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Carncross & Dixey's Minstrels! Eleventh Street Opera House: Benefit of Robt. Fraser on Monday eve'g, May 4. Entire new bill
Carncross & Dixey's Minstrels
African Americans; Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Metamorphic Pictures; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Grand complimentary benefit to Rose & Burr's Opera Troupe by their friends: on Wednesday ev'ng, April 29, '63 at Washington Hall S.W. cor. of Eighth and Spring Garden Sts., on which occasion the following array of talent have kindly volunteered their valuable services: The Harlande Brothers, in their daring feats. Mr C.H. Hamilton, the Philadelphia favorite. Mr C.A. Boggs, the world-renowned comic singer. Mr Jos. McDonough, the great comic singer. Mr Chas. M. Dimison, in his great song and dance. Mr N. Barth, the great stump orator. Master J. Smith, the fancy dancer. Mr A. Reed, the sweet balladist. Johnny Manderson, in his tamborine solo. Mast Harry Hilfrem, in his banjo solo. Pete Williams and George White, the happy contrabands, Also, the world-renowned Rose & Burr Opera Troupe ... Programme. ... A slight skirmish: or, The best way to settle it, ... Two Pompeys ... Two artists in trouble ... The whole to conclude with an Ethiopian sketch, entitled The difference between the broker & barber by the company. Admission, 25 cents Doors open at quarter of 7 o'clock. Performance to commence at 7 1/2 o'clock Front seats reserved for ladies. Polite ushers will be in attendance
Rose and Burr Opera Troupe
Aerialists; Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Leavitt, A. J. (Andrew J.); Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Two Pompeys
Public service announement
Benefit Performances; Festivals; Indiana; Indianapolis; Phoenix Theatre (Indianapolis, Ind.); Schedules (Time Plans); Theatrical Productions; Tickets; Walker Theatre (Indianapolis, Ind.)
Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third: Excursion! Free, to the city and back Sanford's complimentary benefit, on Saturday evening, Dec. 17th, 1864 Card.--The directors of the Market Street Ferry Company will, on the above evening, carry passengers to the city and return free on the above occasion, to those who will attend Sanford's benefit! Parties will purchase their tickets of Mr Pell, fruit stand, Market Street Ferry, Camden, who will give them a check to return. The boat will be in waiting at foot of Market St. S. side after termination of performance at 10 o'clock, thus enabling all parties to get to their homes in respectable time. The entertainment will comprise a great variety of minstrelsy! New acts, new songs, new pieces, new dances, by Sanford's Troupe! The wonder of the world, Nino Eddie will also appear on this occasion. The price of admission remains the same. Parquet and family circle, 25 cents Orchestra seats, 50 " Doors open quarter-past 6. To commence at quarter of 8. Terminating at or near 10. Mark!----By asking Mr. Pell for Sanford's tickets, at any of the above prices, your fare is included both ways---from Camden to the city, and from the city back
Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Aerialists; African Americans; Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Camden; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Ferries; Minstrel Shows; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third: Excursion! Free, to the city and back Sanford's complimentary benefit, on Saturday evening, Dec. 17th, 1864 Card.--The directors of the Southwark and Frankford Road will, on the above evening, carry passengers to the city and return free on the above occasion, to those who will attend Sanford's benefit! Parties will purchase their tickets of the conductors of the dummy engine cars, who will give them a check to return. Cars will be in waiting at the corner of 5th and Race! The performance terminating at 10 o'clock, thus enabling all parties to get to their homes in respectable time. The entertainment will comprise a great variety of minstrelsy! New acts, new songs, new pieces, new dances, by Sanford's Troupe! The wonder of the world, Nino Eddie will also appear on this occasion. The price of admission remains the same. Parquet and family circle, 25 cents Orchestra seats, 50 " Doors open quarter-past 6. To commence at quarter of 8. Terminating at or near 10. Mark!----By asking the conductor for Sanford's tickets, at any of the above prices, your fare is included both ways---from Frankford to Sixth and Race, from Fifth and Race back to Frankford
Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Aerialists; African Americans; Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Street Railroads
Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third: Friday, January 6th, 1865. Benefit of Jake Wallace when the following rich, rare and racy bill, will be presented. Programme. ... The hungry musicians ... Cruelty to Johnny. ... To conclude with The inauguration ball ... Concluding with a grand tab-lew. Saturday evening, Jan. 7th, benefit of J.P. Reese! Cards of admission, 25 cents Orchestra seats, 50 cts Private boxes, dress circle, $5 Private boxes, family circle, $4 & $3 Office will be open from 9 to 2 o'clock, for the sale of secured seats and boxes, without extra charge. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock. To commence quarter before 8
Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
African Americans; Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Inauguration Ball; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third: Saturday, January 7, 1865, benefit of Mr. J.P. Reese! when the following unprecedented acts, by Sanford's star troupe will be presented. Programme. ... Cruelty to Johnny. ... Stage-struck heroes ... To conclude with The Union Army! by the entire company. Monday evening, Jan. 9, benefit of the attachees Tuesday evening, benefit of J. Orr Finnie Cards of admission, 25 cents Orchestra seats, 50 cts Private boxes, dress circle, $5 Private boxes, family circle, $4 & $3 Office will be open from 9 to 2 o'clock, for the sale of secured seats and boxes, without extra charge. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock. To commence quarter before 8
Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
African Americans; Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Union Army
Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third: Thursday, January 12, 1865 Benefit of Billy Boyd on which occasion the following well-known gentlemen have kindly volunteered: Add Weaver, ... Harry Enochs, ... George Miles, ... Nino Eddie in his great ascension from the back of the stage to the ceiling. Programme. ... Cruelty to Johnny! ... To conclude with The Union Army! by the entire company. Look out for the Stereoscopian! Cards of admission, 25 cents Orchestra seats, 50 cts Private boxes, dress circle, $5 Private boxes, family circle, $4 & $3 Office will be open from 9 to 2 o'clock, for the sale of secured seats and boxes, without extra charge. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock. To commence quarter before 8
Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Aerialists; African Americans; Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Union Army
Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third: Tuesday, January 10, 1865, Sanford's Troupe in a grand bill of variety! Benefit of J. Orr Finnie! Nino Eddie in his great ascension from the back of the stage to the ceiling. Programme. ... Cruelty to Johnny! ... To conclude with The Union Army! by the entire company. Wednesday, benefit of American Mechanic Society! Look out for the Stereoscopian! Cards of admission, 25 cents Orchestra seats, 50 cts Private boxes, dress circle, $5 Private boxes, family circle, $4 & $3 Office will be open from 9 to 2 o'clock, for the sale of secured seats and boxes, without extra charge. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock. To commence quarter before 8
Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Aerialists; African Americans; Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Union Army
Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third: Wednesday, Jan'y 11th, 1865 Sanford's Troupe in a grand bill of variety! Benefit of American Mechanic Society! Nino Eddie in his great ascension from the back of the stage to the ceiling. Programme. ... Cruelty to Johnny! ... To conclude with The Union Army! by the entire company. Thursday, benefit of Billy Boyd. Look out for the Stereoscopian! Cards of admission, 25 cents Orchestra seats, 50 cts Private boxes, dress circle, $5 Private boxes, family circle, $4 & $3 Office will be open from 9 to 2 o'clock, for the sale of secured seats and boxes, without extra charge. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock. To commence quarter before 8
Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Aerialists; African Americans; Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Union Army
