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Canterbury Music Hall, N.W. cor. Fifth & Chestnut Sts: New management! New faces. Glorious success Immense attraction! Programme for this evening. ... Canterbury Minstrels. ... Drawing a molar! ... Pompey's blunders! ... Deaf as a post. ... The performance to conclude with the laughable afterpiece, entitled Mr Finigan and his friends. Characters by the company Doors open at half-past 6 o'clock. Commence quarter to 8 Admission, 10, 15, and 25 cents Private boxes, $3 Look out for Chilcott's benefit, on Friday next, November 25th, 1864
Canterbury Music Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Broadsides; Deaf As A Post; Entertainment Events; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Poole, John, 1786? 1872
Come one! Come all! to the Washington Hall: corner of Eighth and Spring Garden Sts., to the grand complimentary concert! to be given to Chas. Eckstein and John M'Clure on Thursday evening, March 26, 1863 The following named ladies and gentlemen have kindly volunteered their valuable services on this occasion: Messrs. Long, Wambold & Derious of the circus, by the kind permission of Mr. Frank Whittaker. Ben Yeager, the champion jig dancer, Chas. Hamilton, balladist, John McFarland, comic singer, Jos. McDonough, comic singer, Mast. H. Hilfrem, banjoist, Miss Monroe, excelsior jig dancer, M'le Carrie Walters, prima donna from New York, and also the world-renowned Rose & Burr's Opera Troupe! consisting of the following named artists: N.B. Wright, leader, C.W. Hilfrem, 1st violinist, R.F. Simpson, 2d violinist, W.G. Hilfrem, banjoist, P.G. Selby, basso, J. Fisk, popular flutist, Billy Rose, Brudder Bones, Billy Burr, tamborinist, C.H. Hamilton
Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Eckstein, Chas; Entertainment Events; M'clure, John; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Concert Hall Newark. Positively two nights only: Saturday & Monday eve'ngs, May 14th & 16th, '64. First appearance of the world-renowned Tacon Ballet and Pantomime Troupe! in conjuction with the great New York Ethiopian and variety combination! ... Miss Eva Brent ... M'lle Marie Bertha ... Mr. Geo. W. Smith ... The embodiment of comic humor, the great pantomimists, Sig. Grimaldi Wheitoff and Mr. J.R. White ... Those irrepressible Ethiopian sons of Momus, Mr. Johnny Wild, the eccentric Mr. Ed. Wray, the unrivaled [b]anjoist, and Mr. Harry Kelly, the celebrated clogist and comedian. ... The musical organization under the direction of Mr. John Ritter, the popular conducteur de orchestre. Herr Stradder, the eminent pianist, and an efficient orchestra The entertainments will embrace artistic singing, beautiful ballets, graceful pas seuls, comic pantomimes and Ethiopian eccentricities. Tickets to all parts of the house, 25 cents Doors open at quarter-past 7 o'clock. Curtin rise at 8 precisely
Tacon Ballet and Pantomime Troupe
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; New Jersey; Newark; Pantomime; Playbills; Women; Women Dancers; Women Singers
Duer & Fox's Minstrels will give a grand concert, under a canvas: at [blank] on [blank] evening, [blank] Admission, 25 cents. Children, 15 cents The most complete traveling band in the profession, composed of a number of distinguished artists. Novelties and new attractions! Fun, music, frolic and mirth, to drive care away and cheer the drooping heart. Determination to please and amuse. Every member a prominent star in is own line of business. The ladies are particularly invited to witness the entertainment of great nonpareil minstrel company. ... Duer & Fox's Minstrels' programme will consist of new songs, dances, acts, glees, choruses, ballads, burlesque lectures, funny sayings and doings, &c., &c. The evening's entertainment will conclude with a grand jubilee! Characters by the company. Doors open at half-past 7 o'clock. Concert commences at 8 Come early. N.B.--No postponement on account of weather. Front seats reserved for ladies. P.S.--The management respectfully announce to their patrons that the services of this troupe can be engaged on reasonable terms for parties, serenades, &c., by applying in person or note to
Duer & Fox's Minstrels
African Americans; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Playbills; Tent Shows
Eleventh St. Opera House Eleventh Street, above Chestnut: Carncross and Dixey's Minstrels the star troupe of the world Benefit of E.F. Dixey this Tuesday evening, March 29th, 1864
Carncross & Dixey's Minstrels
