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- African American Freemasons[remove]134
- African Americans134
- African American Freemasonry112
- Freemasons109
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African American Freemasons
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James Samuel Walker
Cedric Stover
African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African Americans; Annua Dupree Board Of Directors Chairman; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Deacon; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Finance Committee; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Golden Member; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Trustee; Army; Blue Triangle Ywca; Business Owner; Civilian Conservation Corp; Deacons; East Sunnyside Court Civic Club; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Frontier International; Grand Lodge Of Ancient Free And Accepted Masons; Houston Harris County Retired Teachers Association; Houston Harris County Retired Teachers Association Directory Committee Chairman; Huntsville Independent School District; Lieutenant Colonel; Military Service; Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity; Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Life Member; Prairie View A & M University; Prairie View A & M University Homecoming King; Prairie View Alumni Association Houston Chapter; Roy's Bar B Que; Teachers; Trinity High School; United States; Walker, James Samuel, 1916 2017
Letter from Harry E. Davis to W. E. B. Du Bois
Davis, Harry E
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasons; African Americans
Letter from W. E. B. Du Bois to Harry E. Davis
Davis, Harry E
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasons; African Americans
Carl Walker, Jr.
Fine Print Designers
African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Judges; African American Lawyers; African Americans; Air Force; American Red Cross Board Of Directors; Assistant U. S. Attorney; Booker T. Washington Alumni/Marlin, Texas National President; Booker T. Washington High School; Eldorado Social Club President; Eleventh Circuit Court Of Appeals; Executive Assistant U. S. Attorney; Federal Bar Association; Fifth Circuit Court Of Appeals; Fifth Circuit Of Appeals; Fifth Ward Missionary Baptist Church Trustee Board Chairman; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Goodwill Industries Of Houston Board Of Trustees; Government; Harris County Council Of Organizations Outstanding Citizenship Award For Outstanding Service As President; Harris County Council Of Organizations President; Houston Bar Association; Houston Bar Association Award; Houston Bar Foundation; Houston Business And Professional Men's Club Service Award; Houston Job Fair Program Community Service Award; Houston Lawyers Association; Imperial Grand Council Nobel Of The Mystic Shrine, Outstanding Service Award; Imperial Grand Potentate, Ancient Arabic, Order Noble Of Mystic; Judges; Judicial Section National Bar Association; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Elder Watson Diggs Award; Lawyer Title Award For Excellence In The Law Of Real Property; Lawyers; Longshoreman; Martin Luther King Center Board Of Directors; Military Service; National Association Of Former U. S. Attorneys; Pleasantville Civic League Outstanding Service Award; Pleasantville Civic League Social Club President; Riverside General Hospital Black History Maker; Sam Houston Area Council Boy Scouts Of America Board Of Directors; Sam Houston Area Council Boy Scouts Of America Executive Committee; Selective Service System Certificate Of Appreciation; Selective Service System Meritorious Service Award; Senior State District Judge; Sergeant; Shrine Of North And South America, Inc. John G. Jones Affiliation; South Central Branch Ymca Century Club Membership Award; South Central Ymca Board Of Managers President; South Central Ymca Man Of The Year Award; Southern District Of Texas U. S. Attorney; State Bar Of Texas; State Bar Of Texas Grievance Committee 4 B Chairman; Texas Bar Foundation; Texas Judicial Association; Texas Southern University; Texas Southern University Alumni Association Board; Texas Southern University Alumni Association President; Texas Southern University Ex Students Association Board; Texas Southern University Ex Students Association President; Texas Trial Lawyers Association; The Attorney General Award; Thurgood Marshall School Of Law; U.S.O. Houston Chapter President; United States; United States Department Of Justice Outstanding Performance Rating; United States Postal Service; United States Supreme Court; United States Tax Court; United Way Of Houston And Harris County Government Relation Committee; Walker, Carl, Jr; Ymca David Allen Award; Ymca Of The Greater Houston Area & Neccl Board Of Directors; Ymca Silver Beaver Award; Ymca Whitney M. Young Service Award
Onesephor Peter Broussard
Fine Print Designers
African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Armco Steel; Armed Services; Broussard, Onesephor Peter, 1927 2008; Community Development Commissioner; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Gulf Coast Community Action Board Of Directors; Knights Of Peter Claver Grand Knight; Military Service; Pleasantville Civic League; Steelworkers Program; United States; World War Ii, 1939 1945
