Blacks Legal Status, Laws, Etc
@ Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division. The New York Public Library
Aerialists; African Americans; Benefit Performances; Black Statue; Broadsides; Bunn, Alfred, 1796? 1860; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; My Neighbor's Wife; Pennsylvania; Pepper Pot Jeemes; Philadelphia; Playbills; White, Charles, 1821 1891; Williams, Andy
@ The Library Company of Philadelphia
African Americans; Benefit Performances; Black Statue; Broadsides; Caricatures And Cartoons; Dunsford, William D; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; United States; United States Army Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 196th (1864) Company F; White, Charles, 1821 1891
@ The Library Company of Philadelphia