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- Black Box Video Series48
- Twentieth century Negro literature, or, A cyclopedia of thought on the vital topics relating to the American Negro, by one hundred of America's greatest Negroes.21
- Noted Negro women : their triumphs and activities7
- College of life : or, Practical self-educator, a manual of self-improvement for the colored race forming an educational emancipator and a guide to success. Giving examples and achievements of successful men and women of the race as an incentive and inspiration to the rising generation, including Afro-American progress illustrated. The whole embracing business, social, domestic, historical and religious education.6
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William Malcom Batts
African American Educators; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African American Track And Field Athletes; African Americans; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church (Houston, Tex.); Batts, William Malcom, 1913 1993; Carverdale High School Principal; Christian Crusader Newspaper Columnist; Clergy; District Principals Associations President; Educators; Lincoln Missionary District Secretary; Mary Allen College; Mary Allen College Vice President; Prairie View A & M Extension College; Prairie View A & M University; Prairie View A & M University Sunday School Superintendent; Prairie View A & M University V 8 Track Team Captain; Prairie View Athletic Hall Of Fame; Ralph J. Bunche High School Principal; Saint John Baptist Church; Saint Paul Baptist Church; State Congress Of Christian Workers Secretary; Teachers; Texas Southern University Extension College; Texas State Teachers Association Vice President; Track And Field Athletes
Atlanta Community Chest
African American Businesspeople; African American Civic Leaders; African American Parents' And Teachers' Associations; African American Physicians; African American Women; African American Women Educators; African Americans; Atlanta; Atlanta Community Chest; Butler Family; Butler, Henry Rutherford, 1862 1931; Butler, Henry Rutherford, 1899 1988; Butler, Selena Sloan, Ca. 1872 1964; Education; Finance; Fund Raising; Gammon Theological Seminary; Georgia; Membership; National Congress Of Colored Parents And Teachers; Race Relations; Records And Correspondence; Social Conditions; Societies And Clubs; Spelman College; United States; Women
Atlanta District P.T.A.
African American Businesspeople; African American Civic Leaders; African American Parents' And Teachers' Associations; African American Physicians; African American Women; African American Women Educators; African Americans; Atlanta; Butler Family; Butler, Henry Rutherford, 1862 1931; Butler, Henry Rutherford, 1899 1988; Butler, Selena Sloan, Ca. 1872 1964; Education; Gammon Theological Seminary; Georgia; National Congress Of Colored Parents And Teachers; Parents' And Teachers' Associations; Race Relations; Records And Correspondence; Social Conditions; Societies And Clubs; Spelman College; United States; Women
Periodicals and books
African American Businesspeople; African American Civic Leaders; African American Parents' And Teachers' Associations; African American Physicians; African American Women; African American Women Educators; African Americans; Atlanta; Butler Family; Butler, Henry Rutherford, 1862 1931; Butler, Henry Rutherford, 1899 1988; Butler, Selena Sloan, Ca. 1872 1964; Education; Gammon Theological Seminary; Georgia; National Congress Of Colored Parents And Teachers; Race Relations; Social Conditions; Societies And Clubs; Spelman College; United States; Women
Periodicals and books
African American Businesspeople; African American Civic Leaders; African American Parents' And Teachers' Associations; African American Physicians; African American Women; African American Women Educators; African Americans; Atlanta; Butler Family; Butler, Henry Rutherford, 1862 1931; Butler, Henry Rutherford, 1899 1988; Butler, Selena Sloan, Ca. 1872 1964; Education; Gammon Theological Seminary; Georgia; National Congress Of Colored Parents And Teachers; Race Relations; Social Conditions; Societies And Clubs; Spelman College; United States; Women
Yearbook, Knoxville College
African American Businesspeople; African American Civic Leaders; African American Parents' And Teachers' Associations; African American Physicians; African American Women; African American Women Educators; African Americans; Atlanta; Butler Family; Butler, Henry Rutherford, 1862 1931; Butler, Henry Rutherford, 1899 1988; Butler, Selena Sloan, Ca. 1872 1964; Education; Gammon Theological Seminary; Georgia; National Congress Of Colored Parents And Teachers; Race Relations; Social Conditions; Societies And Clubs; Spelman College; United States; Women
