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Seay-Hubbard United Methodist Church, 2001 December
Historic Nashville, Inc
African American Churches; African Americans; Arches; Architectural Elements; Architecture; Architecture, Gothic; Brick Churches; Buildings; Buildings, Structures, Etc; Church Architecture; Church Buildings; Churches; Colleges And Universities; Details; Education; First Avenue (Nashville, Tenn.); Historic Buildings; History; Meharry Medical College; Methodist Church Buildings; Nashville; Nashville (Tenn.); Popular Culture; Religion; Religious Facilities; Religious Life And Customs; Seay Hubbard United Methodist Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Sources; Tennessee; Universities; Universities And Colleges
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, 2001 July
Historic Nashville, Inc
African American Churches; African Americans; Arches; Architecture; Bell Towers; Brick Churches; Buildings; Buildings, Structures, Etc; Catholic Church; Catholic Church Buildings; Catholic Churches; Catholic Schools; Church Architecture; Church Buildings; Churches; Education; Educational Facilities; Gables; Heiman Street (Nashville, Tenn.); Historic Buildings; History; Nashville; Nashville (Tenn.); Popular Culture; Private Schools; Religion; Religious Facilities; Religious Life And Customs; School Facilities; Schools; Sources; St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church (Nashville, Tenn.); St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church And School (Nashville, Tenn.); Tennessee
The House of God, 2001 July 14
Historic Nashville, Inc
African American Churches; African Americans; Architectural Elements; Architecture; Brick Churches; Buildings; Buildings, Structures, Etc; Church Architecture; Church Buildings; Churches; Colleges And Universities; Details; Education; Educational Facilities; Heiman Street (Nashville, Tenn.); Historic Buildings; History; House Of God Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Intellectual Life; Nashville; Nashville (Tenn.); Pentecostal Churches; Popular Culture; Private Schools; Religion; Religious Facilities; Religious Life And Customs; School Facilities; Sources; Tennessee; Towers; Universities; Universities And Colleges
Wells Chapel Baptist Church records (Sampson County, N.C.) Records
African American Baptists; African Americans; Baptists; Bulltail Baptist Church (Sampson County, N.C.); Cape Fear Baptist Association (N.C.); Church History; Church Records And Registers; Concord Meeting House (Duplin County, N.C.); Eastern Baptist Association; Goshen Baptist Association (N.C.); History; Kehukee Baptist Association; Lebanon Baptist Church (Sampson County, N.C.); Moores Creek Meeting House (Pender County, N.C.); Neuse Baptist Association; North Carolina; Sampson County; Sampson County (N.C.); Sources; Union Baptist Association (N.C.); Wallace; Wells Chapel Baptist Church (Sampson County, N.C.)
Wilma Rudolph and parents in a parade in Clarksville, Tennessee, after the Rome Olympics, 1960 October 04
Activists; African American Women Athletes; African Americans; American; Civil Rights; Clarksville; Clarksville (Tenn.); History; Nashville (Tenn.); Olympic Games (17 Th : 1960 : Rome, Italy); Parades; Parades And Festivals; Popular Culture; Race Relations; Roses; Rudolph, Blanche, 1909 1994; Rudolph, Ed, D. 1961; Rudolph, Wilma, 1940; Segregation; Social Change; Sources; Southern States; Sports & Recreation; Tennessee; Tennessee Agricultural And Industrial State University; Track And Field Athletes; United States; Women; Women Track And Field Athletes
Indiana history bulletin, volume 26, number 11, November 1949
Indiana Historical Bureau
American Literature; Archaeology; Art, American; Biography; Bulletin (Indiana Historical Society); Charities; Civil War; Civil War, 1861 1865; Clark, George Rogers, 1752 1818; Corydon (Ind.); Demography; Economic Development; Education; French; Government; History; Human Services; Indiana; Indiana Historical Bureau; Indiana Historical Society; Indiana Territory; Indiana. Constitution (1816); Indiana. Constitution (1851); Indianapolis (Ind.); Mexican War, 1846 1848; Native Americans; New Harmony (Ind.); Politics And Government; Public Welfare; Religious Life And Customs; Slaver; Slavery; Social Life And Customs; Sources; Statehood (American Politics); To 1787; Transportation; United States; War Of 1812; World War, 1914 1918; World War, 1939 1945
Montgazette, Vol. 12, No. 11, 1977-11-18
