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"Alumni And Alumnae"
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Abbott, Robert S. (Robert Sengstacke), 1868 1940; African American Authors; African Americans; African Americans In Literature; Algren, Nelson, 1909 1981. Somebody In Boots; Alumni And Alumnae; Arts & Entertainment; Ashby, William M. (William Mobile), 1889 1991; Attaway, William; Bond, Horace Mann, 1904 1972; Bontemps, Arna, 1902 1973; Brawley, Benjamin, 1882 1939; Butler, Alpheus; Campbell, J. Edwin, 1867 1896; Carter, Randall Albert, 1867 1954; Caspary, Vera, 1899 1987. White Girl; Cay, Joseph R; Cayton, Horace R. (Horace Roscoe), 1903 1970; Chicago Literary Society; Collins, Flaurience Sengstacke; Corrothers, James David, 1869 1917; Criticism And Interpretation; Daniel, W. A. (William Andrew), 1895; Davis, Allison, 1902 1983; Davis, Frank Marshall, 1905 1987; Davis, Robert; Delany, Martin Robison, 1812 1885; Douglass, Frederick, 1818 1895; Doyle, Bertram Wilbur, 1897 1980; Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872 1906; Dyson, Walter; Education; Farrell, James T. (James Thomas), 1904 1979. Studs Lonigan; Fiction; Ford, Theodore P; Fortson, Bettiola Heloise; Frazier, E. Franklin, 1894 1962; French, James Edgar; Greener, Richard Theodore, 1844 1922; Harris, Abram Lincoln, 1899 1963; Hendrickson, Will; Hershaw, Fay Mc Keene; Hughes, Langston, 1902 1967; Hunton, Addie W., 1866 1943; Illinois History & Culture; J. L. Nichols & Co; Johnson, Charles Bertram; Johnson, Charles Spurgeon, 1893 1956; Johnson, Fenton, 1888 1958; Johnson, Kathryn M. (Kathryn Magnolia), 1878; Jones, John, 1816 1879; King, Jefferson; Lindsay, Vachel, 1879 1931; Martin, J. Sella (John Sella), 1832; Mitchell, George Sinclair, 1902 1962; Moore, William H. A; Nearing, Scott, 1883 1983. Free Born; Robb, F. H. Hammurabi (Frederic H. Hammurabi); Roe, Elizabeth Ann Lyon, 1805 1887; Rogers, J. A. (Joel Augustus), 1880 1966; Sanborn, Gertrude, 1881 1928. Veiled Aristocrats; Scott, Henry Elrage; Sinclair, Upton, 1878 1968. Jungle; Slaver; Slaves; Starr, Frederick, 1858 1933; Sweeney, William Allison, 1851; Thompson, Joseph; Turner, Lorenzo Dow; Turner, Lucy Mae, 1884; Turpin, Waters E. (Waters Edward), 1910; United States; Universities; University Of Chicago; Walker, Margaret, 1915 1998; Wells Barnett, Ida B., 1862 1931; Wheatley, Phillis, 1753 1784; Women; Woodson, Carter Godwin, 1875 1950; Work, Monroe Nathan; Wright, Richard, 1908 1960; Wright, Zara
Oral history interview with Former Governor George Busbee, 1993 July 15
Abraham Baldwin College; African Americans; Agnew, Spiro T., 1918 1996; Alumni And Alumnae; American Association Of University Professors. Georgia Chapter; Bell, Griffin B., 1918; Bolton, Arthur K. (Arthur Key), 1922; Bowles, Jesse Groover; Busbee, George, 1927 2004; Callaway, Howard H. (Howard Hollis), 1927; Cook, Rodney; Dean, Roscoe, 1936; Democratic National Convention; Democratic Party (U.S.); Dole, Robert J., 1923; Duke University; Education; Floyd, James H., 1920; Ford, Gerald R., 1913 2006; Fortson, Ben Wynn, 1904; Fortson, Warren Candler, 1928; Gambrell, David Henry, 1929; Gay Liberation Movement; George, Walter F. (Walter Franklin), 1878 1957; Georgia; Georgia Institute Of Technology; Georgia Military College; Georgia Power Company; Glanton, Tom; Government; Governors; Gray, James F; Griffin, Marvin, 1907 1982; Harris, Joe Frank; Holloway, Al; Irvin, Thomas T., 1929; Jaycees International; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Kidd, Culver, 1914 1995; King & Spalding; Kirbo, Charles; Lance, Bert, 1931; Legislators; Macon Telegraph; Maddox, Virginia Cox, 1919 1997; Medicaid; Medicare; Meese, Edwin; Miller, Zell, 1932; Missing Children; Murphy, Thomas Bailey, 1924 2007; National Governors' Conference; Nunn, Sam; Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), Attack On, 1941; Perdue, Tom; Politics And Government; Prisons; Reagan, Ronald; Recessions; Republican Party (U.S. : 1854); Rowan, Robert A., 1935; Sanders, Carl Edward, 1925; Shipp, Bill; Sibley, John A. (John Adams), 1888 1986; Skandalakis, Mitch; Smith, George Leon, 1912 1973; Smith, George T. (George Thornewell), 1916; Stockman, David Alan, 1946; Strauss, Robert P; Thompson, Ronnie; Underwood, Norman Lee, 1941; United States; United States. Dept. Of Health And Human Services; Universities; University Of Georgia; University System Of Georgia. Board Of Regents; Vandiver, S. Ernest (Samuel Ernest), 1918; Vinson, Carl, 1883 1981; West Georgia College
