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The great Canterbury Hall! Corner of Fifth and Chestnut Streets, (late New Grotto.): Wm. A. Wray and Robert Gardiner, proprietors Theodore Boettger, musical director Still triumphant! The field our own! Glorious success of the star company equaled by few, excelled by none. Wray's great feat of aerial suspension ... Continued furore to see Louisa Payne, the best vocalist in the city. Harry Enochs and Johnny Wild in new comicalities. Another new programme: ... Canterbury Minstrels ... Grand matinee for ladies and children on Saturday, March 15th, at 2 o'clock, P.M. Admission. Parterre, 15 cents. Family circle, 10 cents Private boxes, two dollars. Single seats, fifty cents Grand balcony serenade by the Canterbury Brass Band, previous to commencing
Canterbury Music Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Aerialists; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Women; Women Singers
Town Hall for one night only. Sanford's Opera Troupe: This far-famed Philadelphia institution will appear at the above hall, on Tuesday evening, Oct. 25th, 1864, the whole under the immediate direction of Samuel S. Sanford! proprietor and manager, (of Sanford's Opera Houses, Philadelphia and Harrisburg.) The company: as presented on this occasion, is far superior to any ever offered to the public, giving more novelties than heretofore, among which are The exempts--Les miserables--The ghost! and other rare and attractive acts, as only done by Sanford's Troupe. ... Admission to all parts of the hall, 30 cents Children, twenty-five cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence quarter before 8
Sanford's Opera Troupe
Broadsides; Emmett, Daniel Decatur, 1815 1904; Entertainment Events; High Daddy; Minstrel Shows; Paddy's Wedding; Playbills
Union Concert Hall Thompson Street, below Fifth: Conrad Hoffman, proprietor Billy Rose, stage manager Jacob Stroble, leader of orchestra Open every evening with the most complete company in the profession, composed of a number of distinguished artists! Novelty and new attaction fun, music, frolic and mirth! Each member a prominent star. Observe the talent: First week of the accomplished vocalist and dansuese, Miss Ada St. Clair. Little Ada, the accomplished dansuese. She will also appear in her favorite jig. Miss Emma Miller, the great comic vocalist--she also appears in her great song and dance every evening. Prof. Cummings, the celebrated Chinese juggler. Billy Rose, Ethiopian comedian and comic vocalist. George Burton, the great comic vocalist--he will appear in this great impalement act. Johnny Clifford, the great song and dance man. Alb. Mortimer, the very comic and eccentric banjoist. Pete Williams, the great stump orator and happy contraband. Jacob Stroble, Frank Glading, Conrad Hoffman & G. Bitter Admission, 15 cents Doors open at seven o'clock. Performance to commence at eight o'clock
Union Concert Hall
African Americans; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Playbills
Washington Hall South-West corner of Eighth and Spring Garden Streets: Stage manager, B. Rose Musical director, C. Renz Pianist, T. Harrison Grand complimentary benefit to C.H. Hamilton and W. Wallace on Monday evening, April 20th, 1863. The following named talent have kindly volunteered their services: The old Philadelphia favorite, Dan Gardner, clown and comic singer. Miss Eliza and Minnie Gardner, the little fairies. The Polish Brothers, the great acrobats. Mr. Wambold, the boneless wonder. J.W. Sharpless, Tony De Costa, Harlande Brothers, in their daring feats on the trapese. J. Reece, comic singer and comedian. J. Forbes, excelsior banjo player. Ben Yeager and S. Lane, great jig dancers. Prof. Wagner, magician, (his first appearance in two years.) F. Anthony and W. Archibald, two comedians. N. Barth versatile performer and J. Lynch, wonder drum solo. Last, though not least, the renowned Rose and Burr Opera Troupe ... The whole to conclude with the White-wash army! ... Admission, 25 cents Doors open at quarter to 7 o'clock. To commence at half-past 7. Fronts seats reserved for ladies. Gentlemanly ushers in attendance N.B.--During the evening, a beautiful steel engraving, with frame, will be presented to the association disposing of the largest number of tickets
Rose and Burr Opera Troupe
Acrobats; Aerialists; Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