Montgazette staff
Byrds (Musical Group); Choral Music; Clark, Gene, 1944; College Athletics (Field Hockey); Faculty Survey; Fencing; Founder's Day; Government; Her Majesty's Guard; Indigestion; Intramural Sports; Lynard Skynard (Musical Group); Mc Guinn, Roger; Mental Retardation; Montgomery County Community College; Montgomery County Community College Choir; Moscow Circus; Nc Grade; New Riders Of The Purple Sage; Pennsylvania Ballet; Preservation Hall Jazz Band (Music Group); Public Opinion; Renewable Energy Sources; Rundgren, Todd; Solar Energy; Student Government (Montgomery County Community College); Thanksgiving; Traffic Accidents; Utopia (Musical Group); Van Zant, Ronnie
Photomontage of a house, a child with her dolls, an Olympic diver, portraits of Tennessee children, and four ads. Nashville Banner, 1932 May 8
Dickerson Banner Staff Violet Studio Thuss, W. G Seat International Newsreel
Armstrong, George Wesley; Bachman, Abram; Bachman, Shirley; Bennett, E. Lee; Bozeman, Mary Maxine; Chadwell, John Edward; Children; Crowe Jr; Curtis, Allen Haywood; Davidson, Elbert Lewis; Diving; Dolls; Gilchrist; Hartman, Claude Edward; History; Houses; Infants; Kennedy, Evelyn; Lannom, Mildred Joyce; Lenihan, Virginia; Lewis, James; Lyon, Sue; Lyons, David; Mc Connell, Virginia Mai; Nashville (Tenn.); Nashville And Davidson County (Tenn.); Nashville Banner; Nation, Billie Hugh; Paschall, Alice June; Paschall, Juanita; Paschall, Virginia; Saylors, Samuel Ralph; Social Life And Customs; Sources; Tucker, George Douglas; Williams, Emmett Louis; Williams, Martha Ruth; Young, Jean Beverly
University of North Florida Journal: Desmond Tutu, In his own Words. Spring, 2003
Office of Institutional Advancement University of North Florida Office of University Relations University of North Florida
Alumni And Alumnae; Anglican Church Of Southern Africa; Anti Apartheid Activists; Archbishop Of Cape Town; Archive; Archives; Bishops; Civil Rights; Civil Rights And Discrimination; Civil Rights Workers; Discrimination; Family, Life Course, And Society; Government; History; Inequality And Stratification; International Humanitarian Law; International Relations; Nobel Prize Winners; Office Of Institutional Advancement University Of North Florida; Office Of University Relations University Of North Florida; Other Political Science; Peace And Conflict Studies; Periodicals; Politics And Government; Politics And Social Change; Race And Ethnicity; Race Relations; Social Reformers; Sociology Of Culture; Sociology Of Religion; Sources; South Africa; Tutu, Desmond; Universities; University Of North Florida
Atlas of the city of Nashville 1908. [Plate 11A]
African American Churches; African Americans; American Missionary Association; Architecture; Buildings; Buildings, Structures, Etc; Capital City; Church Buildings; Church Of Christ (Nashville, Tenn.); Churches; Colleges And Universities; Education; Educational Facilities; Enterprise; Fisk University; History; Industries; Knowles School (Nashville, Tenn.); Lost Architecture; Louisville And Nashville Railroad Company; Maps; Nashville; Nashville (Tenn.); Nashville And Davidson County (Tenn.); Nashville Carbon And Oil Company (Tenn.); Nashville Humane Society (Tenn.); Nashville, Chattanooga, And St. Louis Railway; Neighborhood; Neighborhoods; Phillips And Buttorff Manufacturing Company; Phoenix Cotton Mills (Nashville, Tenn.); Private Schools; Railroads; Real Property; School Facilities; Sources; Streets; Tennessee; Transportation; Universities
Atlas of the city of Nashville 1908. [Plate 16A]
African American Churches; African American Schools; African Americans; Architecture; Braden Chapel (Nashville, Tenn.); Buildings; Buildings, Structures, Etc; Business; Business Enterprises; Capital City; Church Buildings; Churches; Edgefield Baptist Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Edgefield Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Education; Educational Facilities; Enterprise; History; Industries; Industry; Lost Architecture; Maps; Meigs High School (Nashville, Tenn.); Nashville; Nashville (Tenn.); Nashville And Davidson County (Tenn.); Neighborhood; Neighborhoods; Parsonages; Public Schools; Real Property; Russell Street Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Nashville, Tenn.); School Facilities; Schools; Sources; Streets; Tennessee; Warner Elementary School (Nashville, Tenn.); Woodland Street Presbyterian Church (Nashville, Tenn.)