African Americans; Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Eleventh St. Opera House: (late Sanford's,): Eleventh Street, above Chestnut. Triumphant success of Carncross & Dixey's Minstrels. The star troupe of the world. Frank Moran, the great original comedian. J.L. Carncross, the unrivalled balladist. E.F. Dixey, the celebrated comedian. Together with 15 star performers who appear nightly Admission, 25 cents. Children, 13 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence at 8 o'clock. Box office open from 10 till 3 o'clock. Seats secured without extra charge
Carncross & Dixey's Minstrels
African Americans; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Fattie Stewart's Melodeon 609 Chestnut St: Lessee and manager, J.C. Stewart Leader of orchestra, J. Robinson Veni! Vidi! Vici! And we still live! Occular demonstration is the surest proof that our performances are plus ultra. New stars. New acts and burlesques!! Engagement of Johnny Mitchell, ... Billy Chambers, ... Miss Rosa Chambers. Mast. Tommy, Sammy Williams, ... Together with all the old favorites--J.E. Gilligan, Kathleen Covington, Prof. Robinson, H.W. Speigle, Signor Watselman, Leon Berger, and the ever-popular Fattie Stewart! Programme extraordinary! ... Babes in the wood ... All for ducats, ... Downfall of Africa, ... The whole to conclude with a new plantation scene in which the whole company will appear. Grand complimentary benefit to Fattie Stewart for which 99 performers have kindly volunteers, on Thursday, Oct. 20. Admission, ten cents Doors open at 7 1/2 o'clock. To commence at 8. Wines, liquors, beer and cigars, constantly kept at the bar, and served by polite and attentive waiters. Any overcharge or not returning right change by waiter, patrons will please report at the bar
Fattie Stewart's Melodeon
Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Ferdinand & Solomon's Minstrels will give a grand parlor entertainment!: At [blank] on [blank] eve'ng, [blank] 1863 Admission [blank] cts. Children, [blank] cts. The most complete traveling band in the profession, composed of distinguished artists. Novelties and new attractions, fun, music, frolic and mirth, to drive care away and cheer the drooping heart. Determination to please and amuse. Every member a prominent star! in his own line of business. The ladies are particularly invited to witness the entertainment of the great nonpareil company. Ferdinand & Solomon's Minstrel's programme! will consist of new songs, dances, acts, glees, choruses, ballads, burlesques lectures, funny sayings, banjo, violin and bone solos, accordeon solos, imitation bagpipes, &c. &c. Look at the names! Mr. Frank Solomon, accordeonist and violinist of the original Virginia Serenaders. Mr. Chas. La Borde, the pleasing balladist and versatile performer. Mr. J. Ferdinand, the inimitable Brudder Bones and lion banjoist, known throughout all the principal cities as the people's favorite The evening's entertainment will conclude with a laughable afterpiece! Doors open at half-past 7. Commence at 8, precisely Come early! Fron seats reserved for ladies. Strict order will be observed during the performance. No postponement on account of the weather
Ferdinand & Solomon's Minstrels
African Americans; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Playbills
Fun! Fun! Come one come all--Give us a call: First grand complimentary concert for the benefit of the Wildey Assembly to be given at Herman Hall, Coates Street, above Second, on Wednesday evening, June 17th, 1863, on which occasion Jackson & Jones' Ethiopian Minstrels will appear. ... The elegant piano forte, used on this occasion, is from the factory of George Steck, New York, and is furnished by Mr. J.E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut Streets. Programme. ... Hungarian warblers! ... Fields of olden ... Exempt Quakers ... The surprise party, ... The Crow family ... Gum man of Philadelphia ... The whole to conclude with the walk around, Who's heel's dat a burnin' by the whole company. Prices of admission, 20 cts. Children, under 12 years, 10 cents Front seats reserved for ladies. Doors open at quarter-past 7 o'clock. Performance commences at 8
Jackson & Jones' Ethiopian Minstrels
African Americans; Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Satire