The Bijou Music Hall! No. 607 Arch Street, next door below the theatre. The people's favorite place of amusement: Harry Enochs, sole proprietor Billy Boyd, stage manager J. Nosher, musical director Andrew Enochs, ticket agent Officer, Wm. Early ... Immense success of the rival vocalists, Miss Nellie Taylor! and Miss Ada Tesman! Programme for this evening: ... Bijou Minstrels! ... Take-it-and-leave, man! ... The school, ... Bellows solo, with imitations! ... Two in a bed, or, Mrs. Skronshammer's adventures ... Comic trio! ... To conclude with the laughable extravaganza of the Aquatic sportsman! ... Thursday evening, January 28th, benefit of Tom Vance. Grand matinee every Saturday at half-past 2 o'clk for the accommodation of ladies and children. Admission, 10 and 15 cents Private boxes, $2.00. Single seats, 50 cents Doors open at quarter-before 7 o'clock. Commence quarter-before 8
Bijou Music Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Women; Women Dancers; Women Singers
To make you laugh is our delight!: Grand concert to be given at Washington Hall, south-west corner of Eighth and Spring Garden Streets, on Wednesday evening, May 20, 1863, for the benefit of Billy Martin of the Philadelphia Minstrels, on which occasion the Philadelphia Minstrels and a host of volunteers will appear. ... Also, the popular Harmonia Orchestra will play a host of musical selections. Programme. ... Prestidigitation by the great William Miller. ... The performance will conclude with an Ethiopian sketch, by Andy Williams, entitled The black tailors ... Admission, 25 cents Doors open at half-past 7 o'clock. Curtain rises at quarter before 8. Polite ushers will be in attendance. Front seats reserved for ladies
Philadelphia Minstrels
Aerialists; African Americans; Benefit Performances; Black Tailors; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Magicians; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Satire; Williams, Andy
We help the needy: Washington Hall S.W. corner Eighth & Spring Garden Sts. Musical director, C.W. Hilfrem Stage manager, Billy Burr Treasurer, Pete Williams Grand complimentary benefit to Mrs. Nevins on Friday, eve'n, July 29, 1864, whose son and only support was killed at the battle before Petersburg, June 20th, 1864. On which occasion, the old and original Brigg's Minstrels and Burlesque Opera Troupe, consisting of 12 performers! will appear in a pleasing programme. ... Hutchinson Family! ... Manager in trouble! ... The evening's entertainment will conclude with the laughable Ethiopian burlesque, entitled Lew-screech-board-her! ... Admission, 25 cents Front seats reserved for ladies. Polite ushers will be in attendance. Doors open at 7 o'clock. To commence at 8 o'clock
Briggs' Minstrels
Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Hutchinson Family; Minstrel Shows; Nevins, Annie E; Parodies, Imitations, Etc; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Survivors' Benefits
We persevere to save: A grand exhibition of photographic & stereoscopic views of the American Civil War, the important events, such as battles, skirmishes, encampments, etc., from the beginning up to the present time, for the benefit of Hamilton Section, No. 24, C. of T. at the Commissioners' Hall, West Philadelphia, on Wednesday evening, June 16th, 1862. Commencing at 8 o'clock. The views will be presented on a disc 14 feet square, with the use of the calcium light. Remarks, by Geo. A. Shryock. Programme. ... Admission, 10 cents
Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Civil War; Civil War, 1861 1865; Exhibitions; History; Lantern Slides; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Photography; Playbills; United States
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Scenic South Card Company
American Guild Of Variety Artists; Benefit Performances; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Movements; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; United States
Amateur minstrels show handbill, 1907 February 25
African American Fraternal Organizations; African Americans; Benefit Performances; Entertainment Events; Florida; Fort Pierce; Fraternal Organizations; Independent Order Of Odd Fellows; Minstrel Shows