Circular letter issued by the lodges of Chicago, 1846
African American Freemasons; African Americans; Chicago; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Freemasons. Apollo Lodge, No. 32 (Chicago, Ill.); Freemasons. Harmony Lodge, No. 3 (Jacksonville, Ill.); Freemasons. Lafayette Lodge, No. 18 (Chicago, Ill.); Freemasons. Oriental Lodge, No. 33 (Chicago, Ill.); Illinois
Certificate of initiation : manuscript, 1799 June 23, Recto
Freemasons Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of Massachusetts
African American Freemasons; African Americans; Freemasonry; Freemasons. Prince Hall Grand Lodge Of The State Of Massachusetts; Symbolism; Wright, Richard P. G
Certificate of initiation : manuscript, 1799 June 23, Verso
Freemasons Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of Massachusetts
African American Freemasons; African Americans; Freemasonry; Freemasons. Prince Hall Grand Lodge Of The State Of Massachusetts; Symbolism; Wright, Richard P. G
Demit issued to Perry Francis Adams Vanderzee, 1940 January 18
Freemasons. Castle William Lodge (Boston, Mass.)
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Boston; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Massachusetts; Membership; United States
Report of the Committee on Negro Lodges to the Grand Lodge of North Carolina 5865
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of North Carolina
African American Freemasons; African Americans; Freemasonry; Freemasons. Grand Lodge Of North Carolina; New Bern; North Carolina
Negro masonry A committee report adopted June 15, 1898, by the M.W. Grand Lodge of F. and A. Masons of Washington
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State Washington
African American Freemasons; African Americans; Controversial Literature
Proceedings annual communication
Freemasons. Louisiana. Prince Hall Grand Lodge
African American Freemasons; African Americans; Freemasons. Louisiana; Louisiana
Proceedings of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Jurisdiction of Alabama, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons : annual communication
Freemasons. Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Jurisdiction of Alabama
African American Freemasons; African Americans; Alabama; Congresses; Periodicals
Charity department death benefits certificate issued to Willie Douglass, 1918 June 3
Freemasons. Mount Olive Grand Lodge, Free & Accepted Ancient York Masons of Virginia
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Fraternal Insurance; Fraternal Organizations; Freemasons; Life Insurance; Virginia; Williamsville
72nd annual St. John's Day service of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge handbill, 1920 June 27
Freemasons. Prince Hall Grand Lodge (Md.)
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Baltimore; Freemasons; Holidays; Maryland
Prince Hall Master Mason certificate issued to Russell L. Randolph, 1962 May 10
Freemasons. Prince Hall Grand Lodge (N.Y.)
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Freemasons; Freemasons. Lebanon Lodge, No. 54 (New York, N.Y.); Membership; Membership Certificates; New York; New York (State); United States
Letter of recommendation from Grand Master Dennis A. Jones for Alexander Carter, 1900 August 5
Freemasons. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kansas
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Freemasons; Kansas; Leavenworth; Membership; United States
Reading of the original charter 459, 1958
Freemasons. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of Massachusetts
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Boston; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Massachusetts
Proceedings ... : Annual communication
Freemasons.: Grand Lodge of Nebraska
African American Freemasons; African Americans; Freemasons. Grand Lodge Of Nebraska; Nebraska; Periodicals
Horace Anthony Williams
Grafikally Speaking Design Firm
African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Alpha Eta Lambda Chapter; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Beta Tau Chapter; Army; Exalted Order Of Amarantha, U.S.A. Exalted Patron; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Grand Lodge Assistant Grand Secretary; Holy Ghost Elementary School; Korean War, 1950 1953; Military Service; Navy; Original General Grand Masonic Congress Of Grand Masters; Queen Of Sheba Grand Chapter Oes Of Texas Grand Treasurer; Railway Mail Clerk; Supreme Grand Court Royal Exalted Patron; Supreme Grand Lodge Of Perfection A.A.R.F. Of The U.S.A. Supreme Grand Royal Exalted Patron; Texas Council Of Alpha Chapters Founder; U.M.W. Scottish Rite; United States; United States Postal Service; Williams, Horace Anthony, 1924 2013; Xavier Preparatory High School; Xavier University
Harris' masonic text-book; a concise historical sketch of masonry, and the organization of masonic grand lodges, and especially of masonry among colored men in America...