Fun! Fun!! Fun!!!: Duer & Fox's Minstrels will give a grand concert under a tent, at [blank] on [blank] evening, [blank] 1863 Admission, [blank] cts. Children, [blank] cts. The most complete traveling band in the profession, composed of a number of distinguished artists. Novelties and new attractions, fun, music, frolic and mirth, to drive care away, and cheer the drooping heart. Determination to please and amuse. Every member a prominent star! in his own line of business. The ladies are particularly invited to witness the entertainment of the great nonpariel minstrel company. ... Duer & Fox's Minstrel's programme will consist of new songs, dances, acts, glees, choruses, ballads, burlesque lectures, funny sayings and doings. The evening's entertainment will conclude with a grand jubilee! Characters by the company. Doors open at half-past 7. Concert commences at 8 Come early! N.B.--No postponement on account of weather. Front seats reserved for ladies. Music can be engaged for parties, serenades, &c., if required, by applying to the manager
Duer & Fox's Minstrels
African Americans; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Playbills; Tent Shows
Fun! Fun!! Fun!!!: Duer & Welch's Minstrels will give a grand concert under a tent, at [blank] on [blank] evening, [blank] 1864 Admission, [blank] cts. Children, [blank] cts. The most complete traveling band in the profession, composed of a number of distinguished artists. Novelties and new attractions, fun, music, frolic and mirth, to drive care away, and cheer the drooping heart. Determination to please and amuse. Every member a prominent star! in his own line of business. The ladies are particularly invited to witness the entertainment of the great nonpareil minstrel company. ... Duer & Welch's Minstrels' programme will consist of new songs, dances, acts, glees, choruses, ballads, burlesque lectures, funny sayings and doings. The evening's entertainment will conclude with a grand jubilee Characters by the company. Doors open at half-past 7. Concert commences at 8 Come early. N.B.--No postponement on account of weather. Front seats reserved for ladies. Music can be engaged for parties, serenades, &c., if required, by applying to the manager
Duer & Welch's Minstrels
African Americans; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Playbills; Tent Shows
Grand complimentary benefit to Billy Burr by his numerous friends: on Friday evening, Feb. 12, 1864, on which occasion, a host of volunteers will appear, consisting of the following named artists: Mr. Ferdinand, in his champion bone solo. Billy Rose, the popular comic vocalist and Ethiopian comedian. Andy Williams, in his original banjo solos. Prof. Wm. Miller the great Wizard of the West. Mr. S. Stinson, the pleasing balladist. Mr. J.H. Barbour, in his excelsior jig. Mr. M. Lapierre, in choice Bomic [sic] songs, (first appearance in four years. Mr. Pete Williams, the great contraband. And also, The Aeolian Star Troupe ... More blunders than one ... Third time of Andy Williams' comic act, entitled The musician. ... The performance to conclude with the laughable farce, entitled Statue blanche! ... Admission. Parquet and gallery, 25 cents Secured seats in parquet, 35 cents Seats in private boxes, 50 cents Doors open quarter-before 7. Performance to commence quarter-before 8. Polite ushers in attendance
Coates Street Theatre (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Magicians; Minstrel Shows; Musician; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Williams, Andy
Grand complimentary concert to Messrs. Chambers & Neel by their friends: on Monday eve'ng, August 3, 1863, for which occasion they have engaged Sanford & Hamilton's Minstrels ... Programme. ... The haunted house! ... The performance will conclude with The perplexed contraband Tickets, 25 cents Doors open at 7 o'clock. To commence quarter before 8. Front seats reserved for ladies
Sanford & Hamilton's Minstrels
Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Chambers & Neel; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Grand concert for the benefit of George S. Morfeit: to be given at the Girard Hall, S.W. corner of Sixth and Girard Avenue, Wednesday eve'ng, March 11, '63 by the Continental Minstrels consisting of the following named persons: A. Jones, P. Williamson, G. Albert, J. Side, H. Baker, G. White, E. Shaw, A. Shaw. For which occasion they have engaged the world-renowned Rose & Burr's Opera Troupe! at an enormous expense, who will appear in their pleasing programme. ... Slight skirmish: or, The best way to settle it. ... Seeing the elephant, ... Black blunders, ... The whole to conclude with a laughable piece, entitled Le bal masque ... Admission, 15 cents Doors open at half-past 6 o'clock. Concert to commence at half-past 7 Front seats reserved for ladies. Polite ushers in attendance
