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Minstrel Shows
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Tis' better to laugh than be sighing. ""The Campbells are coming."" ... Last night at American Hall! ... Tuesday evening, July 1st
Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows
Grand variety concert for two nights only: on Tuesday & Wednesday even'gs, Jan. 26 & 27 by Sam'l J. Murphy's Variety Company ... Programme. ... Minstrels! ... Turning the tables! ... To conclude with a celebrated walk-around composed expressly for this company. To-morrow evening will be another entertainment, with an entire change of programme. Cards of admission, 25 cts. to be had at the door. Front seats reserved for ladies. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performance commences at 8
Murphy's Variety Company
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Jugglers; Minstrel Shows; Playbills
Wit, humor & sentiment Fun for the million! Grand musical soiree!: Immediately after the performance of the Great Show is concluded, there will be a grand Ethiopian performance in this canvas by a full band of serenaders, who will appear in a great variety of their unequaled impersonations of Southern life! In addition to the usual force of similar concerns, the following stars will appear: Old Bob Sheppard, ... Harry Enochs, ... Wm. Lacont, ... Jno. Kelchner, ... Joe Nosher ... Admission only 15 cts. Children 10 cts
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Playbills
Canterbury Music Hall, N.W. cor. 5th & Chestnut: Lessee and proprietor John H. Chilcott ... Programme. ... Canterbury Minstrels. ... Challenge jig, ... Surprise party, ... Schemmerhorn's boy! ... The whole to conclude with the plantation festival, entitled U.S.A. Look out for Thursday evening, when J.H. Jefferson, from Maguire's Opera House, will make his first appearance in this city in a roaring farce. Remember, Monday, Oct. 24th, when the world-renowned Scotch nightingale, will make her 1st appearance, Miss Kate A. Bell. Prices of admission. Private boxes, $2. Single seats, 50e [sic]. Parquet, 20c. First tier, 10c. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performances commence at quarter-past 8 The bar is stocked with the choicest liquors and cigars. Polite waiters in attendance
Canterbury Music Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Continued success Crowded houses. Open every night: The best company in the city Look at the names: Miss Anna Winslow in a choice selection of songs. Miss Kate Clare in popular acts and champion jigs. Miss Ella Ogden, the popular young vocalist. Miss Anna Clare, the favorite and faney [sic] danseuse. Bob Sheppard! in his popular acts, and his celebrated and unrivaled scene of Old Bob Ridley. Bob Harrison, the most versatile performer on the stage, and the ne plus ultra of darkies. M.A. Leavitt, balladist and Ethiopian comedian. Geo. Burton in his unparalleled impalement act! The most startling performance on record. F. Solomon, violinist. J. Londman, violinist. Prof. Rodman, bass. Admission: 10 and 15 cents Private boxes, single seats, 50 cents
Coates Street Theatre (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Entertainment and concert to be given in Franklin Hall: Sixth Street below Arch, on Saturday evening, October 31st, 1863. Fun! Fun!! Fun!!! Look at the talent: Harry Hutchins, the young comic singer and comedian. Martin Joyce, the great clog dancer. Mast. E. Sumner, the champion drummer. H. Lamar, favorite balladist. Hugh O'Neil, the great flutist. J. Miller, in his great song and dance. E. Martin, the wonderful gymnast. J. Lloyd, J. Sykes, and others. Programme for this evening. ... Shaving a substitute! ... To conclude with the negro farce of The carte de visite mania! ... Tickets, 15 cents Front seats reserved for ladies. Doors open at half-past 7 o'clock. Entertainment commences at 8 Polite ushers in attendance
