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Set of negatives by Clinton Wright of Leola Armstrong at Bob Bailey's TV show, 1968
Wright, Clinton
Negro youth interview subject 16
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 01
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 19
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 02
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 23
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 20
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 09
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 13
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 11
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 05
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 21
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 12
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 17
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 04
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 15
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 06
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 08
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 18
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 07
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 14
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 10
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Negro youth interview subject 03
Atwood, Jesse Howell American Youth Commission
Interviews; Youth
Biography of John Dowdy (Negro)
Dreyer, Harry M
Dowdy, John; Interview
Interview of Honorable Marion B. Folsom, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, by Senator Kenneth B. Keating, Sunday, June 24, 1956
Interviews; Politicians; United States
Interviews with African Americans in Utah, Collection Index
Oral History Institute
African Americans; Interviews; Utah
Interview with James L. Farmer, National Director of the Congress of Racial Equality, by Senator Kenneth B. Keating, Sunday, July 14, 1963
Interviews; Politicians; United States
Interview with Roy Wilkins, Executive Secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, by Senator Kenneth B. Keating, Sunday, June 2, 1963
Interviews; Politicians; United States
Newspaper clipping, photograph of Roosevelt Toston and Jim Levy interviewing Dr. Teller (left), 1970s
Interviews; Men; Television Journalists
Cassius Clay giving press conference after he KO'd Archie Moore, 1962
Boxing; Interviews; People; Sports
Imam Saadiq Saafir talk "From Black Muslim to Muslim"
African American Museum & Library at Oakland (Oakland, Calif.) Saafir, Imam Saadiq
Black Muslims; Interviews
Interview of Honorable Marion B. Folsom, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, by Senator Kenneth B. Keating, Sunday, June 24, 1956
Interviews; Politicians; United States
Interview with Carla Espinoza
Espinoza, Carla
Espinoza, Carla; Interviews
Interview with James L. Farmer, National Director of the Congress of Racial Equality, by Senator Kenneth B. Keating, Sunday, July 14, 1963
Interviews; Politicians; United States
Interview with Katherine Dunham
unidentified Dunham, Katherine
Dunham, Katherine; Interviews
Interview with Roy Wilkins, Executive Secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, by Senator Kenneth B. Keating, Sunday, June 2, 1963
Interviews; Politicians; United States
Oral history interview with A. Leroy (Arthur Leroy) Idlett, 1977 December 15
Alumni; Interviews; Morehouse College
Oral history interview with A. Leroy (Arthur Leroy) Idlett, 1977 December 15
Alumni; Interviews; Morehouse College
Oral history interview with Brailsford R. Brazeal, 1979 June 19
Brazeal, Brailsford R
Faculty; Interviews; Morehouse College
Bisade Ologunde
Ologunde, Bisade
Interviews; Music; Musicians; Ologunde, Bisade
George Cason interview
Atwood, Jesse Howell
Cason, George; Interviews; Race Relations
Christopher Merrill interview, The University of Iowa, August 19, 2005
Merrill, Christopher
Authors; Interviews; Literature; Merrill, Christopher
Interview with Joseph L. Knutson, Regional Oral History Project, Moorhead, Minnesota
Knutson, Joseph L
Concordia College; Interviews; Oral History
Photograph of Roosevelt Toston interviewing singer Perry Como, circa 1970
Entertainers; Interviews; Men; Television Journalists
Adams, Albert
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Adams, Willie G.
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Alford, Ruth
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Alvini, Maria
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Antonelli, Peter
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Archangelo, Francesco (Frank)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Ashbridge, Donald M. (Colonel)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Aydelotte, Dick (see Smith, Harvey)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Babiarz, Mary
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Baily, Harriet Thorpe
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Bakomenko, Anna
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Bausman, Ruth Clendaniel (see Forwood, Pauline (Polly) Smith)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Baxter, Howard (Reverend) (see Foster, Gerald)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Baylis, Helen
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Bell, Gordon
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Bernardo, Anthony
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Bernardo, Rose (see Bernardo, Anthony and Mercante, Nellie Bernardo)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Berndt, Bayard Taylor
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Bertomeu, Mary
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Bertomeu, Vincent
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Bishop, Elizabeth
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Bissell, Alfred E.
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Blatman, Lena (Mrs. Joseph Blatman)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Bockman, Harold
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Boerstler, Beate (see Boerstler, Hermann)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Boerstler, Hermann (see Boerstler, Beate)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Boggs, J. Caleb
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Boines, George
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Bonvetti, Amerigo
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Bonvetti, Angelo
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Bosik, Anastasia
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Boylan, Brandt (E. B.)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Brinckle, Gertrude
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Brinton, Marguerite (Mrs. George E. Brinton)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Bronfin, Florence (see Bronfin, Jacob)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Bronfin, Jacob (see Bronfin, Florence)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Brooks, Bertha (see Brooke, Earl)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Brooks, Bertha Whiteside
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Brooks, Earl (see Brooks, Bertha)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Burris, Anna (Mrs. Clarence Burris, Sr.)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Burris, Clarence, Jr.
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Burton, A. Wayne
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Butler, Annette Stoddart (see Butler, George Marker)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Butler, George Marker (see Butler, Annette Stoddart)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Cable, George
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Cann, Mary A. Hance (Mrs. William Cann)
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Carter, Dick
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Carter, Mae
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Carvel, Elbert N.
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Cavanaugh, Mr.
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Cavanna, Carlo
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Chaiken, Robert
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Chavin, Max
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Ciconte, Antonio
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Citro, Angelo
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
Clift, Evelyn Holst
Richards, Robert H., Jr
African Americans; Art, American; Artists; Button, Rebecca, Interviewer; Dean, Nora Thompson; Delaware; Depressions; Educators; Fierro, Francis J., Interviewer; History; Immigrants; Interviews; Journalism; Lazarus, Myron, Interviewer; Munroe, John A. (John Andrew), 1914 2006; Oral Histories (Document Genres); Oral History; Politics, Practical; Richards, Robert H., Jr; Schoenherr, Steven, Interviewer; Sound Recordings; Transcripts; Turochy, Angela, Interviewer; Turochy, Francis , Interviewer; Universities; University Of Delaware; University Of Delaware. Dept. Of History; University Of Delaware. Foreign Study Section; Vapaa, George K., Interviewer
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