Harris, Harrison Llewellyn
African American Freemasons; African Americans; Freemasons; History
Allen Ray Strain, Sr.
Innerfaith Publishing
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Allen's Air Care Ceo; Allen's Air Care Owner; Durham College; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Jack Yates High School (Houston, Tex.); Masonic Lodge; Strain, Allen Ray, Sr., 1941 1995
Unissued International F. & A.M. Masons application, about 1975
International Free & Accepted Modern Masons, Inc. and Order of Eastern Star (IFAMM)
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Detroit; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Membership; Michigan; United States
Prince Hall, the Pioneer of Negro Masonry. Proofs of the Legitimacy of Prince Hall Masonry
John Edward Bruce
African American Freemasons; African Americans; Biography; Freemasonry; Freemasons. National Grand Lodge Of The United States Of North America; Freemasons. Prince Hall Grand Lodge Of The State Of Massachusetts; Hall, Prince, 1748 1807; History; United States
Letter from the committee of the Inter-State Conference of Knights Templars, about 1908
Knights Templar (Masonic order). Prince Hall Grand Commandery (Ill.). Inter-State Committee
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Freemasons; Illinois; Iowa; Knights Templar (Masonic Order); United States; York Rite (Masonic Order)
Rosa Lee Young Humber
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Christian Home Workers; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Heroines Of Jericho Dicken Court #464; Houston City Wide Ushers; Houston City Wide Ushers Union Oldest Active Usher; Humber, Rosa Lee Young, 1911 2001; Milan Grove United Methodist Church Usher Board President; St. Marks Senior Citizens Group
Mettie Louise Robinson DeVaughn
Myron Bruines
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African Americans; Association Of Childhood Educators; Christian Women United; De Vaughn, Mettie Louise Robinson, 1929 2016; Elliott Elementary School; Evangelist Chapel Paul Quinn Club President; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Garden City Elementary School; Heroines Of Jericho Grand High Court, Trinity Court #492; Houston Teachers Association; Layman; National African Methodist Episcopal Women's Missionary Society; National Education Association; Paul Quinn College; Queen Esther Award; Retired Teachers Association; Saint Paul Shiloh High School; Scroggins Elementary School; Teachers; Texas Classroom Teachers; Texas Southern University; Texas State Teachers Association; The National Council Of Negro Women; Tsta Retired; Vacation Bible School Director; Women; Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. Paul Quinn College Undergraduate Chapter
Letter from Reverend Octavius Singleton of the National Home Finding Society to Jephtha Lodge, No. 11, 1922 August 6
National Home Finding Society for Colored Children, Inc. (Louisville, Ky.)
