; Trinity East United Methodist Church Building Fund Chairman; Trinity East United Methodist Church Finance Committee Chairman; Trinity East United Methodist Church Oxford Choir; Trinity East United Methodist Church Stewardship Committee Chairman; Trinity East United Methodist Church United Methodist Men; United States; United States Postal Service; Willing Workers Lodge Of The Masonic Order
Helen L. Bradshaw
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Bradshaw, Helen L., 1919 2008; Celebration Ministry; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Gleaners; Heroines Of Jericho Forever Faithful Chapter 66; Twelvettes Charter Member; Twelvettes President; United Methodist Women; Women
Helen Mae Fowlkes McCullough
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Singers; African American Women Singers; African Americans; Eastern Star; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Mc Cullough, Helen Mae Fowlkes, 1931 2003; Phillis Wheatley High School; Rice University; Singers; Texas Southern University; Trinity Valley Missionary Baptist Association President Emeritus; Women; Women Singers
Helen Rose Evans Dawson
RPC Printing & Design
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African Americans; Catholic Youth Organization Counselor; Christian Education Certificate; Dawson, Helen Rose Evans, 1933 2016; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Hospital Ward Clerk; Houston Chapter Drexel Society; Houston Chapter Drexel Society Vice President; Knights Of Peter Claver Court #72; Kpc Board Of Trustees; Library Technician; Nursing Assistant; Our Mother Of Mercy Catholic Church First Communion Teacher; St. Joseph Hospital; Teachers; Texas Southern University
Horace Anthony Williams
Grafikally Speaking Design Firm
African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Alpha Eta Lambda Chapter; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Beta Tau Chapter; Army; Exalted Order Of Amarantha, U.S.A. Exalted Patron; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Grand Lodge Assistant Grand Secretary; Holy Ghost Elementary School; Korean War, 1950 1953; Military Service; Navy; Original General Grand Masonic Congress Of Grand Masters; Queen Of Sheba Grand Chapter Oes Of Texas Grand Treasurer; Railway Mail Clerk; Supreme Grand Court Royal Exalted Patron; Supreme Grand Lodge Of Perfection A.A.R.F. Of The U.S.A. Supreme Grand Royal Exalted Patron; Texas Council Of Alpha Chapters Founder; U.M.W. Scottish Rite; United States; United States Postal Service; Williams, Horace Anthony, 1924 2013; Xavier Preparatory High School; Xavier University
Huey C. Barnes
African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Veterans; African Americans; Barnes, Huey C; F. & A.M. Lodge 147; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Maple Leaf Masons; Military Service; Veterans; World War Ii, 1939 1945
Hugh Lee Conner
Programs Plus by Renee
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Golfers; African Americans; Brae Burn Country Club; Conner, Hugh Lee, 1912 2006; Dixon Gun Plant; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Golfers; Houston Shoe Hospital; Locker Room Attendant; Maple Leaf Lodge #147, F & Am Of Texas; Shell Oil Company; Trinity East United Methodist Church Collection Steward; Trinity East United Methodist Church Methodist Men; Trinity East United Methodist Church Trustee; Trinity East United Methodist Church Usher Board; Westheimer Furniture Company
Irene Evelyn Blackmon
U-Niq Kreationz
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Beatrice Williams Court #265 Worthy Counselor; Blackmon, Irene Evelyn, 1929 2009; Blackshear Elementary School; Court Of Calanthe; Ebenezer Baptist Church Bible Study Teacher; Ebenezer Baptist Church Bible Training Union Sponsor; Ebenezer Baptist Church Secretary; Ebenezer Baptist Church Sunday School Teacher; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Houston Independent School District (Tex.); Jack Yates High School (Houston, Tex.); Woodson Middle School Registrar
James Prestage, Jr.