Yearbook, Knoxville College
African American Businesspeople; African American Civic Leaders; African American Parents' And Teachers' Associations; African American Physicians; African American Women; African American Women Educators; African Americans; Atlanta; Butler Family; Butler, Henry Rutherford, 1862 1931; Butler, Henry Rutherford, 1899 1988; Butler, Selena Sloan, Ca. 1872 1964; Education; Gammon Theological Seminary; Georgia; National Congress Of Colored Parents And Teachers; Race Relations; Social Conditions; Societies And Clubs; Spelman College; United States; Women
Yearbook, Knoxville College
African American Businesspeople; African American Civic Leaders; African American Parents' And Teachers' Associations; African American Physicians; African American Women; African American Women Educators; African Americans; Atlanta; Butler Family; Butler, Henry Rutherford, 1862 1931; Butler, Henry Rutherford, 1899 1988; Butler, Selena Sloan, Ca. 1872 1964; Education; Gammon Theological Seminary; Georgia; National Congress Of Colored Parents And Teachers; Race Relations; Social Conditions; Societies And Clubs; Spelman College; United States; Women
Aubrey Starks
Marla's Magic
African American Athletes; African American Basketball Coaches; African American Basketball Players; African American Coaches; African American Educators; African American Football Coaches; African American Football Players; African American Funeral Programs; African American Track And Field Coaches; African Americans; Athletes; Basketball Coaches; Basketball Players; Canadian Football League; Canadian Football League Calgary Stampeders; Cfl; Coaches; Coaching; Cullen Middle School; Educators; Equippers Bible Fellowship; Equppers Bible Fellowship Founding Member; Ezekiel Cullen Jr. High School; Fellowship Of Christian Athletes; Football Coaches; Football Players; Foster Elementary School; Houston Independent School District (Tex.); Jesse H. Jones Basketball Team Captain; Jesse H. Jones Basketball Team Most Dedicated; Jesse H. Jones Falcon Football Team; Jesse H. Jones Falcon Football Team Captain; Jesse H. Jones Falcon Football Team Most Valuable Player; Jesse H. Jones Sr. High School; Jesse H. Jones Sr. High School Most Popular Junior; Jesse H. Jones Sr. High School Outstanding Back; National Football League; National Football League Minnesota Vikings; National Football League New England Patriots; National Football League San Antonio Gunslingers; National Football League Seattle Seahawks; National Football League Washington Redskins; Nfl; Rotary Club; Softball; Starks, Aubrey, 1954 2007; Swimming Coaches; Texas A & M University; Texas A & M University All American; Texas A & M University All Lone Star Conference; Texas A & M University Hall Of Fame; Texas A & M University Line Man Of The Year Lone Star Conference; Texas High School All Star Football Team; Track And Field Coaches
Clarence Miller, Sr.
Administrator; African American; African American Educators; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African Americans; Aldine Independent School District (Tex.); Educators; Eldorado Social Club President; Houston Independent School District (Tex.); Houston Live Stock Show & Rodeo Black Go Texan Committee Captain; Houston Live Stock Show & Rodeo Black Go Texan Committee Committeeman; Jack Yates Alumni Association; Jack Yates High School (Houston, Tex.); Military Service; Miller, Clarence, Sr., 1924 2014; Navy; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity 54th Conclave National Level Grand Marshall; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity 9th District Meeting District Marshall; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity District Level Texas State Representative; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Nu Phi Chapter; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Nu Phi Chapter Annual Go Western Dance Committee Member; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Nu Phi Chapter Basileus; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Nu Phi Chapter Editor To The Oracle; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Nu Phi Chapter Vic Basileus; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Tau Epsilon Chapter; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Tau Epsilon Chapter Undergraduate Advisor; Retired Teachers Of Texas; Seaman 1st Class; Teachers; Texas Southern University; United States; Vocational Coordinator; Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church Boy Scouts Explorer Troop 242 Troop Leader; Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church Family Connection Committee; Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church Usher Board; World War Ii, 1939 1945
Gideon Lamar Sanders, Sr.