African American Children; African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Philanthropists; African Americans; Charitable Contributions; Charities; Connecticut; New London; Orphanages
Mell Ruth Carreathers Pruitt
Programs Plus by Laura
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African Americans; American Auxiliary Of University Women; Bethune Woman's Club Outstanding Member; Bethune Woman's Club President; Bluebonnet Girl Scout Council; Brazos County Civil And Legal Aid Referral Inc. Board Member; Brazos County Juvenile Services Department; Brazos Prenatal Clinic Women Who Make A Difference; Brazos Valley African American Museum Co Founder; Brazos Valley Rsvp Volunteer; Brazos Valley Woman Of Distinction; Bryan Education Association; Bryan High School Student Council Community Server Award; Bryan Independent School District Technology Committee; Bryan Library Board; Celebrate Bryan Committee; Chamber Of Commerce United Fund Board; Counselors; Eastern Star Of Masonic Lodge No. 56; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Jefferson Award Winner; National Council Of Negro Women. Houston Chapter Black Woman Community Leader; National Education Association; Outstanding Achievement Of Bryan Independent School District; Prairie View A & M University; Pruitt, Mell Ruth Carreathers, 1930 2009; Sam Houston State University; Sam Rayburn Campus Planning And Improvement Committee; St. Joseph Regional Health Center Board; Teachers; Terrell School; Texas A & M Recruiter; Texas A & M University; Texas Elementary Counselors; Texas Personnel And Guidance Association; Texas School Counselors; Texas State Teachers Association; Thurmon Singers Outstanding Woman Of Brazos County; Women
Esther Graves Huff-Padgitt
Programs Plus by Renee
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Singers; African American Women Singers; African Americans; Aldine Independent School District (Tex.); Eastern Star; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Galena Park Independent School District (Tex.); Harambee Arts Social And Charity Club; Houston Harris County Retired Teachers Association; Houston Independent School District (Tex.); Huff Padgitt, Esther Graves, 1932 2001; I. M. Terrell High School; La Candor's Organization; Mount Moriah Baptist Church Defunct Gospel Chorus; Mount Moriah Baptist Church Mission No. I; Mount Moriah Baptist Church Sanctuary Choir; Mount Moriah Baptist Church Tutorial Teacher; Paul Quinn College; Prairie View A & M University; Retired Educational Diagnostician; Singers; Texas Retired Teachers Association; Texas Southern University; Universities; University Of Houston; Women; Women Singers
Gertrude Lilian McCann
Programs Plus by Renee
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Singers; African American Women Singers; African Americans; Eagle Lake High School; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Grand Court Order Of Calanthe Emily Harris #102; Mc Cann, Gertrude Lilian, 1905 2005; Nurses' Aides; Retired Senior Volunteer Program; Richmond State School; Saint James United Methodist Church Senior Choir; Sanctuary Pride Of Alleyton 157; Singers; Sloan United Methodist Church Senior Choir President; Sloan United Methodist Church Usher Board President; Women; Women Singers
Hugh Lee Conner
Programs Plus by Renee
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Golfers; African Americans; Brae Burn Country Club; Conner, Hugh Lee, 1912 2006; Dixon Gun Plant; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Golfers; Houston Shoe Hospital; Locker Room Attendant; Maple Leaf Lodge #147, F & Am Of Texas; Shell Oil Company; Trinity East United Methodist Church Collection Steward; Trinity East United Methodist Church Methodist Men; Trinity East United Methodist Church Trustee; Trinity East United Methodist Church Usher Board; Westheimer Furniture Company
Joseph Lawrence Lemond
Programs Plus by Renee
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Blessed Martin De Porres Holy Name Society; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Inseparable Friends Benevolent Society Of Prairie Laurent, Louisiana; Knights Of St. Peter Claver; Laborer; Lemond, Joseph Lawrence, 1913 1997; Shell Oil Company
Lillian P. Samuels
Programs Plus by Renee
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African Americans; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Grand Order Court Of Calanthe 267; Houston College; Houston Harris County Retired Teachers Association; Jack Yates High School (Houston, Tex.); National Retired Teachers Association; New York University; Samuels, Lillian P; Teachers; Texas Southern University; Tierwester Civic Club; Trinity East United Methodist Church Administrative Board; Trinity East United Methodist Church Council On Ministries; Trinity East United Methodist Church Finance Committee; Trinity East United Methodist Church Lay Leader; Trinity East United Methodist Church Sunday School Teacher; Trinity East United Methodist Church Trinity East Recreational And Community Service Center Board Of Governors Chairperson; Trinity East United Methodist Church United Methodist Women; Women; Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. Lambda Zeta Chapter