Atlas of the city of Nashville 1908. [Plate 30A]
African American Schools; African Americans; Architecture; Ashcraft School (Nashville, Tenn.); Buildings; Buildings, Structures, Etc; Business; Business Enterprises; Capital City; Church Buildings; Churches; Education; Educational Facilities; Enterprise; Gulf Refining Company (Nashville, Tenn.); Harley Pottery Company (Nashville, Tenn.); History; Illinois Central Railroad Company; Independence Snuff Company (Nashville, Tenn.); Industries; Industry; John W. Thomas School (Nashville, Tenn.); Lost Architecture; Maps; Nashville; Nashville (Tenn.); Nashville And Davidson County (Tenn.); Nashville, Chattanooga And St. Louis Railway; Neighborhood; Neighborhoods; New Shops Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Newsom Crushed Stone Company (Nashville, Tenn.); Railroads; Real Property; School Facilities; Schools; Sources; Streets; Tennessee; Transportation
Atlas of the city of Nashville 1908. [Plate 08B]
African American Churches; African Americans; Architecture; Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Buildings; Buildings, Structures, Etc; Capital City; Centennial Baptist Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Church Buildings; Churches; Cottage Presbyterian Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Downtown Nashville; Education; Educational Facilities; Enterprise; Fall School (Nashville, Tenn.); Fire Stations; Fort Negley (Tenn.); History; Industries; Lost Architecture; Louisville And Nashville Railroad Company; Maps; Military History; Nashville; Nashville (Tenn.); Nashville (Tenn.). Fire Department. Engine Company 8; Nashville And Davidson County (Tenn.); Nashville Bible School; Neighborhood; Neighborhoods; Railroads; Real Property; School Facilities; Second Baptist Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Sources; Streets; Tennessee; Transportation
Atlas of the city of Nashville 1908. [Plate 22B]
African American Schools; African Americans; Architecture; Brown's Creek (Nashville, Tenn.); Buildings; Buildings, Structures, Etc; Business; Business Enterprises; Capital City; Church Buildings; Churches; Colleges And Universities; Education; Educational Facilities; Enterprise; History; Hospital Of The Good Shepherd (Nashville, Tenn.); Hospitals; Illinois Central Railroad Company; Industries; Industry; Lost Architecture; Maps; Medical Colleges; Medical Education; Meharry Medical College; Nashville; Nashville (Tenn.); Nashville And Davidson County (Tenn.); Nashville Railway And Light Company; Neighborhood; Neighborhoods; Railroads; Real Property; School Facilities; Schools; Sources; Streets; Tennessee; Transportation; Trimble Bottom School (Nashville, Tenn.); Universities; Universities And Colleges
Atlas of the city of Nashville 1908. [Plate 06B]
African American Churches; African Americans; Architecture; Buildings; Buildings, Structures, Etc; Business Enterprises; Capital City; Christ Church Episcopal (Nashville, Tenn.); Church Buildings; Churches; Colleges And Universities; Crystal Laundry (Nashville, Tenn.); Downtown Nashville; Education; Educational Facilities; First Baptist Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Gilchrist's Hotel (Nashville, Tenn.); History; Lost Architecture; Louisville And Nashville Railroad Company; Maps; Nashville; Nashville (Tenn.); Nashville And Davidson County (Tenn.); Nashville Female Academy (Tenn.); Nashville Ice Factory (Nashville, Tenn.); Neighborhood; Neighborhoods; Private Schools; Railroads; Real Property; School Facilities; Sources; Spruce Street Baptist Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Streets; Tennessean (Nashville, Tenn. : 1972); Tennessee; Transportation; Universities; Vanderbilt University; Ward Seminary (Nashville, Tenn.); Women; Women's Hospital (Nashville, Tenn.)