Franklin Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Fattie Stewart's Apollo Free Concert Hall: Fattie Stewart, proprietor J.E. Gilligan, stage manager Prof. Robinson, leader of orchestra Read the names: Miss Kate Covington, Miss Louisa, Miss Henrietta, J.F. Mullin, John T. Mason, T.S. Matthews, F. Alexander, Mr Morton, Mast. Tommy, Mr Robinson, Mr Smyth, Fattie Stewart! Programme for this evening ... Amateur's rehearsal ... Grand posturing act, ... Tricks upon travelers ... Handy Andy, ... The whole to conclude with a new plantation festival by the knights of the cork Admission, ten cents including refreshment ticket, doors open at 7. Commence quarter to 8 No boys admitted. Best of liquors, cigars and lager beer, constantly on hand at the bar
Fattie Stewart's Apollo Free Concert Hall
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Have you seen Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second and Third?: Sanford's Troupe now performing to the largest audiences ever assembled to witness minstrelsy Look out for Thanksgiving day and night! The shoemaker & tailor of Kensington. Admission, 25 and 50 cents
Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Advertisements; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Theaters
Home where genius dwells "Our" Head-Quarters! (late "New Idea") Concert Saloon: No. 609 Chestnut Street, (above Sixth.) Sole lessee and proprietor, Chas. St. Clair Superintendent, J.J. Fullerton Leader of orchestra, J.K. Search Stage manager, J.M. Mortimer Another great week of fun, the cry is still they come! Xtraordinary. Xamine. Xtra anouncement [sic]. First week of the original contraband, Fred Sharpley in his local songs and dances. Also, first week of the beautiful Ella Zoyara Forrest who will appear nightly in the original zouave drill dance, in full costume. Second week of Miss Annie Stattler, the young and beautiful queen of song. Continued success of the old favorites, who are received nightly with unbounded applause. Miss Sallie Brooks, the young and beautiful vocalist. Billy Porter, versatile performer. George Jones, the ham-fat man. Johnny Riley, general performer. Joe M. Mortimer banjo soloist and stump orator. Come and see The conscript: or, How to be exempted First week of the grand Uproar at the academy or, A manager in a tight place. By the whole company. New minstrel scenes! New solos, new songs, new dances, new burlesques, &c. Don't fail to come. The whole to conclude with the new plantation walk-around, entitled Uncle Sam Grant Admission (including refreshments) 10 cts. Come & see. No boys admitted
Our Head-Quarters Concert Saloon (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
King & Co's Grand Concert! Opera and Variety Troupe!: will perform at [blank] [blank] The above named troupe would most respectfully announce to the ladies and gentlemen of this place that they will give one of the best and most pleasing entertainments ever witnessed in the city. Where are the lovers of mirth & good music? The following talented ladies and gentlemen will appear: Mary Lagrange, the pleasing vocalist. Josephine Carson, the young and beautiful star danseuse. Frank Dimond, the old and justly celebrated Ethiopian comedian, late of Sanford's Opera Troupe. Rody Maguire, the Australian banjoist, tamborinist, and comic jester. Fayette Welch, the celebrated comic vocalist and champion jig dancer. John Donald, leader of orchestra The above named artists will positively appear. The programme has been selected with great care, and will consist of songs, duets and choruses, from the best authors; banjo and bone solos, fancy dancing, overtures, &c., &c. A pleasing afterpiece! will conclude the evening's entertainment. Admission only 25 cents Doors open 7 o'clock. To commence at 8. Go early! Front seats reserved for ladies
King & Co's Grand Concert, Opera and Variety Troupe
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Playbills; Sanford's Opera Troupe
Murphy & McCourt's Art Union Concert Hall: Nos. 14 and 16 S. 7th St. between Market and Chestnut. Murphy & McCourt, proprietors Prof. Thiodon, musical director To-night, to-night. Behold the great array of talent: engaged at this popular concert hall. Our motto:--we aim to please This is the oldest, most respectable and best conducted place of amusement in the city, and nightly more frequented than any other concert hall. The best singers! The best Ethiopian comedians and the best danseuse in the profession. Miss Annie Clare, the beautiful danseuse. Miss Ida Sinclair, the charming vocalist. Miss Mattie Clare, the original "Dinah Snow." Frank Woods. Ethiopian delineator and tamborinist, in his great act, "The essence of Ole Virginny," in which he challenges the world for his equal. Sam. Murphy, the Philadelphia favorite, in his ever pleasing ballads. M.B. Leavitt, the popular tamborine and bone soloist, also in his original act, "The happy ole man." Charley West, versatile comedian. Prof. Thiodon, stage manager Prof. Yost, pianist Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o'clock. Admittance, 10 cents including refreshment ticket