Continental Minstrels
Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Morfeit, George S; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Grand concert to be given by the Monitor Assembly at Franklin Hall: Sixth Street, below Arch. On Wednesday evening, Oct. 7, '63 on which occasion the Philadelphia Minstrels will appear in their versatile programme. ... Manager in trouble. ... Lay low for rebels ... The evening's entertainment will conclude with the laughable Ethiopian sketch, entitled The baffled contraband! ... Ending with a grand holiday jubilee, sustained by the entire company, Admission, 25 cents Children's tickets, 15 cts. Doors open at quarter-past 7 o'clock. Performance to commence at 8. Front seats reserved for ladies. Polite ushers will be in attendance. A police force will be in attendance to preserve order. The Philadelphia Minstrels can be engaged, by applying at Shoemaker's Drug Store, south-west corner of Sixth and Girard Avenue
Philadelphia Minstrels
African Americans; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Satire
Here to-night! Sanford's Opera Troupe: This far-famed Philadelphia institution will appear this evening, the whole under the immediate direction of Samuel S. Sanford! proprietor and manager, (of Sanford's Opera Houses, Philadelphia and Harrisburg.) The company: as presented on this occasion, is far superior to any ever offered to the public, giving more novelties than heretofore--among which are The exempts--Les miserables--The ghost! and other rare and attractive acts, as only done by Sanford's Troupe. ... Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence quarter before 8
Sanford's Opera Troupe
Broadsides; Emmett, Daniel Decatur, 1815 1904; Entertainment Events; High Daddy; Minstrel Shows; Paddy's Wedding; Playbills
Ho! For Hoffman & Smith's Virginia Troupe of Serenaders!: The most competent actors that have ever appeared, will perform at Langstroth's Hall, Germantown, on Wednesday eve'ng, Feb. 1st, 1865 Programme. Part first. Full band, with laughable jokes and comic sayings! Part second. Billy Rose, the great comic Ethiopian delineator. Miss Emma Miller, in her great song and dance. Johnny Clifford the great song and dance man. ... The barber, ... To conclude with The happy walk-around! by the entire company. Price of admission, 25 cents Doors open at half past 6 o'clock. Commence at half-past 7
Hoffman & Smith's Virginia Troupe of Serenaders
African Americans; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
Horticultural Hall, Broad and Walnut Street. Amateur Minstrels, Monday evening, March 28th, 1864: Programme. ... Doors open at 7 P.M. Performance to commence at 7 1/2. Admittance, 25 cents. Reserved seats, 25 cents extra
Amateur Minstrels
Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Concerts; Entertainment Events; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Programs; Sunday Schools
"In Union there is strength.": Grand complimentary concert! for the benefit of the widow of an old soldier to be given at Franklin Hall, Sixth Street, below Arch, on Saturday evening, April 2d, '64 on which occasion a host of talent will appear, George M. Cramp's Minstrels! will appear in some of their choice songs, ballads, burlesques, comic sayings, dances, music, fun, wit and humor. ... First appearance of J.L. Lynch in five years, the favorite ballad singer. A grand trial clog dance! by two champions, who have lately arrived from England. Programme for this evening. ... Admission, 25 cents Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performance to commence at 8. Gentlemanly ushers in attendance
George M. Cramp's Minstrels
Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; War Widows
It is better to laugh than be sighing: First grand concert by the Independence Assembly to be given at Girard Hall, S.W. cor. Sixth St. and Girard Avenue, on Friday ev'ng, March 20, 1863 on which occasion the Philadelphia Minstrels are engaged and will appear. ... Comic act--Post Office Sam! ... Comic act--Surprise party ... The performances will conclude with the laughable Ethiopian sketch, written by Andy Williams, entitled The musician! ... Admission, 25 cents. Doors open at half-past 6. Performance to commence at quarter of 8 Front seats reserved for ladies. Polite ushers will be in attendance
Philadelphia Minstrels
African Americans; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Musician; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Satire; Williams, Andy
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