Fine Print Designers
African American; African American Dramatists; African American Educators; African American Funeral Programs; African American Musicians; African American Teachers; African Americans; American Legion; Brooke General Hospital Surgical Technician Certificate; Brotherhood Union; Brummels Club At Phillis Wheatley High School Sponsor; Cannon Baptist Church Music Director; Christian Faith Baptist Church Music Director; Crawford Elementary School; Cullen Middle School; Deacons; Dramatists; Educators; Famous Knights And First Ladies Club; Fifth Ward Brotherhood Convention; Fifth Ward Missionary Baptist Church Deacon; Fifth Ward Missionary Baptist Church Director Of Music; Herman E. Rochelle Post No. 827; Houston Independent School District (Tex.); Houston, Harris County Retired Teachers Association President; Independent District Association; Independent Missionary Baptist General Association; Magnolia Lodge #3 F & A M; Military Service; Mount Hope Bible College; Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Music Director; Musicians; National Convention Of America Local Choir Director; National Convention Of America National Choir Director; National Convention Of America State Choir Director; National Educational Association Of America; New Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Music Director; O.E.S; Pershing Middle School; Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. Alpha Chapter; Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. Belta Delta Chapter; Phi Delta Kappa Fraternity; Phillis Wheatley Alumni Association; Phillis Wheatley High School; Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Music Director; Ross Mortuary Funeral Consultant; Saint Emanuel Baptist Church Music Director; Sanders, Gideon Lamar, Sr., 1926 2003; Southwest Central District Association Music Director; Teachers; Texas Southern University; Texas State Retired Teachers Association; The Controllers And Mademoiselles; Women; Women's Uplift, Worthy Patron, Burnett Star's Chapter #266; World War Ii, 1939 1945
Leon A. Richardson, Sr.
African American Educators; African American Funeral Programs; African American Teachers; African Americans; Booker T. Washington High School (Houston, Tex); Burrus Elementary School; Educators; Fourth Ward Property Owners Association; Hisd Certificate Of Merit; Houston Area Urban League Ceta Program Consultant; Houston Independent School District (Tex.); Houston Retired Teachers Association; Jack Yates High School (Houston, Tex.); Jack Yates High School Kingsmen Club Sponsor; Jack Yates High School Student Council Sponsor; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Hall Of Fame; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Polemarch's Award; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. Houston Alumni Chapter; Kashmere High School; Miller Junior High School; Our Community's Teachers Award; Prairie View A & M University; Prairie View A & M University Honorary Mr. Homecoming; Prairie View A & M University Student Organization President; Precinct Judge; Richardson, Leon A., Sr., 1914 1997; Riverside Civic Club; South Central Ymca Leadership And Community Service Award; South Central Ymca: Prairie View A & M University Alumni Association; Teachers; Texas Independent School District Human Relations Department Consultant; Texas Southern Univesity; The Houston Informer; The Houston Informer Advertising Director; The Houston Informer Associate Editor; Tierwester Civic Association; University Presbyterian Church Co Founder; University Presbyterian Church Elder; University Presbyterian Church Treasurer
Otis H. King
African American; African American Authors; African American Educators; African American Funeral Programs; African American Lawyers; African American Veterans; African Americans; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity; American Arbitration Association Panel Of Arbitrators; American Bar Association; Arbitrator; Army; Authors; Bruce Elementary School; City Attorney; Community Activist; Crescent Foundation Project Happy Director; Dean Of Texas Southern University School Of Law; Educators; Federal Mediation And Conciliation Service; Harvard University School Of Law; Harvard University School Of Law Clinical Legal Education Ford Foundation Fellow; Industrial Relations