Oral history interview with Zell Miller, 1986 May 19
Alumni And Alumnae; American Association Of University Professors; Andrews (N.C.); Apportionment (Election Law); Athens (Ga.); Atlanta (Ga.); Baseball; Bentley, James L; Blue Ridge (Ga.); Brinkley, Jack; Brown, Charlie, 1902; Bryan, William Jennings, 1860 1925; Busbee, George, 1927; Byrd, Garland T. (Garland Turk), 1924 1997; Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 1782 1850; Camp Le Jeune (N.C.); Canton (Ga.); Cherokee County, (Ga.); Cherokee County, (N.C.); Cherokee Indians; Churchill, Winston, 1874 1965; Civil War; Civil War (U.S.), 1861 1865; Coleman, Kenneth; Coulter, E. Merton (Ellis Merton), 1890; Country Music; Dahlonega (Ga.); De Kalb College; Democratic Party (U.S.); Discrimination; Discrimination In Sports; Education; Emory University; Emory University Academy (Oxford, Ga.); Fulton County (Ga.); Gainesville (Ga.); Georgia; Georgia Bulldogs (Football Team); Georgia. General Assembly; Gillis, James L., 1892 1975; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Government; Governors; Griffin, Marvin, 1907 1982; Harris, Young L. G. (Young Loften Gerdine), 1812 1894; Haygood, Atticus G. (Atticus Greene), 1839 1896; History; Indians Of North America; Interviews; Jackson, Andrew, 1767 1845; Jenkins, Ed, 1933; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Jones, Sam P. (Sam Porter), 1847 1906; Jordan, Hamilton; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Kidd, Culver, 1914 1995; Korean War, 1950 1953; Lance, Bert, 1931; Landrum, Philip M; Levitas, Elliott H. (Elliott Harris), 1930; Lieutenant Governors; Lockheed Aircraft Corporation; Medicaid; Miller, Birdie Bryan; Miller, Zell, 1932; New Deal, 1933 1939; North Carolina; Oconee County (Ga.); Owens, Erwin; Political Campaigns; Politics And Government; Rabun County (Ga.); Race Relations; Reece, Byron Herbert, 1917 1958; Republican Party (U.S. : 1854); Rivers, Eurith Dickinson, 1895 1967; Sanders, Carl Edward, 1925; Sandersville (Ga.); Savage, John P; Savannah (Ga.); Saye, Albert Berry; Sharpe, Guy; Towns County (Ga.); Transportation; Union County (Ga.); United States; United States. Congress; United States. Marine Corps; Universities; University Of Georgia; Vandiver, S. Ernest (Samuel Ernest), 1918; Washington, D. C; Watkinsville (Ga.); West Georgia College; White County (Ga.); Young Harris (Ga.); Young Harris College
Oral history interview with Ellis Arnall, 1986 April 2
Agricultural And Industrial Development Board Of Georgia; Alumni And Alumnae; American Federation Of Labor, The (Afl); Anti Defamation League; Anti Talmadge Faction; Arnall, Mildred; Arnall, Ruby; Atkinson, William Yates, Jr; Atkinson, William Yates, Sr; Atlanta Constitution; Atlanta Georgian, The; Atlanta Journal; Attorneys General; Bank Of The South, The; Bartley, Numan V; Beaver, Sandy; Belle Of Ashby Street: Helen Douglas Mankin And Georgia Politics, The; Biggers, George C; Board Of Regents, University System Of Ga; Brown V. Board Of Education Of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954); Burns, Robert Elliot; Busbee, George Dekle; Callaway, Howard Hollis (Bo); Carmichael, James V; Civil War; Congress Of Industrial Organizations (Cio); Contras; Coweta County, Ga; Cox, James Middleton; Creation Of Modern Georgia, The; Dobbs, Talmadge; Dorsey, Hugh; Douglas, Helen; Douglas, William Orville; Elections; Flynt, Jack; Frank, Leo Max; Frankfurter, Felix; Georgia; Georgia V. Pennsylvania Railroad Co., 324 U. S. 439 (1945); Georgia. General Assembly. House; Gilbert & Sullivan; Government; Governor Cox; Governors; Griffin, Samuel Marvin; Harris, Roy Vincent; Harris, Rufus Carrollton; Howell, Clark; I Am A Fugitive From A Georgia Chain Gang; Inland Steel Company, The; Integration; Interstate Commerce Commission; Jackson, Maynard Holbrook, Jr; Jackson, Robert