Odd Fellows' Hall, Frankford: Edward Mogridge, business manager George Brown, treasurer Benefit of the 25th Ward Bounty Fund! On Wednesday evening, Aug. 24, '64 on which occasion Briggs' Minstrels and Burlesque Opera Troupe, in connection with the Bridesburg Armory Brass Band will appear in a versatile programme. ... Dramatic readings! ... How is your grandmudder? ... The evening's entertainment will conclude with the Ethiopian opera, entitled The rival boot blacks ... Admission, 25 cents Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performance to commence at half-past 7. Front seats reserved for ladies. Polite ushers will be in attendance
Briggs' Minstrels
Benefit Performances; Bounties, Military; Broadsides; Civil War; Civil War, 1861 1865; Entertainment Events; History; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Philadelphia (Pa.); Playbills
The Bijou Music Hall! No. 607 Arch Street, next door below the theatre. The people's favorite place of amusement: Harry Enochs, sole proprietor Billy Boyd, stage manager J. Nosher, musical director Andrew Enochs, ticket agent Officer, A. Lake Thursday evening, February 18th, 1864 a grand complimentary benefit to Miss Ada Tesman! On which occasion, a host of volunteers! will appear, amongst whom will be found the best talent in the profession: Lizzie Frances, and Kate Frances, the beautiful dancers. Nellie Howard, the great female jig dancer. Geo. Sheldon and Ed. Murray and a host of others--together with the great star company attached to this model concert hall of Philadelphia. Nellie Taylor & Ada Tesman! The beautiful vocalists. Billy Boyd, Tom Vance, Jimmy Quinn & Billy Wright the four funny fellows in new acts. This evening and every evening during the week the performance will conclude with the musical farce, entitled The Swiss cottage For further particulars, see house programmes the night of performance. Grand matinee every Saturday at half-past 2 o'clk for the accommodation of ladies and children. Admission, 10 and 15 cents Private boxes, $2.00. Single seats, 50 cents Doors open at quarter-before 7 o'clock. Commence quarter-before 8
Bijou Music Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Bayly, Thomas Haynes, 1797 1839; Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Swiss Cottage; Women; Women Dancers; Women Singers
The Bijou Music Hall! No. 607 Arch Street, next door below the theatre. The people's favorite place of amusement: Harry Enochs, sole proprietor Billy Boyd, stage manager J. Nosher, musical director Andrew Enochs, ticket agent Officer, Wm. Early ... First week of the accomplished vocalist, Miss Ada Tesman! Second successful week of the sweet balladist, Miss Nellie Taylor! Programme for this evening: ... Bijou Minstrels! ... Take-it-and-leave, man! ... Dumb man of Gin-o-ah ... Imitations! ... An awkward predicament! ... The adventures of a lieutenant ... To conclude with the laughable afrerpiece [sic] The Rush-in ball: ... Thursday evening, Jan. 14th, benefit of Helene Smith Friday evening, Jan. 15th, benefit of a wounded soldier of the 118th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. Grand matinee every Saturday at half-past 2 o'clk for the accommodation of ladies and children. Admission, 10 and 15 cents Private boxes, $2.00. Single seats, 50 cents Doors open at quarter-before 7 o'clock. Commence quarter-before 8
Bijou Music Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; United States; United States. Army. Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 118th (1862 1865); Women; Women Dancers; Women Singers
The Bijou Music Hall! No. 607 Arch Street, next door below the theatre. The people's favorite place of amusement: Harry Enochs, sole proprietor Billy Boyd, stage manager J. Nosher, musical director Andrew Enochs, ticket agent Officer, Wm. Early ... First week of the Washington favorite, Miss Addie Johnson, first week of the celebrated Ethiopian comedian, Jimmy Quinn, immense success of Miss Nellie Taylor Programme for this evening: ... Bijou Minstrels! ... Adventures in an apple orchard ... Imitations ... Troublesome boy. ... Handy Andy, ... Run for life! ... To conclude with the Rush-in ball ... In active preparation and will shortly be produced, The Virginny mummy. Thursday evening, January 28th, benefit of Tom Vance. Grand matinee every Saturday at half-past 2 o'clk for the accommodation of ladies and children. Admission, 10 and 15 cents Private boxes, $2.00. Single seats, 50 cents Doors open at quarter-before 7 o'clock. Commence quarter-before 8
Bijou Music Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Handy Andy; Minstrel Shows; Musical Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Sanford, Samuel S, 1821 1905; Women; Women Dancers; Women Singers
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