"We study to please!": Grand concert! to be given at Girard Hall, S.W. corner of Sixth and Girard Avenue, on Friday evening, Feb'y 20th, 1863 by the Philadelphia Minstrels! consisting of ten performers, on which occasion they have selected the following bill. ... Comic act (new) entitled The black alderman! ... After which, a comic act entitled The manager in trouble ... The performance to conclude with the new Ethiopian opera of Aleriterio ... Admission, 25 cents. Children, 10 cents. Doors open at half-past 6, performance to commence at half-past seven. Front seats reserved for ladies. Polite ushers will be in attendance. Buchner's orchestra can be engaged for balls or parties, or the Philadelphia Minstrels for concerts, by applying at the drug store, corner Girard Avenue and Sixth Street
Philadelphia Minstrels
African Americans; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Satire
Worrell's Metropolis Varieties!: No. 140 South Third Street. Billy Worrell sole proprietor Veni! Vidi! Vici! The coolest place of amusement in the city. Open every eve'ng with the best and most versatile company in the city. First appearance of Miss Kate Clare the champion jig dancer of the world! In her original character of Young Dinah Snow. Look at the names! Miss Annie West, the beautiful balladist. Miss Fanny Rivers, the graceful danseuse. Miss Lydia White, the celebrated jig dancer. Miss Kate Clare, as Young Dinah Snow. Miss Duprees, Billy Worrell, comic vocalist. Bill La Conta, in his original banjo solo. Frank Howard, in his essence of Ole Virginny. Pop Search, violinist and comic vocalist. Herr Tatzell
Metropolis Varieties (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Women; Women Dancers; Women Singers
African American Dancer Performing
Celebrations; Dancers; Festivals; Musicians; Performances (Entertainment Events); Universities; University Of California, Irvine
LBJ Recording of Telephone Conversation, WH Series, JOHN CONNALLY, 9:45A
Civil Rights; Crime; Education; Elections; Entertainment Events; Law Enforcement; Legislation; Politics, Practical; Public Relations; Welfare
LBJ Recording of Telephone Conversation, WH Series, ROBERT KENNEDY, 6:40P
Civil Rights; Crime; Education; Elections; Entertainment Events; Law Enforcement; Legislative Liaison; Public Relations
LBJ Recording of Telephone Conversation, WH Series, Speaker: LARRY O'BRIEN, Time: 3:55 p.m
Civil Rights; Economics; Education; Entertainment Events; Federal Budget; Legislation; Legislative Liaison; Public Relations; Taxation; Welfare; Women
Cities And Towns; Civilians; Clothing And Dress; Dance; Entertainment Events; Headgear; Music; Occupations; Singing
Bijou Music Hall No. 607 Arch St, next door to the theatre: Harry Enochs, sole proprietor Programme for this evening. ... Bijou Minstrels ... Malicious trespasses! ... Run for life ... African Roscius! ... Sky-light adventures! ... Grand inpalement feat ... Mons. O. Phi Clide, the great Hercules! ... To conclude with The Mullygrubs! ... Grand matinee every Saturday, at half-past 2 o'clock for ladies and children. Admission.--Parquet, 10c. Orchestra, 15c. Private boxes, $2. Single seats 50c
Bijou Music Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Malicious Trespass; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Strong Men; White, Charles, 1821 1891
Brandt's Hall!: Manager, S.C. Dubois Mr. Dubois, the manager, gives notice that every exertion will be made by him to preserve the strictest order and ensure the comfort of all those who wish to pass a pleasant evening in the hall. The citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity are notified, that Mr. Dubois has taken great pains to present this great American drama of The octoroon! in a style worthy of their patronage. ... On Monday evening, May 16th, 1864, will be presented the great American drama of The octoroon! or, Life in Louisiana! ... Note.--The management wish to impress on the minds of the audience that this play is considered the truest picture ever drawn of Southern life, and in order to appreciate it properly, the strictest attention is necessary. Reserved seats, 50 cents Particular notice.--Those desirous of securing seats, which will be retained during the evening, can do so by applying at the hall during the morning. Seats, not reserved, 25 cents Doors open at half-past seven o'clock. Performance at eight
Dramatic Combination
Boucicault, Dion, 1820 1890; Broadsides; Drama; Entertainment Events; Harrisburg; Louisiana; Octoroon; Pennsylvania; Playbills; Racially Mixed People; Slaver; Slavery; Theater