Houghwout; Jackson, Samuel Dillon; Jones, Jesse Holman; Journey Through My Years; Kennedy, John B; Ku Klux Klan; Legislators; Little White House, Warm Springs, Ga; Maddox, Lester; Mankin, Helen Douglas; Mc Gill, Ralph Emerson; Motion Picture Industry Council; New Deal; Newnan, Ga; Phagan, Mary; Piedmont Driving Club; Pittman, Marvin; Political Action Committees (Pa Cs); Politics And Government; Poll Tax; Power Structure; Reagan, Ronald Wilson; Rivers, Eurith Dickinson (Ed); Roberts, Columbus; Roosevelt, Franklin Delano; Russell, Richard Brevard, Jr; Sanders, Carl Edward, Sr; Slaton, John M; Smith, Marion; Spivey, Alfred; Spivey, Jack; Steely, Mel; Talmadge Faction; Talmadge Family; Talmadge, Eugene; Talmadge, Herman E; Thompson, Melvin Ernest; Truman, Harry S; Turner, Forrest; United States; United States Steel, The; Universities; University Of Georgia; University Of Georgia. School Of Law; University Of The South; University Of The South, Sewanee, Georgia; University System Of Georgia (Usg); Vandiver, Samuel Ernest, Jr; Wallace, Henry Agard; Warm Springs, Ga; White Primaries; Wilson, Charles Edward (Charlie); Woodruff, Robert Winship (Bob)
Oral history interview with Ellis Arnall, 1986 February 18
Alumni And Alumnae; American Legion; Arnall Manufacturing Company; Atlanta Constitution; Atlanta Gas Company; Atlanta Journal; Atlanta, Georgia; Attorneys General; Austin, Texas; Bank Of The South, The; Barrett, William Hale; Biggers, George C; Board Of Regents, University System Of Ga; Bremen, Georgia; Butts County, Ga; Callaway, Howard Hollis (Bo); Campbellton University, Kt; Carmichael, Stokely; Carrollton, Georgia; Central Baptist Church, Newnan, Ga; Civil War; Clay, Lucius Dubignon; Cook, James F., Jr; Cornwall, U.K; Coulter, E. Merton; Coweta County, Ga; Cox, James Middleton; Coxon, Helen Williams; Culpepper, John Wesley; Dallas, Tx; Dayton, Ga; Delta Air Lines; Democratic Party; Diva, Judge; Douglas, William Orville (Bill); Dublin, Georgia; Eastern Air Lines; Ellis County, Texas; Ellis, Joseph Matthew; Fdr Warm Springs Memorial Commission; Fitzsimmons, Ted; Ford, Gerald Rudolph, Jr. (Jerry); Gallogly Family, The; Gallogly, Richard (Dick); General Mills, Inc; George, Walter Franklin; Georgia; Georgia Education Convention; Georgia. General Assembly. House; Gillis, James L. (Jim); Government; Governor's Mansion (Georgia); Governors; Great Depression; Griffin, Samuel Marvin, Sr; Hannegan, Robert E. (Bob); Hanover County, Va; Hodge, George Baird; Howell, Clark; Integration; Ireland; Jenkins, Roy Harris; Johnson, Lyndon Baines; Kentucky; Ku Klux Klan; Laurens County, Ga; Lee, Robert E; Legislators; Little White House, Warm Springs, Ga; Lumpkin, Wilson; Macon, Ga; Maddox, Lester Garfield; Martin, Jessie; Mercer University, Atlanta, Ga; Miller, W. L. (Lint); Moore, Wiley Lemuel; Moses, George Biggins; Murray, William Henry Davis (Alfalfa Bill); National Association For Advance Foods; National Fisheries Institute (Nfi); National Frozen & Refrigerated Food Association (Nfra); Nestle, Carnation; New Orleans, La; Newnan, Ga; O'daniel, Wilbert Lee (Pappy); Oglethorpe University; Paige, Leroy Robert (Satchel); Peachtree Creek, Ga; Politics And Government; Poll Tax; Republican Party; Rivers, Eurith Dickinson (Ed); Roberts, Columbus; Roosevelt, Franklin Delano; Russell, Richard Brevard, Jr. (Dick); Sargent, Ga; Savannah, Georgia; Schmid, Smoot (Sheriff); Shepperson, Gay Bolling; Short History Of Georgia; Spivey, Alfred; Spivey, Jack; Stevenson, Coke Robert; Stevenson, Cope; Supreme Court Of The United States; Talmadge, Eugene; Texas; Texas State Capitol; Thompson, Melvin Ernest; Truman, Harry S; Union Springs, Al; United Kingdom; United States; Universities; University Of Georgia, Athens, Ga; University Of Georgia. School Of Law; University Of The South; University Of The South, Sewanee, Tn; University System Of Georgia (Usg); Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tn; Wallace, Henry Agard; Walton County, Ga; Warm Springs, Ga; Washington (D.C.); White Primaries; Wilson, Charles Erwin; Woolman, Charlie; Works Progress Administration (Wpa)
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