Willie B. Davis
Programs Plus by Renee
African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Army; City Of Houston Administrator; Davis, Willie B; E. J. Campbell High School; Erma Hughes Business College; Fourth Degree Night Of Columbus, Council #803; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Houston Community College; Knights Of Peter Claver; Military Service; Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Church Minister Of Hospitality; Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Church Volunteer Worker; Saint Francis Xavier Council #138; Texas College; Texas Southern University; United States
Helen Rose Evans Dawson
RPC Printing & Design
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African Americans; Catholic Youth Organization Counselor; Christian Education Certificate; Dawson, Helen Rose Evans, 1933 2016; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Hospital Ward Clerk; Houston Chapter Drexel Society; Houston Chapter Drexel Society Vice President; Knights Of Peter Claver Court #72; Kpc Board Of Trustees; Library Technician; Nursing Assistant; Our Mother Of Mercy Catholic Church First Communion Teacher; St. Joseph Hospital; Teachers; Texas Southern University
Letter from Edward T. Shields to W. E. B. Du Bois
Shields, Edward
African American Freemasons; African Americans
Letter from Mamie E. Talbot to Jephtha Lodge, No. 11, 1923 January 10
Talbot, Mamie E
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Charitable Contributions; Charities; Connecticut; New London
Irene Evelyn Blackmon
U-Niq Kreationz
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Beatrice Williams Court #265 Worthy Counselor; Blackmon, Irene Evelyn, 1929 2009; Blackshear Elementary School; Court Of Calanthe; Ebenezer Baptist Church Bible Study Teacher; Ebenezer Baptist Church Bible Training Union Sponsor; Ebenezer Baptist Church Secretary; Ebenezer Baptist Church Sunday School Teacher; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Houston Independent School District (Tex.); Jack Yates High School (Houston, Tex.); Woodson Middle School Registrar
Letter from the colored societies of New London to Jephtha Lodge, No. 11, 1913 March 26
United Societies, Inc. (New London, Conn.)
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Connecticut; Freemasons; Grand United Order Of Odd Fellows In America; Household Of Ruth; Independent Order Of Good Samaritans And Daughters Of Samaria Of The United States Of America; New London; Order Of The Eastern Star (Prince Hall Affiliation); United States
Letter from the United Societies, Inc., to Jephtha Lodge, No. 11, 1920 December 1
United Societies, Inc. (New London, Conn.)
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Connecticut; Freemasons; Grand United Order Of Odd Fellows In America; Household Of Ruth; Independent Order Of Good Samaritans And Daughters Of Samaria Of The United States Of America; New London; Order Of The Eastern Star (Prince Hall Affiliation); United States
Emelda Lemond
Visual Connection Multi-Media, LLC
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Clinton Park Area Civic Club; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Jolly Ladies Sewing Club; Knights Of Peter Claver Ladies Of Auxiliary; Lemond, Emelda, 1920 2011; Out Lady Star Of The Sea Catholic Church Founding Member; St. Elizabeth Guild
Kevan Jarrad Beard
Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Beard, Kevan Jarrad, 1981 2018; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Lucas Lodge #2111; M. W. Saint Joseph Grand Lodge Of Texas; Marching Bands; Stephen F. Austin State University; Texas Southern University; Willowridge High School; Willowridge's Mighty Eagle Marching Band
Letter from Claud W. Williams to Arkansas Valley Lodge, No. 21, 1898 December 5
Williams, Claud W
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Kansas; Membership; United States; Wichita
Handwritten petition from Joseph Wilson, Jr., to Arkansas Valley Lodge, No. 21, 1907 May 18
Wilson, Joseph, Jr
African American Fraternal Organizations; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African Americans; Fraternal Organizations; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Kansas; Membership; United States; Wichita
A grand promenade concert will be given by Emanuel Lodge, No. 30, A.Y.M: on Friday evening, May 1st, 1863 at Franklin Hall, Sixth Street, below Arch. For the benefit of the lodge
African American Freemasons; African Americans; Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Concerts; Entertainment Events; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Societies, Etc
A. J. Dickerson