Atlas of the city of Nashville 1908. [Plate 21B]
African American Churches; African Americans; Architecture; Brown's Creek (Tenn.); Buildings; Buildings, Structures, Etc; Business; Business Enterprises; Capital City; Church Buildings; Churches; Cumberland River (Ky. And Tenn.); Education; Educational Facilities; Elementary Schools; Enterprise; Fairfield Baptist Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Fulcher Brick Company (Nashville, Tenn.); Green Street Christian Church (Nashville, Tenn.); History; Illinois Central Railroad Company; Industries; Industry; Lesueur Brick Company (Nashville, Tenn.); Lipscomb School (Nashville, Tenn.); Lost Architecture; Maps; Mile Pond (Nashville, Tenn.); Mt. Airy Baptist Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Nashville; Nashville (Tenn.); Nashville And Davidson County (Tenn.); Navigation; Neighborhood; Neighborhoods; Railroads; Real Property; School Facilities; Schools; Sources; Streets; Tennessee; Transportation
Atlas of the city of Nashville 1908. [Plate 33B]
African American Churches; African Americans; Architecture; Buildings; Buildings, Structures, Etc; Business; Business Enterprises; Capital City; Church Buildings; Churches; Clifton Park (Nashville, Tenn.); Education; Educational Facilities; Enterprise; High Schools; History; Howe Memorial Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Industries; Industry; Lost Architecture; Maps; Nashville; Nashville (Tenn.); Nashville (Tenn.). Fire Department. Chemical No. 2; Nashville And Davidson County (Tenn.); Nashville, Chattanooga, And St. Louis Railway; Neighborhood; Neighborhoods; Parks; Railroads; Real Property; Richland Park Methodist Episcopal Church (Nashville, Tenn.); School Facilities; Schools; Sources; Sports & Recreation; Streets; Tennessee; Transportation; United States; United States Post Office (Nashville, Tenn.); United States Postal Service; West Nashville Church (Nashville, Tenn.); West Nashville High School (Nashville, Tenn.); West Station Post Office (Nashville, Tenn.)
Clark Memorial Methodist Church, 2001 October
Historic Nashville, Inc
African American Churches; African Americans; Architecture; Bell Towers; Buildings; Buildings, Structures, Etc; Central Tennessee College (Nashville, Tenn.); Church And Education; Church Architecture; Church Buildings; Churches; Clark Chapel (Nashville, Tenn.); Clark Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Clark Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Clark Memorial United Methodist Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Colleges And Universities; Education; Fourteenth Avenue (Nashville, Tenn.); Historic Buildings; History; Methodist Church Buildings; Methodist Churches; Nashville; Nashville (Tenn.); Phillips Street (Nashville, Tenn.); Popular Culture; Protestant Church Buildings; Protestant Churches; Religion; Religious Facilities; Religious Life And Customs; Sources; Tennessee; Universities; Universities And Colleges; Walden University (Nashville, Tenn.)
Oral history interview with Annie Woodfolk Carter, 1980 July 28
African Americans; Architecture; Buildings; Buildings, Structures, Etc; Capital City; Carter, Annie Woodfolk, 1896 1986; Church Attendance; Church Membership; Civil Rights; Cleveland (Ohio); East Nashville (Nashville, Tenn.); Economic Conditions; Employment; Entertainment; Ethnic Neighborhoods; Fire Departments; Historic Buildings; History; Housing; Immigrants; Interviews; Irish Americans; Lutheran Churches; Military History; Nashville; Nashville (Tenn.); Nashville (Tenn.). Fire Department; Popular Culture; Race Relations; Religion; Religious Life And Customs; Segregation; Segregation In Transportation; Social Conditions; Social Life And Customs; Sources; Street Railroads; Tennessee; Transportation; Transportation Buildings; Union Station (Nashville, Tenn.); World War I; World War, 1914 1918
Atlas of the city of Nashville 1908. [Plate 21A]
African American Churches; African Americans; Architecture; Banks; Banks And Banking; Buildings; Buildings, Structures, Etc; Business; Business Enterprises; Capital City; Carroll Street Methodist Episcopal Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Church Buildings; Churches; Cumberland River (Ky. And Tenn.); Education; Educational Facilities; Elementary Schools; Enterprise; First National Bank (Nashville, Tenn.); History; Illinois Central Railroad Company; Industries; Industry; Lost Architecture; Maps; Napier Elementary (Nashville, Tenn.); Nashville; Nashville (Tenn.); Nashville (Tenn.). Fire Department. Engine Company 12; Nashville And Davidson County (Tenn.); Nashville City Hospital (Tenn.); Navigation; Neighborhood; Neighborhoods; Railroads; Real Property; School Facilities; Schools; Sources; St. Luke's Primitive Baptist Church (Nashville, Tenn.); Streets; Tennessee; Tennessee Hydrated Lime Company (Nashville, Tenn.); Tennessee School For The Blind; Transportation; University Street Primitive Baptist Church (Nashville, Tenn.)
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