Research Association Board Of Directors; King, Otis H., 1935 2012; Labor Arbitrator; Lawyers; Medic; Military Service; Naacp; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Bar Association; National Labor Relations Board Field Attorney; Oil And Gas: An Introduction To Private Relationships In 1989; Phillis Wheatley High School; Phillis Wheatley High School Hall Of Fame; Professor Emeritus; Progressive Youth Association Co Founder; Salutatorian; Texas Bar Association; Texas Southern University; Texas Southern University Debate Team; Texas Southern University President Executive Assistant; Texas State Bar; The Man Who Had No Rhythm: A George Kennard Story; United States; Veterans; Veterans Administration Regional Office Adjudicator; Washington, King & King, Attorneys At Law
William G. Anderson (b. 1927)
Hatfield, Edward A
African American Business Enterprises; African American Civic Leaders; African American Civil Rights Workers; African American Disc Jockeys; African American Educators; African American Physicians; African American Political Activists; African American Professional Employees; African American Sailors; African American Surgeons; African American Teachers; African Americans; Alabama; Albany; Albany (Ga.); Albany Movement (Albany, Ga.); American Osteopathic Association; Art Centre Hospital (Detroit, Mich.); Atlanta; Atlanta College Of Mortuary Science; Bus Terminals; Campaigns; Civic Leaders; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Demonstrations; Civil Rights Movements; Civil Rights Workers; College Of Osteopathic Medicine Of The Pacific; Criterion Club (Albany, Ga.); Detroit; Direct Action; Disc Jockeys; Discrimination; Discrimination In Public Accommodations; Discrimination In Restaurants; Drugstores; Educators; Flint Osteopathic Hospital (Mich.); Fort Valley State College (Ga.); Georgia; Georgia Atlanta; Government; Harlem Cut Rate Drugs (Albany, Ga.); High School Teachers; History; Kirksville College Of Osteopathic Medicine; Medical Care; Medical Offices; Michigan; Michigan State University. College Of Osteopathic Medicine; Montgomery; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; Nonviolence; Osteopathic Physicians; Philippines; Physicians; Political Activists; Political Participation; Politics And Government; Professional Employees; Protest Marches; Race Discrimination; Race Relations; Sailors; Segregation In Education; Segregation In Transportation; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Still College Of Osteopathy; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Suffrage; Surgeons; Undertakers And Undertaking; United States; United States. Navy; United States. Navy. Hospital Corps; Urban League Of Albany (Ga.); Voter Registration; Voting; World War, 1939 1945
Stevens-Cogdell and Sanders-Venning family portrait collection
Adams, Lillie Capps, D. 1939; African American Educators; African American Journalists; African American Musicians; African American Women Musicians; African American Women Teachers; African Americans; Albumen Prints; Ambrotypes; Anderson, Marian, 1897 1993; Bolivar, William C; Bowie, Charles; Bowie, Martha Venning, B. 1898; Capps Family; Capps, Adolphus; Capps, Augustus, D. 1935; Capps, Berkley, D. 1913; Capps, Meta, D. 1920; Capps, Oscar, D. 1914; Charcoal Drawings; Chew Family; Citizens Republican Club; Cogdell, Cecilia; Cogdell, George Burgess; Cogdell, James Walpole; Cogdell, John Walpole; Cogdill Family; Contractors; Cyanotypes; Gelatin Silver Prints; Government; Government Employees; Group Portraits; Holden, Sallie Venning, 1872 1959; Mendelssohn Singing Society; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Photograph Albums; Photomechanical Reproductions; Portrait Drawings; Portrait Photographs; Portraits; Postal Service Workers; Recreation; Sanders Family; Seth, Joseph, Ca. 1860; Sid Stratton's Orchestra; Silhouettes; Societies, Etc; Stevens Family; Tintypes; Treble Clef Mandolin And Guitar Club; Undertakers And Undertaking; Venning Family; Venning, Edward Y., 1835 1884; Venning, George Edward, 1874 1965; Venning, Julia Capps, 1873 1952; Venning, Julia E., 1837 1910; Venning, Louise Sanders, 1879 1923; Venning, Martha Sanders, 1877 1885; Venning, Mary, 1899 1998; Venning, Miranda Cogdell, 1862 1900; Venning, Oliver Casey, 1868 1943; Women
Nellye Joyce Lewis Punch