Art Union Concert Hall
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Music, mirth and melody "Our" Head-Quarters! (late "New Idea") Concert Saloon: No. 609 Chestnut Street, (above Sixth.) Sole lessee and proprietor, Chas. St. Clair Leader of orchestra, J.K. Search Stage manager, J.M. Mortimer Great increase of attraction New stars & old favorites First appearance of Miss Annie Stattler, the queen of song. Second week of Madaline Virginia, the accomplished French danseuse. Continued success of Miss Sallie Brooks the beautiful, sentimental and comic vocalist. The old favorites are still greeted with unbounded applause, Billy Porter! the original contraband. George Jones, the ham-fat man. Johnny Riley, eccentric comedian. Joe M. Mortimer the wonderful local banjo soloist and stump orator. The above well-known talent appear nightly in the choicest gems of dramatic, operatic, terpsichorean and minstrel arts. ... The whole to conclude with the roaring farce, in 1 act, entitled The prime donuts, or, A manager in a tight place. Admission (including refreshments) 10 cts. Come & see. No boys admitted
Our Head-Quarters Concert Saloon (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Our Head Quarters (late New Idea.) Concert Saloon: 609 Chestnut Street, above Sixth. Grand gala week. Double company for the holidays. Behold the combination of talent! Fred Sharpley, in his wonderful songs and dances. Billy Porter, the original contraband. Joe M. Mortimer, the local banjo soloist. Johnny Riley, eccentric comedian. Miss Sallie Brooks, enchanting songstress. Miss Tillie Demorest, danseuse & comedienne Miss Eva DeCoursey, charming danseuse. Pop Search, comic vocalist. Chas. St. Clair, proprietor. J.M. Mortimer, stage & business manager. Prof. Search, leader of the orchestra. Admission 10 cents.--Including good refreshments
Our Head-Quarters Concert Saloon (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Sanford's new Opera House!: Race St., between Second and Third Sts. Card to the public Mr. Sanford begs leave to call attention to the above place of amusement, (late Mr. J.E. M'Donough's Olympic.) Having secured a lease on liberal terms, he most respectfully announces that he will open as above, on Monday evening, Nov. 14th, 1864. Being persuaded by many influential families, and the solicitation of many friends, to locate again in this city (having searched in vain for a site on Chestnut Street.) has at last decided on Race Street, that being the only available situation already constructed--having undergone a thorough renovation. The advantage of the city railway cars makes it as central as any other place of amusement, and more adapted for the performance of minstrelsy! It possesses more stage room and scenery than his late Eleventh Street Opera House, thus enabling him, together with the cheap rent, to produce a superior performance ... Our motto will be nightly--fun, without vulgarity
Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Theaters
Sanford's new Opera House!: Race St., between Second and Third Sts., will open as above, on Monday evening, Nov. 14th, 1864, with the largest and best company of minstrels in this or any other country. ... Mr. Samuel S. Sanford, manager Mr. Harry Rainor, stage manager Capt. Thos. G. Funston, treasurer Mr. Geo. Wunderlich, scenic artist The manager has no hesitation in saying that the opera house! on its opening, will excel all other, in point of comfort and beauty, having undergone a thorough renovation, papering, upholstery, gas-fixtures, painting--together with a new and beautiful drop curtain The initial programme will present a superior performance introducing more artistic merit than any of his previous efforts, which have always been characterized for superiority over other companies. ... Our motto will be nightly--fun, without vulgarity ... Cards of admission, 25 cents Orchestra chairs, 50 cents Private boxes 1, 2, 3 and 4, dress circle, $5 00 Private boxes 1, 2, 3 and 4, family circle, $4 00 The box office will be open on Thursday, Nov. 10th, for the sale of secured seats and the disposal of private boxes
Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second and Third: The shoemaker and tailor of Kensington every night this week. ... Don't forget Thanksgiving day and night Admission, 25 and 50 cents
Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Advertisements; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Theaters
Stewart's New Apollo Concert Hall: Fattie Stewart, proprietor Fred Alexander, stage manager Prof. Knouth, leader of orchestra Read the names. M'lle Mazora Arnoldi, Miss Carrie Leon, Miss Ella Wilson, Miss Sallie Collins, Miss Kate Covington, Miss Henrietta, Miss Lizzie Wells, Miss Emma Sager, Miss Clara Devere, F. Alexander, Dan. W. Collins, J.T. Mason, Santa Anna, Mr Brooks, F. Myers, Master Tommy, Mr Smyth, the Francis Brothers Fattie Stewart! Programme for this evening ... School in an uproar ... The evening's entertainments to conclude with Lucretia boards-here or, Scenes from the opera. On Thursday evening, December 29th, re-appearance of J.T. Mason Prices of admission. Parquet, 15 cts. Orchestra seats, 25 " Private boxes, $5 00 Seat in do. 50 cts Doors open at 7. Commence quarter to 8
Fattie Stewart's New Apollo Concert Hall
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Stewart's New Apollo Music Hall!: 609 Chestnut Street, and 608, 610 and 612 Jayne Street, (entrance on Chestnut Street.) J.C. Stewart, sole proprietor Fred Shaw, stage manager Prof. Knoth, musical director First week of the favorite danseuse and vocalist, Miss Lizzie Ellsworth Brilliant success of Miss Carrie Leon, Miss Sallie Collins, Miss Kate Brooks, Miss Susie Forrester, M'lle Henrietta, Miss Cassie Howard, Miss A. Francis, Miss Ida May, Miss V. Leonard, in conjuntion with the great Apollo Star Co. Triumphant success of the great female minstrel scene, from "Three fast men." ... School in an uproar! ... Grecian statues! ... The whole to conclude with the Irish interlude, entitled O'Flanigan at the fair ... Prices of admission. Parquet, 15 cts Orchestra seats, 25 " Private boxes, $5 00 Seat in do. 50 cts Doors open at 7. Commence quarter to 8
Fattie Stewart's New Apollo Music Hall
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Stewart's New Apollo Music Hall!: 609 Chestnut Street, and 608, 610 and 612 Jayne Street, (entrance on Chestnut Street.) J.C. Stewart, sole proprietor Fred Shaw, stage manager Prof. Knoth, musical director Read the names!! First week of Fred Shaw the American extemporaneous comic vocalist. Miss Carrie Leon, Miss Kate Covington, Miss Cassie, Leonard, Miss Ella Wilson, Miss Sallie Collins, M'lle Henrietta, Miss Ida May, Miss Augusta Francis, the Francis Brothers Mr D.W. Collins, Mr J.T. Mason, Mr Frank Howard, Mr W.F. Mullin, Mr Brooks, Master Tommy, the wonderful Santa Anna, and Fattie Stewart! the prince of Ethiopian comedians and comic delineators. ... Row at the Academy of Music ... The whole to conclude with a scene fron The 3 fast men! ... Prices of admission. Parquet, 15 cts Orchestra seats, 25 " Private boxes, $5 00 Seat in do. 50 cts Doors open at 7. Commence quarter to 8
Fattie Stewart's New Apollo Music Hall
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Still triumphant! Onward they come: Engagement, for a limited period, of Mad'lle Ariel! who will appear every night in her celebrated Grecian statues. ... Also, engagement of Billy Burr, the great original Ethiopian comedian. Also, first appearance of Billy Rose, the popular comic vocalist and Ethiopian comedian--together with the regular star company. Programme for this everning. ... Weaver's Minstrels. ... Black alderman. ... Bosom friends! ... To conclude with, by request, the side-splitting extravaganza, entitled Parker's saloon ... Admission, 15 cents An efficient police is engaged to preserve strict order. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performance to commence at 8
Theatre and Music Hall (Wilmington, Del.)
Broadsides; Delaware; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Playbills; Wilmington
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