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Autumn Leaf Social Club; Booker T. Washington High School (Houston, Tex.); Freemasonry; Freemasons; Lady Lovers Social And Charity Club; Naacp; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; Prestage, James, Jr., 1916 2002; Prince Hall Grand Lodge Of Texas No. 287; Ymca
James Samuel Walker
Cedric Stover
African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African Americans; Annua Dupree Board Of Directors Chairman; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Deacon; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Finance Committee; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Golden Member; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Trustee; Army; Blue Triangle Ywca; Business Owner; Civilian Conservation Corp; Deacons; East Sunnyside Court Civic Club; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Frontier International; Grand Lodge Of Ancient Free And Accepted Masons; Houston Harris County Retired Teachers Association; Houston Harris County Retired Teachers Association Directory Committee Chairman; Huntsville Independent School District; Lieutenant Colonel; Military Service; Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity; Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Life Member; Prairie View A & M University; Prairie View A & M University Homecoming King; Prairie View Alumni Association Houston Chapter; Roy's Bar B Que; Teachers; Trinity High School; United States; Walker, James Samuel, 1916 2017
Janie Elizabeth Pierson
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Missionary Society; Court Of Calanthe; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Married Ladies Club; Morris Brown College; Order Of The Eastern Star; Pierson, Janie Elizabeth, 1902 1992; Ywca Garden Club; Zeta Amicae
Jennie V. Ratcliff
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Eastern Star; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church God Tribute; Phillis Wheatley High School; Ratcliff, Jennie B., 1922 2007; Smith Grade School
Jessie Belle Carper
Administrative Board; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Amaranth Court; Burnett's Star, Chapter 266 Matron; Carper, Jessie Belle, 1900 1983; Church Women United Vice President; Council On Ministries; Crusade, Sanderson Guild No. 2; Douglas Burell Assembly No. 56; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Golden Circle; Houston Matrons Council; King Solomon Queen Of The South, No. 2; Order Of The Eastern Star; Pastor Parish Relations Committee; Prairie View A & M University; United Methodist Women President; Wesley Community Center Board Member; Women
John Burnett Henderson
African American; African American Basketball Players; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Male Singers; African American Singers; African Americans; Army; Basketball Players; Boy Scout Leader; Calvary United Methodist Church Chair Of Finance; Calvary United Methodist Church Chair Of Trustees; Calvary United Methodist Church Men's Chorus; Calvary United Methodist Church Men's Ministry; Calvary United Methodist Church Trustee Board Chair; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Henderson, John Burnett, 1918 2003; Heroines Of Jericho Sun Glow Court #343 Court Director; Lincoln High School; Male Singers; Military Service; Missouri Pacific Railroad Blacksmith Helper; Missouri Pacific Railroad Head Blacksmith; Purple Heart Masonic Lodge #205; Settegast Hall Of Fame; Singers; Trinity Gardens Chapter #235 Order Of The Eastern Stars Worthy Patron; United States; World War Ii, 1939 1945
John Elihue Codwell, Sr.
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African Americans; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity; Area Iv Superintendent; Codwell, John Elihue, Sr; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Houston Independent School District (Tex.); Howard University; Jack Yates High School Principal; Phillis Wheatley High School Principal; Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity; Superintendent Of Instruction; Teachers; Universities; University Of Michigan
Johnnie Yates Rice
African American Educators; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African Americans; Bishop College Alumnae. Austin Chapter; Community Welfare Association; Douglass Club; East Austin Federated Clubs; Eastern Star. Eula Chapter; Ebenezer Baptist Church Girls Auxiliary; Ebenezer Baptist Church Lydia Circle; Ebenezer Baptist Church Missionary Society; Ebenezer Child Development Center Director; Educators; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Happy Hearts Bridge Club; Houston Independent School District (Tex.); League Of Women Voters; Panhellenic Council; Rice, Johnnie Yates, 1906 1985; Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority; Teachers; Women
Joseph Lawrence Lemond
Programs Plus by Renee
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Blessed Martin De Porres Holy Name Society; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Inseparable Friends Benevolent Society Of Prairie Laurent, Louisiana; Knights Of St. Peter Claver; Laborer; Lemond, Joseph Lawrence, 1913 1997; Shell Oil Company
Julian Powell
African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Army; Business Owner; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Masons Lodge; Military Service; Powell, Julian, 1891 1980; United States; World War I, 1914 1918
Kevan Jarrad Beard
Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Beard, Kevan Jarrad, 1981 2018; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Lucas Lodge #2111; M. W. Saint Joseph Grand Lodge Of Texas; Marching Bands; Stephen F. Austin State University; Texas Southern University; Willowridge High School; Willowridge's Mighty Eagle Marching Band
Laura A. Crawford
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Crawford, Laura A., 1883 1985; Eastern Star; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Grand Court Order Of Calanthe; Heroines Of Jericho
Laura Madella Francois Lewis
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Eastern Star; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Gleanders President; Gleaners; Lewis, Laura Madella Francois, 1913 2003; Trinity East United Methodist Church United Methodist Women; Trinity East United Methodist Church Women In Mission; Women
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