Linda K. Brown Advantage Communications Groups Algenita Scott Davis Jewell Maddox Graphics
African American Counselors; African American Educators; African American Funeral Programs; African Americans; Bruce Elementary School; Career And Recovery Resources Board Member; Counselors; E. O. Smith Middle School; E. O. Smith Middle School Science Department Chair; E. O. Smith Middle School Y Teens Chapter; Educators; Friends Of The Library Of Tsu; Houston Area Urban League Education Committee Board Member; Houston Classroom Teachers Association President; Houston Independent School District (Tex.); Houston Independent School District Research & Group Testing Consultant; Houston Post 'women On The Move'; Houston Teachers Association Executive Committee; Jack And Jill Of America; Jensen Neighborhood Council Board Member; Kay Elementary School; League Of Women Voters Vice President; Lyons Avenue Health Clinic Advisory Board; March Of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Board Member; Mayor's Citizens Assistance Program Board Member; National Coalition Of 100 Black Women National Board Member; National Education Association Lifetime Member; National Science Teachers; Nebraska State University; Northeast Area Houston Teachers Association Area Director; Phillis Wheatley Alumni Association President; Phillis Wheatley High School; Phoenix Outreach Youth Center Board Member; Pine Crest Presbyterian Church Adult Sunday School Teacher; Pine Crest Presbyterian Church By Laws Committee; Pine Crest Presbyterian Church Elder; Pine Crest Presbyterian Church Trustee; Prairie View A & M University; Precinct Number 201 Precinct Judge; Presbyterian Children's Home And Service Agency Board Member; Presbyterian Church Of The United States Brazos Presbytery Moderator; Punch, Nellye Joyce Lewis, 1921 2017; Savvy Award; Target Hunger Emeritus Board Member; Target Hunger Founding Board Member; Texas Southern University; Texas State Teachers Association; Tsu Cancer Education Project Board Member; United States; Utah State University; Visiting Nurses Association Board Member; Women; Ymca; Ywca Blue Triangle Branch Board Member
Thomas F. Freeman
Texas Southern University
African American Educators; African American Funeral Programs; African American Orators; African American Teachers; African Americans; American Performance Theatre Award; Andover Newton Theological School; Bishop King Theological Seminary Doctor Of Divinity; Choice Of The Pew; Clergy; Deans (Education); Debate Team Coach; Eastern Massachusetts University Doctor Of Humane Letters; Educator Of The Year Award; Educators; Fourah Bay College; Freeman, Thomas Franklin, 1919 2020; History Makers Awards Living Legend; Houston Community College Adjunct Professor Of Speech; Houston Community College System Trail Blazer Award; Houston Trail Blazer For The Negro Heritage Foundation; Houston Urban League, Margaret Ross Barnett Leadership Award; Lecturers; Martin Luther King Drum Major Award; Monumental Baptist Church Associate Minister; Morehouse College (Atlanta, Ga.); Mount Horem Baptist Church Minister; Mount Horem Baptist Church Orator; National Speech And Debate Association Lifetime Achievement Award; Orators; Phoenix Award; Pleasant Street Baptist Church Minister; Professors; Rice University Religion Department Lecturer; St. Paul's College Staley Christian Scholar Lecturer; Teachers; Texas Southern University; Texas Southern University College Of Arts And Sciences Assistant Dean; Texas Southern University College Of Arts And Sciences Assistant To The Dean; Texas Southern University College Of Arts And Sciences Dean; Texas Southern University Debate Team Coach; Texas Southern University Faculty Emeritus; Texas Southern University Model Cities Training Center Director; Texas Southern University Potential Unlimited Hud Youth Involvement Project Director; Texas Southern University Professor; Texas Southern University's International Recognition Award; Texas Southern University's Weekend College Director; Universities; University Of Chicago. Divinity School; University Of Ghana; University Of Lagos; University Of Liberia; University Of Vienna In Austria; Virginia Union University (Richardmond, Va.); Virginia Union University Practical Theology Professor
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