African American; African American Basketball Coaches; African American Coaches; African American Football Coaches; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African American Veterans; African Americans; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Pack Committee; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Troop Committee; Ark's Traveler Award; Basketball Coaches; Birmingham Alabama Area Council Field Scout Executive; Black United Fund; Blue Lodge 676 Oynax; Board Of Realtors; Boy Scout National Award; Boy Scout Talent Award; Boy Scouts Professional Training School For Scout Executives; Boy Scouts Training School For Professional Scouters; Business And Professional Men's Club Board Member; Chairman; Church Council Board Member; Coaches; Deacon Board Special Committee Member; Deacons; Dickerson, A. J., 1911 2004; Disable Veterans; Doric Temple #76 Illustrious Potentates Award; Doric Temple No. 76; Douglas Burrell Lodge, Consistory No. 56; Elementary School Principal; Elk's Lodge Bpio 144; Field Director Of Scouting; Field Scout Executive; Football Coaches; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Frontier's Distinguished Service Award; Frontier's International Board Of Directors; Frontier's International Fifth District Director; Frontier's International President; High School Basketball Coach; High School Football Coach; Houston Citizen's Chamber Of Commerce Board Member; Houston United Fund; Jamboree Pace Award; Juneteenth Luncheon Distinguished Service Award; Junior High School Principal; Meritorious Service Award; Meritorious Services Rendered To Mobile Division Of Scouting Award; Mil Man Director; Military Service; Mimrod Allen District Award; Naacp; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Democratic Convention Delegate; National Jamboree Winner Bsa Leadership Member Award; Nbc, Usa, Inc. Layman's National Board; Negro College Fun; Notary Public; Opelousas Club Certificate Of Appreciation; Precinct No. 193; Precinct No. 193 President; Real Estate Salesman; Sam Houston Area Council District Scout Executive; Sam Houston Area Council Southern Division Field Director; School Choir Director; Silver Beaver Award; Southern Leadership Conference; Statewide Title Company Closer; Statewise Title Company Vice President; Teachers; Texas Southern University Tiger Club; Texas Southern University Unsung Citizen Of The Year Outstanding Contribution To Youth; Troop 222 Scout Master; Tuskegee High School; Tuskegee University; Veterans; Veterans Of World Ward Ii; Vfw No. 401; Vice Chairman; Walker County Training School Industrial Arts Teacher; World War Ii, 1939 1945; Ymca Century Club
Albert Walter Dent
African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Amistad Research Center Bunch Club; Central Congregational United Church Of Christ; City Debt Board Of Liquidation; Dent, Albert Walker; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Ochsner Foundation Board; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity; Prince Hall Masons 33rd Degree; Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity; Times Picayune Advisory Board; United Federal Savings And Loan; United Negro College Fund
Aloysius M. Wickliff, Sr.
African American; African American Freemasonry; African American Freemasons; African American Funeral Programs; African American Lawyers; African American Teachers; African Americans; American Bar Association; American University; Army; Barbara Jordan Campain Manager; Buisness Owner; Catholic University; Community Chapel Funeral Home And Benefit Association Founding Board Member; Dent, King, Nowling & Wickliff; Eliza Johnson Home For Aged Negroes Board Of Directors; Federal Bar Association; Freemasonry; Freemasons; Harris County Council Of Organizations President; Hester House; House Of Representatives; Houston Area Urban League Board Member; Houston Bar Association; Houston Lawyers Association; Houston Lawyers Association President; Houston Laywers Association Founding Member; Knights Of Peter Claver General Counsel; Lawyers; Lieutenant; Mesbic Board Member; Military Service; National Bar Association; Peter Claver Fourth Degree Knight; Peter Claver Third Degree Knight; Prairie View A & M University; Prairie View A & M University Rotc Captain; Profile Of The Houston Negro Community Editorial Committee; Profile Of The Houston Negro Community Publication Committee; State Bar Of Texas; Teachers; Tejas Finance & Investment Company; Texas Southern Finance Corporation; Texas Southern University; Texas Southern University Law Professor; Thurgood Marshall School Of Law; United States; United States. Army. Reserve Officers' Training Corps; Wickliff, Aloysius M., Sr., 1921 2012; World War Ii, 1939 1945
Arthur A. Schomburg (far right) and Harry A. Williamson (third from left) in a group portrait with fellow members of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, on the steps of Mother A.M.E. Zion Church, in Harlem, New York
African American Freemasons; African Americans; Freemasonry; Freemasons. Prince Hall Grand Lodge (N.Y.); Harlem (New York, N.Y.); Schomburg, Arthur Alfonso, 1874 1938; United States; Williamson, Harry A. (Harry Albro), 1875 1965
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