Canterbury Music Hall, N.W. cor. Fifth & Chestnut Sts: Business manager, John Cathcart Stage manager, Ed. Preble Success upon success New faces! New acts!! Ear-stunning shouts of applause! Every one pleased!!! Second week of the greatest living comic singer of the age and Philadelphia favorite, Billy Holmes Re-appearance of the old favorite, Bob Harrison. First Appearance of the charming vocalist and danseuse, Miss Mary Warren ... Programme for this evening. ... Canterbury Minstrels. ... Scenes at McClees. ... Malicious trespassing ... Sports on the neck ... The performance to conclude with the laughable afterpiece, entitled Managers' troubles! Characters by the company Doors open at half-past 6 o'clock. Commence at 8 Admission, 10 and 20 cts. Private boxes, $3. Single seats, 50 cents. Look out for old Dick Berthelon's benefit next Thursday evening, Dec. 1, 1864, when a great bill will be offered
Canterbury Music Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Malicious Trespass; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; White, Charles, 1821 1891; Women; Women Dancers; Women Singers
Canterbury Music Hall, N.W. cor. Fifth & Chestnut Sts: Sole lessee, John H. Chilcott Business manager, John Cathcart Stage manager, Ed. Preble Novelty succeeds novelty New faces! New acts! Entire change of programme! Benefit of Billy Holmes! This evening. Engagement of the charming vocalist, for a limited period, Louisa Wells. Engagement of the great Ethiopian comedian and bone soloist, J. Clark Wells Mast. Bobby, ... Mary Warren, ... Tom Brookfield ... Programme for this evening ... Canterbury Minstrels. ... Devil in a pawn shop ... Magic influence! ... Two gladiators! ... The performance to conclude with the laughable afterpiece, entitled The Irish pedlar! ... Doors open at 6 o'clock. Commence at 8. Admission, 10 and 20 cts. Private boxes, $3. Single seats, 50 cents. The great extemporaneous and comic singer, Fred Shaw, will appear on Wednesday evening, December 7th, 1864
Canterbury Music Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Canterbury Minstrels; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Women; Women Dancers; Women Singers
Canterbury Music Hall, N.W. cor. of Fifth & Chestnut Sts: Robert Gardiner, proprietor. Great combination of talent. Great applause! Full houses! No humbug! No puffery! The people's favorite resort! The best company in the city! The two great and popular female vocalists, Miss Annie Rush and Miss Victoria Howard. ... Canterbury Minstrels ... Orchestra and brass band. Fritz Hartman, leader. ... The laughable afterpiece The 4 lovers!
Canterbury Music Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Four Lovers; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Ravel, Jerome, 1814? 1890; Women; Women Singers
Carncross & Dixey's Minstrels! Eleventh Street Opera House: Benefit of Robt. Fraser on Monday eve'g, May 4. Entire new bill
Carncross & Dixey's Minstrels
African Americans; Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Metamorphic Pictures; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
City Hall Positively 1 night only Monday evening, April 18: Harris & Smith's Minstrel Troupe and Brass Band! 18 star performers, the most perfect minstrel organization now traveling, consisting of the following powerful array of talent, never before concentrated in a similar entertainment ... Comic quartet! ... What is that? ... Les Miserables! ... Codfish musketeer! ... Essence of Ole Virginny ... The whole to conclude with Dan Emmet's latest walk-a-round, How are you greenbacks! by the entire company. Admission, 25 cents. Reserved seats, 50 cents Doors open at 7. Performance to commence at 8. Balcony serenade every evening, previous to the opening of the doors, by the brass band attached to the troupe, led by Prof. Hosfeldt
Harris & Smith's Minstrel Troupe
Brass Bands; Broadsides; Burlington; Emmett, Daniel Decatur, 1815 1904; Entertainment Events; How Are You Greenbacks; Minstrel Shows; New Jersey; Playbills
Fattie Stewart's Apollo Free Concert Hall: Fattie Stewart, proprietor J.E. Gilligan, stage manager Prof. Robinson, leader of orchestra We strive to please! Success rewards our efforts! Entire change of programme. Look at the talent. Miss Ida Furr, Mr F. Alexander, Mr Samuel Williams, Miss Martin, Mr J.E. Gilligan, Mr Robinson, Mast. Tommy, Fattie Stewart! Programme for this evening ... Not to be shaken ... Grand posturing act, ... The bill-posters' dream! ... He would be an actor! ... A nigger in a fix! ... The whole to conclude with scenes from the opera of Lucia di Lammermoor in which the whole company will appear. Admission, ten cents including refreshment ticket, doors open at 7. Commence quarter to 8 No boys admitted. Best of liquors, cigars and lager beer, constantly on hand at the bar
Fattie Stewart's Apollo Free Concert Hall
Adaptations; Broadsides; Donizetti, Gaetano, 1797 1848; Entertainment Events; Lucia Di Lammermoor; Minstrel Shows; Music Halls; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills
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